I am 51 yrs old....that said, the last grow I had was in high school. BOY things have changed!
My first grow which is still in progress has been a disaster. So saying that I have some words of wise for the newbs. RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH!!!!!!
I wish I would have listened to my own advice. My stumbling through my first grow thou has been my greatest education. That and the reading and help I have been given on this forum.
My first grow is a DWC system and so far I have had to battle root rot AND spider mites and of course it just had to be at the same time. The root rot started with the blueberry. When you read on here how to get rid of root rot FOLLOW IT! I read on here to use bleach and when you think you have it all cleaned DO IT AGAIN. Well, I didn't listen....and of course the rest of my plants came down with root rot. I now clean my buckets with a 20% bleach to water solution and I DO IT TWICE. I used H202 to combat the root rot and I lost 2 of 6 plants. The H202 though did battle the root rot on the rest and are now growing new white roots. Although the plants root balls are still mostly tan then new roots growing are white so I have hope.
I got the root rot from not knowing anything. Who knew you were suppose to lower the water level as the root ball got longer and bigger? I do know. I was drowing my plants.
Now onto the spider mites. I found those pretty quick. We set off a bug bomb in the room and waited 24 hours. Then hit it with a product from General Hydropinics called AzaMax. It's liquid neem oil. I drowned those poor plants and every plant in my house with that stuff. Then we hung Hot Shot no pest strips in the house and we haven't seen a bug since. That was over a week ago.
I'm not going to cronicle this grow as I'm not so sure how it's going to come out. I will though my next grow which should be starting within the next week. I have a bunch of new clones ready for the pots. I will be using my new Flo n Gro system!!! I'm stoked. I will also use some DWC buckets because I don't trust my clones that came from the sick blueberry I had to toss. Rather be safe then sorry!
So here are the stats
I have a complete mix of plants I will be growing
Peanut butter kush..... OG Kush x Big Bud Indica hybrid
Lemon Kush.....Master Kush x Lemon Joy Indica hybrid
Blueberry....Purple Thai x Afghani Indica dom hybrid
God Bud.....Purple Haze x Hawaiian Indica hybrid
Urban Poison..Durban Poison x Northern Lights back crossed to Durban Poison Sativa dom hybrid
AK47... Columbian x Mexican x Thai x Afghani Sativa dom hybrid
Head Cheese....Headband x Cheese Sativa dom hybrid.
I also have 2 plants I'm having a very hard time getting info on. Hawaiian Big Bud and Joe
Currently in rooted clone stage using Grodan cubes.
Will be an indoor grow hydro
Will be in a 4 x 8 x 7 tent with (2) 1000 watt MH & HPS lights using dimmable ballasts lights are air cooled. Air intake is thu a 6 x 24 Phat filter 6 inch fan, goes through the lights and exits out the top of the tent.
Average temp of the room is 70 degrees
Average RH of the room is 50%
Media used will be Hydroton
Pests?? not anymore
Will be watering 3 times during light phase for 15 minutes, will get watered once during dark phase for 15 minutes.
Will be using Technoflora nutes and I'm still working on my calculations on what I will use
That's it for now. Tomorrow I will try and get some pictures up!
My first grow which is still in progress has been a disaster. So saying that I have some words of wise for the newbs. RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH!!!!!!
I wish I would have listened to my own advice. My stumbling through my first grow thou has been my greatest education. That and the reading and help I have been given on this forum.
My first grow is a DWC system and so far I have had to battle root rot AND spider mites and of course it just had to be at the same time. The root rot started with the blueberry. When you read on here how to get rid of root rot FOLLOW IT! I read on here to use bleach and when you think you have it all cleaned DO IT AGAIN. Well, I didn't listen....and of course the rest of my plants came down with root rot. I now clean my buckets with a 20% bleach to water solution and I DO IT TWICE. I used H202 to combat the root rot and I lost 2 of 6 plants. The H202 though did battle the root rot on the rest and are now growing new white roots. Although the plants root balls are still mostly tan then new roots growing are white so I have hope.
I got the root rot from not knowing anything. Who knew you were suppose to lower the water level as the root ball got longer and bigger? I do know. I was drowing my plants.
Now onto the spider mites. I found those pretty quick. We set off a bug bomb in the room and waited 24 hours. Then hit it with a product from General Hydropinics called AzaMax. It's liquid neem oil. I drowned those poor plants and every plant in my house with that stuff. Then we hung Hot Shot no pest strips in the house and we haven't seen a bug since. That was over a week ago.
I'm not going to cronicle this grow as I'm not so sure how it's going to come out. I will though my next grow which should be starting within the next week. I have a bunch of new clones ready for the pots. I will be using my new Flo n Gro system!!! I'm stoked. I will also use some DWC buckets because I don't trust my clones that came from the sick blueberry I had to toss. Rather be safe then sorry!
So here are the stats
I have a complete mix of plants I will be growing
Peanut butter kush..... OG Kush x Big Bud Indica hybrid
Lemon Kush.....Master Kush x Lemon Joy Indica hybrid
Blueberry....Purple Thai x Afghani Indica dom hybrid
God Bud.....Purple Haze x Hawaiian Indica hybrid
Urban Poison..Durban Poison x Northern Lights back crossed to Durban Poison Sativa dom hybrid
AK47... Columbian x Mexican x Thai x Afghani Sativa dom hybrid
Head Cheese....Headband x Cheese Sativa dom hybrid.
I also have 2 plants I'm having a very hard time getting info on. Hawaiian Big Bud and Joe
Currently in rooted clone stage using Grodan cubes.
Will be an indoor grow hydro
Will be in a 4 x 8 x 7 tent with (2) 1000 watt MH & HPS lights using dimmable ballasts lights are air cooled. Air intake is thu a 6 x 24 Phat filter 6 inch fan, goes through the lights and exits out the top of the tent.
Average temp of the room is 70 degrees
Average RH of the room is 50%
Media used will be Hydroton
Pests?? not anymore
Will be watering 3 times during light phase for 15 minutes, will get watered once during dark phase for 15 minutes.
Will be using Technoflora nutes and I'm still working on my calculations on what I will use
That's it for now. Tomorrow I will try and get some pictures up!