They're taking off pretty good now, and I think I got to the stretchiness in time. The one in back still doesn't seem like it's growing, I can't really tell, but I think it is Hard to tell...
Couple days ago
Ehhhhh maybe?
Anyway all the others have pretty obviously grown a lot in a couple days.
Meanwhile, these solo cup ones, there's clearly one healthier than the rest but the problem is I don't have enough dirt for a 3 gal pot to make a mother plant. I wonder if I should instead just take cuts off of these, buut I don't really want to have to sacrifice so many branches. I wonder if I put this one in a 1 gallon pot how much of a mother plant it would even make. Not sure it would really get big enough to make a suitable mother, and if it did then it would probably need water like every day.
So since things have kicked into gear, I might give it a week to make the new growth pictures really something to look at. Meanwhile I'm probably going to decide what to do with this little solo cup plant that I have left. Hopefully I can afford an extra bag of potting soil.
Also I decided since I yammer so much I need to make periodic updates with more abbreviated information so I can reference the information quickly and easily later on.
~30 Days
8/31 - Clones Taken (Day 1)
Alaskan Thunderfuck SOG With 315W CMH
9/15 - Clones planted in Solo Cups (Day 16)
Alaskan Thunderfuck SOG With 315W CMH
9/20 - Clones transplanted into 3 gal pots (Day 21)
Alaskan Thunderfuck SOG With 315W CMH
9/27 - Swapped clone in Pot #3 out with a different one
Alaskan Thunderfuck SOG With 315W CMH
10/02 - Most clones established and growing (Day 33)
(This post)
Other abbreviates notes:
~200 ppm of FN Bloom and ArmorSi in cloning solution
~200 ppm of FN Bloom and ArmorSi during transplant to solo cups
Azos and Mykos sprinkled on roots during transfer to solo cups
Saturated pots with 6.5 pH plain water when transplant to 3gal pots
Mist 2x daily with water bottle through entire duration so far
Lowered light from ~30" to ~20" on 10/01 to abate stretching
Chronically low humidity
Temperature ranges fluctuating, generally low/high of 68/84, give or take a few degrees on either end