And So It Begins




First little bit of nutes tomorrow and I'll be getting their net pots ready tomorrow. :D
I've always just followed the flora feeding schedule and adjusted if need be.
Any suggestions are welcome!
Happy growing!!


I asked the hubby to take the scrogs off while they are small, but he gave me a death stare lol
He has had to stop smoking due to wanting to change jobs lol
They are about 3in tall right now. :D
Happy Friday!
Probably should have removed the Peat Cups. They take forever to break down in soil. Not sure about Hydro though.
Probably should have removed the Peat Cups. They take forever to break down in soil. Not sure about Hydro though.

Yeah, I left my last ones in them and they did fine. They do take a little longer though. I did see a tiny piece of root coming down out of the net pot this morning, so hopefully by next week, I will be filling the buckets.
I should start them directly in the netpots, but I was having a hard time a couple of grows ago, so someone suggested this method. It has helped me to keep em alive during the seedling stage. I often tend to over care for my ladies lol and kill em. Haha.
Yeah, I left my last ones in them and they did fine. They do take a little longer though. I did see a tiny piece of root coming down out of the net pot this morning, so hopefully by next week, I will be filling the buckets.
I should start them directly in the netpots, but I was having a hard time a couple of grows ago, so someone suggested this method. It has helped me to keep em alive during the seedling stage. I often tend to over care for my ladies lol and kill em. Haha.
Real hard to leave them alone... huh ? Always want to do something to them to make them bigger & better ? Me too.
Unfortunately, the more I mess with mine, the more it slows them down. I'm working on just looking & not touching so much.... but it's not easy.

Lovingggg my girls. My little blurple isn't doing too bad lol. Might up their nutes this weekend.
Andddddd I wanna put my Granddaddy purp down! Still can't decide if I should do one massive scrog since it's a photo or just veg less time and do a smaller scrog (but still bigger than the auto's scrog)....cause that's not confusing lol

Welcome to the world, Grandaddy Purp!! I put her in her pellet this afternoon. She will go in my other tent, under my marshydro and one bigger scrog. She will have an airpump all to herself as well. I CAN'T WAITTTTTTTT!!!
:woohoo::woohoo::party: congratulations!
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