:popcorn:Count me in!
We have liftoff :slide:

Sour Bubba, a few hours behind those 2, is breaking soil almost exactly 36hrs after planting

Welcome my little ones! :welcome:

Northern Lights auto is pushing up a little hill, I’m sure. I fully expect to see something there in the morning.

It’s about nighty night for me now. I’m really enjoying this Granddaddy Purple that a friend left for me. Lovely sweet berry flavours and wonderfully relaxing with some decent pain relief.
Congrats to the new sprouts!
Born into a great home, with a wonderful mom!
It just don't get much better than that...
Everything's coming up weed sprouts and daffodils!
I think your in someone else's garden Shed
:laughtwo: funnily enough it is just daffodil season here and the bulbs are all up and som of them are giving flowers already - I love autumn flowers.

I’m dropping in today to share my newest ‘accessible’ innovation to the grow tent. I’ve had this simple structure sketched out in my mind for about 2 years and finally had the combination of time and help, and need.

Meet the tent saddle!

I used some fascia timber that got pulled off the house during rennos and won’t be needed anymore. It had a bit of ‘cupping’ which makes the joins not as flat as desirable but it works.

It got cut and sanded into 7 pieces as per my cut list :)



I was going to glue and screw it but the cupping would’ve made the glueup a bit of a nightmare so we just screwed it.

It was impossible to photograph the whole thing so you can use your imagination a bit...

It sits over the outside of the tent, like a saddle bag, and has a power board on each side at about waist height and the controller/environmental monitoring attached on one side for super easy access and viewing.
No more bending down mucking around with power! :slide: Plus - no mass of power stuff on the floor and that always makes me happier.





I might hang something decorative on the long exposed wooden piece, I do like the timber though. I do have a cannabis-leaf ornament that would seem an appropriate addition :love:

This small innovation has helped reduce the impact load on my body during setup etc. and will do so every time I need to adjust the light or check power-related things.


Happy Sunday morning from the future folks - :bongrip: :circle-of-love:
Update: 1 week from seed drop :popcorn:

A pretty eventful week! All sprouts were up within 3 days (after 12-18hr soak) with DDa the first, followed closely by Early Miss. Sour Bubba emerged about 8 hours later and Northern Lights about 8 hours after that.

I think I count the day of emergence as day 0 so from that perspective I’m calling EM and DDa on day 4 and SB and NL on day 3.

I think I might have nailed the moon-planting really well this time, I don’t think I’ve had such vigorous starters before. I don’t do the paper towel step so these pics are literally 7-8 days after they were dropped in water to soak.

Here is Early Miss

And Northern Lights, which has a bit of funkiness to grow out of :popcorn:

Even Sour Bubba is popping out its second node already.

The DDA is a real star starter though and looking pretty brixilicious already :love:

So things in the tent are pretty good. Temps got down to 64ºF :eek: the other night which os colder than I’m aiming for. I decided to leave the heat mat off seeing as they were all up and then we had coldest night ever - like a mid-winter cold. Fixed it again for last night and it only dipped as low 66º and not for very long.

I‘ve had a real break through with setting the Cloudline T4 extraction fan to manage the RH. It really confused me last year so I just set it on low speed manually and monitored it myself. This time I looked again at the instructions and it clicked.

I’d assumed that there would be a range you set that the machine would ‘manage’ but it’s less sophisticated than that so you have to manipulate it a bit.

It only has ‘ON’ & ‘OFF’ triggers (or alarm triggers) and the instructions for maintaining humidity with it are this

So I spent a while experimenting and worked out that with the little humidifiers I have running, setting the T4 HIGH HUMIDITY trigger at 62% makes the fan kick in and out and maintains a reading of 61-63%.

*This setting won’t do exactly this for everyone - it’s dependent on the ambient RH in the room the tent is in, the power of any humidifiers etc. and other factors. I spent a while finding a sweet spot where the extraction is running often enough to keep the air fresh :thumb:

It oscillates between this

and this

at least 2-3 times per minute.

**I’m also pretty sure the readings on my T4 display are a bit higher than the reality because I’ve had an ACCURITE in there at times and it consistently measures 4points less than the T4 for RH. So I split the difference and am confident it’s at least maintaining at high 50s.

To get this to work you have to set the LOW Humidity setting higher, to kind of get it out of the way and create a zone above the HIGH trigger ;). I now have it set to 90%, so its will keep running even if the RH gets super high. I’m still understanding it and am stoked to have it working in this simple way to automatically keep the RH stable - so long as I keep the humidifiers topped up and running :).

I also now have alarms set for high and low RH and high and low temps which actually helps me relax a lot, knowing I’ll get alerted and even woken if anything goes way off kilter.

That feels like a big grow upgrade right there and I didnt even buy anything! You don’t get that everyday.

Speaking of what you don’t get everyday, I’ve had some nice cannabis flower gifted to me recently. First the Granddaddy Purple which was pretty nice actually and then, this weekend past, some nice quality Blue Dream CBD. I’ve had Blue Dream before so was curious to try it. Definitely the organgey terps overtake the Blue Dream flavours for me but it is lovely and sweet, sweet orange and a nice mild, even-handed and relaxing effect, with some analgesia and maybe mildly high, more smooth, so a good daytime toke and it felt like it could make lovely edibles or gummies or dosing oil.

So I’ve been blessed to have some variety delivered to me and that has been lovely indeed. :bongrip:

I hope everyone dropping by here is going ok in whatever form your life is taking at the moment. It seems for some of us things day to day are not so different and for us folks I think this strange time in history is the easiest. There are so many folks in completely and unfamiliarly intense contact with their families or housemates etc, and not all coping the same etc. It’s hard for a good many people in so many different ways and there are lots of cracks showing everywhere. Remember what Leonard says... there’s a crack in everything, it’s how the light gets in (or something like that) :love: . Times like this show us things about ourselves and our worlds, and that’s not always easy either!

Sending big love to all. Be kind to yourselves and each other :circle-of-love:

I leave you with this spectacular Katydid that has been hanging out on the semi-rennovated wall I walk past everyday. Amazing looking things they are!

View media item 1770028Thankfully it’s a good distance from the indoor garden.

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