Angola Roja probably


420 Member
Hi guys, Ed here.

Today I’m going to show you my 10 week-old plant I decided to grow. I took the seed from a strain locally called liamba, and as some of you might know, cannabis is illegal in Angola(and if there’s someone living here reading this, in no way do I encourage growing an illegal plant, or if you choose to do so, do it at your own risk), so there are few to none resources to properly ID a strain. After having done some reading, I came to a vague conclusion that liamba might probably be the very sought after Angola Roja/Red strain, which is ultra-rare elsewhere in the world. Maybe by looking at these pictures, you guys will be able to help me identify and confirm that this is, in fact, this strain.

A bonus for me is that my plant grew three branches per nod, which after doing some more reading, I learned it’s called phyllotaxy. It’s super cool to have a little illegal mutant growing in my backyard!

So any help in ID’ing these would be greatly appreciated, and I’m ready to answer to any question that might arise from curious smokers. Cheers!





Hi guys, Ed here.

Today I’m going to show you my 10 week-old plant I decided to grow. I took the seed from a strain locally called liamba, and as some of you might know, cannabis is illegal in Angola(and if there’s someone living here reading this, in no way do I encourage growing an illegal plant, or if you choose to do so, do it at your own risk), so there are few to none resources to properly ID a strain. After having done some reading, I came to a vague conclusion that liamba might probably be the very sought after Angola Roja/Red strain, which is ultra-rare elsewhere in the world. Maybe by looking at these pictures, you guys will be able to help me identify and confirm that this is, in fact, this strain.

A bonus for me is that my plant grew three branches per nod, which after doing some more reading, I learned it’s called phyllotaxy. It’s super cool to have a little illegal mutant growing in my backyard!

So any help in ID’ing these would be greatly appreciated, and I’m ready to answer to any question that might arise from curious smokers. Cheers!





Good day @NicEd Hope you are well.
Great looking lady.
Unfortunately it's virtually impossible to I'd a strain visualy.
But like Tok said looks like a sativa.
If you get a chance start a journal so we can see her grow and help out if need be.

Stay safe
Thank you all.

I will keep posting pictures as the plant grows and flowers. I think flowering will begin soon, though calculating it is hard with a sunlight-only growth.

I mostly do HST, the plant is topped, but lately I also tried LST’ing by tying the branches like shoelaces and twisting them around the plant itself, or else the plant would have been at least 1,5m tall by now(that’s like 5ft).

Thanks again!
Awesome plant Ed but as aforementioned, hard to pinpoint what you got there! Tons of information here, you can find anything you want-just probably not the ID on that lovely lady!
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