Alafornia's 1st Time Multistrain Medical Grow

Happy Sunday,Al ! Plants are looking great today!
I see you've started training,so I just want to add a little suggestion - You should add an "opposing" support to the bottom of that plant,and try to actually "bend" the stem.
I've included a terribly drawn example,to kind of show you what I mean:

There's no stress on the roots this way.
Hope you don't take this the wrong way-I just want to help you get the most from those girls:)

Cool ... I saw that once and wondered why ... now we know ... it's all about the roots :)
Nice job,Al- The new growth is going to be impressive, and if all the clones take, you've got twice as many plants as you had before! (or 3 times as many,if you top the clones)....hell,you may never have to buy seeds again...:)
And @Tangled did some excellent camera work there!

Yes, she did. I played director. :D

Looking great lovely pics of lovely plants well done :thumb: love watching the girls grow up.

Thanks. You're welcome any time.

Plants are looking mighty fine,Al...they don't even know they've been "messed with"!

Thanks, carcass.

Domes for the win!

Clear Domes, not the Golden variety. :D (for the college football impaired, that's ND)

What's up Al,
Just reading through a few threads and from one med grower to another, hats off for what you are doing. Nothing like sharing a gift with those in need. I grew this Blueberry strain from a Canuk Puk I bought last year. You will not be disappointed. The aromatics that it exhibits is very intoxicating. A bit temperamental on lighting but once you find that sweet spot is off to the races.
Very frosty, fluffy flowers. Take your time curing. Your patients will not be disappointed.

Thank you, Mr. Rogers. My patients double as family so I do what I can. That little Blueberry is an odd beast, for sure.

Great job @Tangled that takes a huge weight off our shoulders why were stressing our selfs out while doing things that @Alafornia was doing! I can picture it now “work it! We need more lighting! Ok, work it, work it! Yeah!!” Haha maybe it’s just me that gets too into things, :goof: all jokes aside! Everything looks great! I bet you feel a whole lot better today don’t ya Al? Just you wait till you see the growth within the next two weeks! :yahoo:

Yeah I’ve never cloned before so I can’t give you any pointers but I do know they love high humidity. Maybe I’m wrong lol idk I’ve never actually tried cloning! I hope they root! That would be another notch on your belt sir! :high-five::bravo:

Feel much better after seeing the clones standing up. lol Hope at least some take. I really want one of Nikita (White Russian) and Northern Lights to work - they have just grown so beautifully. Hell, I want them all to work. lol

Looking great ... and lots to learn ... I love your journal!

I saw you went with 10 gallon pots ... me too ... I am hoping they will pay off come flower time.

I cloned two tops as well ... and was surprised when it worked. It took about two weeks for them to actually kick in though.

Alright ... time to go pick up the family ...


Hope all is well with you and yours.

If the tent I have wanted doesn't become available soon Mars Hydro has a 4x8 I'm considering along with another brand that is 5x10 like I wanted. Choices...
really want one of Nikita (White Russian) and Northern Lights to work - they have just grown so beautifully. Hell, I want them all to work. lol
It’s very likely that you will need to do a pretty extensive pruning when they’re ready for flower. So you can take more clones then, and possibly better ones (folks often report better results with lower shoots). So you’ll have more opportunity to keep the faves.

And your clones don’t need much light at all. Too much light will actually hamper them. I’d put them in the ‘shade’ of the equipment you have in there, if it were me.

For the record, when the moderators remove a post and tell the poster why their content has been removed, they do not say anything about how it can to their attention nor give any details at all, except that it contravened the posting guidelines so has been removed. Anytime someone says it was was because another member was ‘offended’, they are simply making that up.
Good evening to everyone!

More energy today. Feeling much better but need some sleep tonight. Tooth barely hurt at all today and is not tender anymore. Yay!

Outside temp: 81 Vulcan degrees (down from 94)

Humidity: 20% (up from 11%)

Tent temp: 78

Tent humidity: 44%

Group pics first, then singles








Orange Sherbet


Northern Lights






Finally, the clones


The clones are still standing! Long live the clones! Haha! I expected them to die this morning when I saw them. They look much better now. I’m far from confident but I feel much better about it.

Thanks again to everyone for the help, tips, encouragement, support, and general good vibes you’ve given us all along the way. Each of you is appreciated. This grow would not be a success without you.
It’s very likely that you will need to do a pretty extensive pruning when they’re ready for flower. So you can take more clones then, and possibly better ones (folks often report better results with lower shoots). So you’ll have more opportunity to keep the faves.

And your clones don’t need much light at all. Too much light will actually hamper them. I’d put them in the ‘shade’ of the equipment you have in there, if it were me.

