All nighters club

Great sharing friends. I haven't suffered the same devils as you but we all have our own things. Such a wonderful hobby cannabis can be. So glad you are finding ways to make life work without the Pharms. I deal with drug abuse and overdoses in my profession often and have strong family history of it just the same. I see the most danger from alcohol for sure. Kills way more people too.
Luv you guys. Message me anytime you need a friend.
Ya I hear you on that I say you run a 6 inch line to a standard blower vent for a bathroom wire that to a 120 or a 15 amp I think possible 20 not an electrician fuse than run the oxygen scrubber aka carbon filter to push to that vent out the room seal the vent otherwise
Great sharing friends. I haven't suffered the same devils as you but we all have our own things. Such a wonderful hobby cannabis can be. So glad you are finding ways to make life work without the Pharms. I deal with drug abuse and overdoses in my profession often and have strong family history of it just the same. I see the most danger from alcohol for sure. Kills way more people too.
Luv you guys. Message me anytime you nee
d a friend.

Thanks for the support! In my very early 20's I became chemically dependent on alcohol. Before I had real trouble with opiates. I went through some tough shit and started drinking vodka everyday. The detox from alcohol was worse than any dope sickness I ever got. For some reason I grew out of my alcohol dependency but having been through jail, rehab programs, etc... alcohol takes the cake for destroying ones body for sure.

And cannabis is still illegal.

Thanks for the support! In my very early 20's I became chemically dependent on alcohol. Before I had real trouble with opiates. I went through some tough shit and started drinking vodka everyday. The detox from alcohol was worse than any dope sickness I ever got. For some reason I grew out of my alcohol dependency but having been through jail, rehab programs, etc... alcohol takes the cake for destroying ones body for sure.

And cannabis is still illegal.


Many miss the understanding of chemical dependence. As you describe opiate addiction lacks the chemical compound of addiction. In short being addicted to opiates and stop, you get super sick and want to die. Stop alcohol once addicted and you die. Few other medications in existence has this power. And I agree, marijuana is arguably one of the safest medications. Overdose does no effect breathing. Billions of doses a day and once in a super great while someone has a possibly unrelated reaction to it. Addiction is uncomfortable, not deadly. So on and so on. Makes me shake my head at least once every day.
Speaking of cultural differences... there is also the fact that my generation ... the older millenials... at least in my neck of the woods, were absolutely crushed by the pharmaceutical opiate epidemic. Every friend I have back home is in the program, in jail, still using, or dead.

I found my peace and it isn't in AA/NA and not because it doesn't work. I think it's great that people can work together to fight their demons but I tried that route and it wasn't for me. I could go home but I am quite sure that devil's shadow still looms over my old stomping grounds. I see it in the news everyday. I get 'that call' about someone I used to roll with at least twice a year.

I'm better off here. Free medical care, I work customer service with translation for a British website that has customers all over the EU and I do that from home with my computer and a dedicated landline... don't even have to work at a call center.

My mom is a teacher so she comes and stays with me all summer. She uses cannabis medicinally, also an ex opiate addict(OxyContin)... she has had rheumatoid arthritis since she was 23... she is 58 with two hip replacements, both feet fused, and a myriad of other painful joint problems. My plan is to get my first harvest done about the time she arrives :) s

Interesting you posted that, I'm currently writing a research paper about the cultural influences on the "opioid epidemic" in the U.S. It seems to be something effecting Western nations far more than others. I've had a lot of personal experience losing people to opioids, people in the U.S. are acting like it's something brand new or something, but I remember growing up as a teen watching my parents OD on OxyContin every few months, while lecturing me not to smoke weed. Actually they would have never known I smoked, except that one day I tried to get my mother to use cannabis for her chronic pain instead of the opiates. That was way back in the day though, and I don 't know what was up with the stuff they use to smoke or if the stuff they got was very good, but they didn't have a great reaction to it. They're both dead now, both from overdose.

Good to hear you got sober.


Opiates and opioids definitely have physical dependency, in contrast to just regular addiction. I just don't think opiate dependency is as traumatic to the body as alcohol dependency. Delirium tremors are horrific to watch.

Opiates and opioids definitely have physical dependency, in contrast to just regular addiction. I just don't think opiate dependency is as traumatic to the body as alcohol dependency. Delirium tremors are horrific to watch.[/QUOTE]

Sedative hypnotic drugs such as alcohol, benzodiazepines, and barbiturates are the only commonly available substances that can be fatal in withdrawal due to their propensity to induce withdrawal convulsions.

