Amy Gardner Of Eden v1.1: Outdoor 420 Featuring Star Pupil x WeaponX, PCK, Lilly & Purple Satellite

:hug: :love: :hug: :circle-of-love::hug::love::hug:

:circle-of-love:Amy safe :circle-of-love:

It would be nice for her to return to a thread full of hearts :)
:yahoo: I was dropping a thread of hearts when i got back here and then saw this! :high-five:

Amy’s Ark! :surf:

This is a big wave to ride. Totally trying to pace ourselves and doing ok with that most of the time. A few wobbles but no wipe-outs so far. :ganjamon:

:passitleft: It’s Bubba, 80-90% of the time atm :thumb: It’s been perfect in the circumstances because it has that lovely bright and chatty ‘front’ but still with the effective physical and nervous relaxation, pain relief and easy sleep if you need it.

Next weekend is another potential for pre-emptive evacuation so this week is resting and tidying up, organising others with machines and tools to tidy up, our place. Lots got earth-moved to create containment during the recent fire attack and on nearly 2 sides around our small clearing, the understorey is completely burnt right up to the edge of it, only large tress remain. Tops of most trees in the burnt area are fire-dried. It will all regenerate and when all is said and done we’ll reshape the earthworks and watch what comes back in there. We’ve got time.

Incredibly, again, and after even closer fire and heat, thick thick smoke and 80kph winds ... I still have plants.


Most of them powered right up after the big TP drench (nearly a week ago now i think), except the Star Pupil x Weapon X which has moments of looking sparky but droops a lot. Very much like the Bubba does until you work out just how voracious its appetite is!

They’ve had rain and the recent fire didn’t drop ash here like the other one - the fire was closer so the ash dropped somewhere else!

Soon (tomorrow maybe) they will get a goood deep soaking and a Growth Ionic drench with a healthy kick of TP thrown in (and Tea of course). I’m gearing up to LeafWash them. Missed the opportunity this morning because i was just too smashed - first night back at home. I may do the less ideal thing and do it this evening - much easier and the nights are warm so it should be fine. They’ll really like it I’m sure. As usual I’ll mix it at about 70% Strength as I have problems with the smell of it (nausea trigger) which don’t occur at that strength ;) Just putting that out there in case someone else has the same or similar prob. It’s happened before LOL! I’ll never stop using it though, no matter what grow system I am using. (Well maybe not hydro - don’t think the reservoir would like all that fish oil very much. :) ) Plants love it.

Portrait wise they have all started to side shoot a little bit, some more than others. Still a week and maybe even 2 from proper onset of flower so, there’s time for a little action. Not electrically healthy, but alive and retaining some promise.

Purple Satellite


Lilly, lovely Lilly :love: ( I think dear Lilly will really enjoy the Growth drench that’s coming!)

Star Pupil x Weapon X (only temporality in the shade). Nice colour, photo is post leaf tucking, should be able to get it to power up soon enough :thumb:

Pakistan Chitral Kush has some excellent branching popping out.

So I feel pretty confident that if my Eden makes it through the summer, I may still very well have buds at the end of it.

I’m holding the line! :surf:

No energy to check for pests much and they’re obviously around, but they are keeping it all at bay so far - the LeafWash will help a great deal (and it’s a bit of a foliar feed as well).

We picked up a ‘slab’ (of beer) for our neighbour (2km down the road) who came in with his bobcat to cut containment lines, and did it really well too, DURING THE FIRE! The guy at the bottle shop (liquor store) asked me where we were that it had happened and when I told him they name of our road he was like “Oh wow! :eek: “. IKR!

On the other fronts of Eden, while there are definitley less right now, there are still birds, and frogs and wasps and mosqtuitoes and garden predators... vvv ... I think, will have to post it in the ID thread, for ID purposes obviously.

On the local Kangaroo front the one Momma and now not so young one we have here a lot came through once or twice but not for long. I sense that they are sensitive to the energetic disturbance and we have seen them hanging in areas furthest away from those zones. They’ll come back. Still water Dragons and lizards about. The less birds is disturbing - apparently they don’t handle smoke very well and from the neighbours video of the event :)eek:) the smoke was so thick you couldn’t see there was fire in it, but there was - that’s really obvious now from what burnt and where she filmed it from. So - they may be still out there, other areas got more rain than here (spotty storm cells). We might not really know for a little while, but it sure feels like a significant reduction in numbers right now. Before we left this last time, we’d had regularly a group of up to 7-10 Fantails on the bird baths for a few weeks, today I’m seeing one. Might not mean anything - but it makes me wonder.

Other-critter-wise, another fairly old wallaby has been around and coming out of the shadows more. It’s the first time I’ve managed to capture this particular one on film (in pixels, I suppose). This was just on my phone, and it scarpered back into the charred forrest shortly after. A screenshot from the phone movie so crappy quality (the DSLR camera is packed permanently in the car right now). so here’s Critter of the Week for sure - especially seeing as it is its first photographed appearance!


Phewf! How tired am I? Is that a rhetorical question? “Hmmm, rhetorical eh ... seven”! :laughtwo: Delerious, too :D

Amazing to have a home to be back in and amazing also to be looking ahead to another evacuation next weekend. Still plenty to burn around here, in this well-beyond-precedent “fire season”. More 40ºC weather coming then. There’ll be some more mitigation happening this week on our block I imagine - and on many, many others. #notoveryet

Thanks from the depths of my very being for the wishes and threads of hearts and prayers and validations about how fucking insane this all is. It bolsters myself and my lovely other no-end. Know that.

The midday winds are rolling a bit now, clearing the smoke and maybe I can take the mask off soon - it’s been thick this morning. They come with a little bristling of the senses too of course. But I am settled by the fact that it took some 60-70kph winds to wake the fire monster up out of the swamp and threaten here the other day. And inspections are happening all the time. We now have buffer zones we didn‘t have before, and I can see fairly well all around from here, on my little deck. :thumb:

Again it’s incredibly awesome to be able to do something vaguely normal, like update the journal, and I am supremely grateful to myself for being part of this stellar canna-community.

Really glad you're back with us and ok, Amy... :hug:
I hope next weekend's evacuation doesn't have to happen...
I haven't run coconut in the MB2 but yes, I would run them the same.
...go lilly!... ;) ...glad to see you continue to be Blessed with good you should be......cheerz...:Namaste:...h00k...:hookah:...


...I keep using the joint-sharing emoji, but it’s probably more for the sharing affect. Ive actually been using the little hammer water pipe nearly exclusively at home. Really enjoying it.

And even when I’m having joints during the evacuations, I’m among people who also believe in each having their own. It’s so nice being around other friends of cannabis during those times. We just make sure we sit around and toke on them together... :Namaste:
And even when I’m having joints during the evacuations, I’m among people who also believe in each having their own. It’s so nice being around other friends of cannabis during those times. We just make sure we sit around and toke on them together... :Namaste:
That’s great to hear Amy. I think during events like what you’re all dealing with, even a non smoker might be inclined to take a toke! I’m glad you’ve found such support during this ordeal. Surprisingly, you’re probably making quite a few new smoking buddies! Sending love for you and lovely!! :love: :hug: :love:
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