Alcohol for tincture question

you can't. it falls under different very strict legality. if you jump through the hoops they can't stop you from ordering it though. it is not illegal to order. what you do with it can be.

to be clear extracts are very very very much illegal in canada. only licensed commercial producers who can guarantee they are using them for edibles or beverages are allowed to make them. they have to ensure dosages are kept to strict levels set by the gov't. most commercially available edibles are currently illegal as they are too strong.

if you were local i'd have no issues helping you out.

yes. iso has been used here for ages. the end product just is no where near as good. but it does work. use the 90%.

to be clear , water h2o, is also classified as a ‘Solvent’.

191 is readily available in Canada . And simple to make ..don’t use anything but food grade if you play, in a well vented preferably outdoor area . I dabbled before I learned the ‘ rules ‘ .
I’ll still use my bubble dude machine and not feel bad about it .
to be clear , water h2o, is also classified as a ‘Solvent’.

191 is readily available in Canada . And simple to make ..don’t use anything but food grade if you play, in a well vented preferably outdoor area . I dabbled before I learned the ‘ rules ‘ .
I’ll still use my bubble dude machine and not feel bad about it .
190 is only available in limited amounts here. we ask questions unless you purchase only one bottle.

everclear has copywritten the name "everclear 190". the 190 does not refer to proof in most markets anymore. we tax by proof as well as other things. the higher the proof the more you pay. i deal with this every day in my job.

edit: i also bring in cleaner stronger NGS for use in agriculture and cattle mgmt. everclear is not bad but there are others. absolut makes the benchmark.
Nah, you didn’t read what I wrote... you use the 99% iso alcohol for your extraction. Purge all that crap out... decarb it! Then dilute with vodka from liquor store... enjoil!
It works , it still ‘ illegal’.
If he wants want he s looking for it’s readily available , and safer than iso .

press is another option ..extract , and infuse with normal vodka ;)

good luck!
piles of folk are just getting home distillers. do an end run around the whole sourcing issue. the liquor sellers can lick your censored then....

get them online.
piles of folk are just getting home distillers. do an end run around the whole sourcing issue. the liquor sellers can lick your censored then....

get them online.
Watch ..that will be the next crack down anyone reading my comments don’t pm me , I just checkEd my source , for years, and it’s been pulled . :( Ya know , people use it for essential oils too .the govt is so stupid . Now people will use poison , brilliant , for any snitches reading . That really pisses Me off .

there are a shit ton of backyard brewers ..moonshiners for centuries ..the govt should just sell the end product ..safer than people sourcing , and or distilling ...but the rats reading will scurry
I need to go Visit the garden ...and find a happy place
namaste !
Watch ..that will be the next crack down anyone reading my comments don’t pm me , I just checkEd my source , for years, and it’s been pulled . :( Ya know , people use it for essential oils too .the govt is so stupid . Now people will use poison , brilliant , for any snitches reading . That really pisses Me off .

there are a shit ton of backyard brewers ..moonshiners for centuries ..the govt should just sell the end product ..safer than people sourcing , and or distilling ...but the rats reading will scurry
I need to go Visit the garden ...and find a happy place
namaste !
$200 distiller from Amazon. Sounds good.
$200 distiller from Amazon. Sounds good.
You won’t get the proof you need . 40-60max I’m going to guess , but those are a required to reclaim your alcohol when you do extract your solution . I did dabble , I had no idea what their fly by night rules were , which varied from province to province in the infancy of legality and i bought it all ...I had a prescription and I was hellbent on making my own medicine .
.$500 cheaper than the extract craft and more effective

I won’t dabble anymore with cannabis , I don’t want to lose my garden, there are just too many rats .
I will continue to make essential oils ..the govt can ....edit.
I live in Ontario and use Gosling's Black Seal Rum 151 Proof from the LCBO. Not at all stores have it but a lot do.

Works great. I've done both hot and cold green dragon recipes.

Now I just do Decarboxylation (240degees in oven for half an hour or so) and then pour the rum in to two mason jars about 1/2 to 3/4 full of the decarb weed. I leave it in the freezer for some weeks, basically forget about. Strain the weed out with a dollar store bodum when you remember it's there in a few months.

I know there are lots of opinions about chrophyll and not leaving it but just leaving it for a few months gave me my best non-scientific results.
You won’t get the proof you need . 40-60max I’m going to guess , but those are a required to reclaim your alcohol when you do extract your solution . I did dabble , I had no idea what their fly by night rules were , which varied from province to province in the infancy of legality and i bought it all ...I had a prescription and I was hellbent on making my own medicine .
.$500 cheaper than the extract craft and more effective

I won’t dabble anymore with cannabis , I don’t want to lose my garden, there are just too many rats .
I will continue to make essential oils ..the govt can ....edit.

$200 distiller from Amazon. Sounds good.

You just make multiple passes to concentrate the alcohol. Make sure you get the countertop distiller that has a temp control on it and set it for 90C. You can make a simple sugar mash with regular sugar, turbo yeast and a cheapo wine making kit. Get about 20% alcohol that is actually drinkable then run it thru the still 3X.

I got one here a few months ago and planned to use it to distill Coleman's Camp Stove fuel to get clean naphtha for extracts but the gasket doesn't like naphtha. It absorbs it then expands and loses it seal so solvent was leaking out all around the seal. Talk about a fire hazard. I'll be making a lot of RSO with either EverClear or ISO and can use it to recover most of the solvent for re-use but have to keep an eye on it so it doesn't run completely out of solvent and burn the oil. That's why the temp control is so important. Most don't have that and are fine for distilling water but we don't want it for that.

I have a DIY still I can use for the naphtha but it's a PITA compared to those countertop ones. Big glass bottle heated in a large stock pot on a hotplate. Hold 4L so can run a whole can of Coleman's thru at once. Don't forget to add boiling chips to the pot when distilling high proof stuff.

This is the one I got off amazon.


Learn to Moonshine

Here in Alberta we can get EverClear for $37 for 750ml. Cheaper than buying vodka and cooking it down as it makes almost 2.5 bottles if diluted down to 40% and is only $10 more than a bottle of vodka. Makes for a great 3-day drunk. lol

Be safe out there!

not to canada they won't. actually nowhere outside of the US.
can sometimes get lucky with third party sellers if the customs doesn't catch it. but then it might not be legit either.

Starting to sound like setting up a big still and cranking out everclear for pot growers would be more profitable than selling pot. lol

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