Physical dependence - Wikipedia

One small reference of many. I know this or I wouldn't post it. Otherwise it's insulting to those suffering.

Opiates and opioids definitely have physical dependency, in contrast to just regular addiction. I just don't think opiate dependency is as traumatic to the body as alcohol dependency. Delirium tremors are horrific to watch.

Sedative hypnotic drugs such as alcohol, benzodiazepines, and barbiturates are the only commonly available substances that can be fatal in withdrawal due to their propensity to induce withdrawal convulsions.

Physical dependence - Wikipedia

One small reference of many. I know this or I wouldn't post it. Otherwise it's insulting to those suffering.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, I honestly misunderstood what you were saying, I thought you were suggesting that opiates and opioids don't cause physical dependency. I didn't mean it as an attempt to correct you personally, but more of a personal reason.

However I feel obligated to say, now that I re-read what you wrote, I'm actually a little closer to insulted than when I thought you were just mistaken (wasn't insulted at all then). I'm not an opiate addict, but knowing several, I don't like their suffering belittled because it doesn't have the same lethal potential of alcohol withdrawal.

I doubt that's really what you meant, and were just responding to CannaKitty, so yeah, no worries, just taking things personally. It's just that there's still a lot of people who look at addiction/dependency as a matter of will power, and I felt a personal duty to remind people that it is truly physically dependent.

Like I said, I doubt that's what you mean, but yeah... That's where I was coming from. Really personal issue to me, and probably why I'll always advocate for opiate/opioid addicts. I don't know anyone personally that's killed themselves rather than face withdrawal, but I've heard other peoples' stories. I don't think you were really trying to belittle opiate withdrawal, but I guess that's how I took it. No worries, but I didn't want you to think I was pulling a, "Someone is wrong on the internet!" alarm either... Thus the overly long explanation.

I need a bowl.
Sedative hypnotic drugs such as alcohol, benzodiazepines, and barbiturates are the only commonly available substances that can be fatal in withdrawal due to their propensity to induce withdrawal convulsions.

Physical dependence - Wikipedia

One small reference of many. I know this or I wouldn't post it. Otherwise it's insulting to those suffering.

Sorry, I honestly misunderstood what you were saying, I thought you were suggesting that opiates and opioids don't cause physical dependency. I didn't mean it as an attempt to correct you personally, but more of a personal reason.

However I feel obligated to say, now that I re-read what you wrote, I'm actually a little closer to insulted than when I thought you were just mistaken (wasn't insulted at all then). I'm not an opiate addict, but knowing several, I don't like their suffering belittled because it doesn't have the same lethal potential of alcohol withdrawal.

I doubt that's really what you meant, and were just responding to CannaKitty, so yeah, no worries, just taking things personally. It's just that there's still a lot of people who look at addiction/dependency as a matter of will power, and I felt a personal duty to remind people that it is truly physically dependent.

Like I said, I doubt that's what you mean, but yeah... That's where I was coming from. Really personal issue to me, and probably why I'll always advocate for opiate/opioid addicts. I don't know anyone personally that's killed themselves rather than face withdrawal, but I've heard other peoples' stories. I don't think you were really trying to belittle opiate withdrawal, but I guess that's how I took it. No worries, but I didn't want you to think I was pulling a, "Someone is wrong on the internet!" alarm either... Thus the overly long explanation.

I need a bowl.[/QUOTE]

Totally referring to a scientific fact that a legal substance alcohol pretty much is very super dangerous. Never directed at any type of person. I apologize for any offense. Never my intention. I wouldn't spend time here so much if I was socially acceptable

Feeling super guilty now :( no one would understand I'd give my life to safe theirs or alleviate suffering.
Nah you shouldn't feel guilty, I can see why my post seemed like I was just being petty and trying to correct you. I should have read further up in the thread where you mentioned that you worked in the field, instead of assuming you were misinformed. That was not a cool move on my part, but for everything else I mentioned, I just wanted to explain why I care so much. I just hate seeming like one of those people on the internet that has to point out someone is wrong just for the sake of correcting someone, you know?

I didn't realize that benzos could be fatal in withdrawal as well. To be completely honest, I have no idea what killed my parents between alcohol, benzos and opiates. Narcan didn't work, so could have been too late, or the alcohol or benzos. However, between the two of them, they'd gone through the ER and ICU for acute opiate overdose more times than I can remember... And I know people say that as a turn of phrase, but I mean I literally cannot remember how many times they'd OD'd before it finally being fatal. We couldn't afford an autopsy, so I just tell people it was opiate overdose. In reality I'm not really sure, but they were both in stage 4 liver failure before dying anyway so it was kind of a moot point. If it wasn't the opiates that actually killed them, they sure as hell helped.