For the record, when the moderators remove a post and tell the poster why their content has been removed, they do not say anything about how it can to their attention nor give any details at all, except that it contravened the posting guidelines so has been removed. Anytime someone says it was was because another member was ‘offended’, they are simply making that up.

Thanks, Amy. Maybe this is a little better:

I'm going to add that Amy gets the last word, aside from me, on what happened earlier in this journal and the comments that came after. If anyone else wishes to discuss it further then make a post somewhere else or send a private message. It is over and done with here. Period. I have enough problems without any being manufactured and sustained unnecessarily. This is a place of positive vibes and community and I wish for it to remain just that. I would appreciate everyone's cooperation in this effort. I haven't had much sleep and I have an autistic kid having a bad day. My anxiety is through the roof and I don't need the BS. I normally try to take a positive tone and tenor and discuss things in that manner, but I'm done for it today. Like it or lump it, but stop it.
Good morning, folks. We now return to our regularly scheduled updates. First, a word of thanks, once again, for you support and encouragement and especially today your understanding. Yesterday was a rough one from start to finish. I don’t try to maintain a positive atmosphere because I always have a sunny disposition. On the contrary, maintaining a positive attitude is a battle and one I sometimes lose. My apologies for letting my wounds show. On the other hand, you get to see the struggles and experience a crumb off my life’s table. Thank you for being here to share it. Since chocolate by itself it bitter and not enjoyable we’ve added some sugar so that the bitter enhances the sweet. You’ll also find okra and black eyed peas and authentic cornbread. What on Earth is he talking about? Life. After all, what else is like a box of chocolates? Haha! (I promise I haven’t lost it, folks. Just mixing seriousness and fun.)

Anywho, on with morning pics!


The last was of a nearby T-storm after sunset with the light still hitting the clouds last night. The mountains got some snow out of it.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.
Lunch pic. Keep having a good day or find a way to make it better. Here’s hoping for good things.

Looks good Al! Your plants seem to of reacted well to everything they’ve been out through in the last couple days. :thumb:

The clone second from the left doesn’t look all that happy at the moment. Hopefully she bounces back!!!:surf:

That one was taken off Nikita and was bent to reach for the light when I took it. I think it's doing fairly well, considering. I tried a little extra care to get her straightened up in the cup. We'll see if that worked or not.

Thanks for stopping in again Amy. It is a pleasure to have you hanging out and eating popcorn with us. :)
Check you out, Al. Gardening n stuff. :high-five:
Nice work on the clones mate. I turned around for two seconds and - wow. Holy transmogrification, batman.
Going great !

Double D! Thanks, man. Never a dull moment around here. How are things on the edge of the planet?
Chilly, man.
Holding on tight so I don’t get sucked out in to the vacuum.

Really have to watch your step on those 20,000 miles of coast. One wrong move and *suuuuuuuuccckkk* into the last frontier you go!

How's it going there? You share any of your stash with the MIL yet? :D
:cheer:Good Evening, dear Mr. A and family.
Sure hoping that ******* tooth is better. Long haul for you, man. No envy here.
Your grow sure does look beautiful. I can't get over how the view of the soil disappears so damn fast.
Don't stay up late, please. You are too important to get sick again.
You all take care.
Really have to watch your step on those 20,000 miles of coast. One wrong move and *suuuuuuuuccckkk* into the last frontier you go!

How's it going there? You share any of your stash with the MIL yet? :D

Al, Al, Al.
So far the phrase “to boldly go where no man has gone before” does not apply to the MIL.

Tell you what though. The stealth tote @SmokeSara sent (she said it was a prize from Mars Hydro, but I know it was really a harvest gift from the wider 420 gang)... it is turning out to be surprisingly useful!
:cheer:Good Evening, dear Mr. A and family.
Sure hoping that ******* tooth is better. Long haul for you, man. No envy here.
Your grow sure does look beautiful. I can't get over how the view of the soil disappears so damn fast.
Don't stay up late, please. You are too important to get sick again.
You all take care.

Thank you, @Newfun . Good evening! The tooth is not hurting and I have not had ibuprofen or Tylenol since about 5:30AM.

I'm relieved the little green bears posed no threat. :D

I'll try to get in bed on time but we did not have the best of days again. Not nearly as bad as the really bad days, but still not good. Teenage rage type stuff so Daddy had to remind of the boundaries and rules for living here. I hope to see some improvement in the coming days and have already backed off tapering the meds. At least he's off the one that caused a 70 lb weight gain. I still have it in case, but man I don't like it.
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