Hey look, my 1k post. What a cheery subject it's on too haha
That's some tremendous trauma. Please again know I was only defending the chemical addiction associated with alcohol and so fe others. I will never claim to be an expert but I feel people/public are misinformed about alcohol just the same. Too much of anything is usually bad.
You have my condolences and an open and concerned reading/typing friend anytime. Thankyou for teaching me to be more careful. Sometimes right or wrong it doesn't need to be said.
.... This might help
That's some tremendous trauma. Please again know I was only defending the chemical addiction associated with alcohol and so fe others. I will never claim to be an expert but I feel people/public are misinformed about alcohol just the same. Too much of anything is usually bad.
You have my condolences and an open and concerned reading/typing friend anytime. Thankyou for teaching me to be more careful. Sometimes right or wrong it doesn't need to be said.

Well, you hit the nail on the head. I have my mmj card because of PTSD from everything I went through with my folks. Still though, I'm not entirely comfortable receiving sympathy about it. Still always have the idea, the "little voice in my head" that says I should just buck up and get over it. Anyway, it sounds like you and I have similar appreciation of the rigors of addiction, and I didn't realize you were trying to emphasize the oft underrated deleterious effects of alcohol.

Happy 4/20 CannaKitty!

I tried to get to bed at a decent time tonight, but I just can't seem to get to sleep. Trying to do some homework for my local CC classes, but the DVD that comes with the textbook isn't playing right on my 8 year old computer.
Me... but it's 9am here in Bella Italian!! Come stai tessoro? Tutto bene?

I'm 75% Italian and I can't speak a lick of it. Oh how I feel my American ignorance.
I'm doing ok I guess. Little sad I have soil mites that came in fox farms ocean forest. I'm planning to learn what they don't like. I'm pretty sure it's a beneficial mite but damn it.
I'm 75% Italian and I can't speak a lick of it. Oh how I feel my American ignorance.
I'm doing ok I guess. Little sad I have soil mites that came in fox farms ocean forest. I'm planning to learn what they don't like. I'm pretty sure it's a beneficial mite but damn it.

Ehh... I figured that was basic enough for you to catch my drift... I said 'How are you 'little treasure'. Everything okay?' 'Tessoro' is just a term of endearment. But you understood just fine!

Soil mites ey? That's a bummer. I thought I saw a fungus gnat last night in my veg cabinet but I haven't brought anything new into my Grow in weeks so I just couldn't understand!

But I have had this housefly problem... Italian house flys... they emerge in the spring and then come indoors when it's cold at night... my cat eats most of them but I think this was just a baby house fly... because I haven't seen any since and I use hydrogen peroxide with my water in germination and early seedling stage so there is no way they could successfully multiply ... not in my veg space at least.

I bring up the hydrogen peroxide because I'm getting to the point that it is a LIFESAVER in the garden. The only non organic product I use. It will even make it impossible for your soil mites to reproduce if you do a water till run off with a water/H2O2 solution.

The peroxide we get at the local store is already diluted down to 3 percent. I use about a capful/tablespoon per liter. So about four table spoons per gallon. It won't hurt your plants at all... it actually helps oxygenate your roots! It is essentially just water with an extra oxygen molecule.

First use it instead of plain water in your next water and then make a spray bottle of the solution. Let the top of the soil dry out completely and then spray the topsoil one more time (no need to saturate again) just keeping those top few inches of substrate uninhabitable should prevent future generations from reproducing.

There are other more drastic ways to fight them... but H202 is my first go to. If it doesn't work then you can move on to more potent remedies... but if you have caught the infestation early... it should do the trick. Also you can use h202 all the way up to harvest without it effecting your end product.... unlike most pest control products that can't be used past 3 weeks into flower.

Hope that helps a little!
Hope that helps a little!

I've posted several threads for help and this is by far the best and most informative. Thank you for the time in writing.

Yea I just started over from absolute scratch and full house, room disinfectant floor to ceiling. They are in the fox farms ocean forest soil I've been buying. I've ruled everything else out and confirmed it.

Okay you have inspired an additional test for tomorrow

Pot 1) does uvb and uva lighting kill them. 1 hour exposure test, does it kill mites, does it kill the baby plant.

Pot 2) hydrogen peroxide water solution
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