Akisunni Indoor Cold & Hot Grow Zones


Thank you for dropping by. The rice chart shows the growth patterns of rice when exposed to different levels of CO2, but all things else being the same. They took a bunch of rice samples, all the same age. Put each one in a controlled CO2 grow space, where they received the same amount of light, moisture etca for a total of 21 days.

They plants ramp up in growth to 800 ppm. The final last bunch on the far right, is what happens if you grew a bundle of rice to normal ambient conditions. ie 390-400ish ppm. The growth is almost double between the last two units. That is, 800 and 390. Plants love CO2.
Hey guys,

I could use some WTF time. This isn't so much Bud Porn as Bud DR help...

Basically the small nugget buds have started to grow again, but its into an ugly dense look. There are all kinds of deformed new growth. However, they are also covered in new hair growth, so I guess this is the last surge of growth.


Also, I noticed, purple leaves. Beautiful purple, at that. I am guessing the cold cycle we are in, where the plants could be in the 40's for hours, before lights and 80's again, are starting to drive some crazy chemistry in the plants.

Wow, the dead and dying leaves are doing so in a strange way. Not sure bro. I DO know that cold 'night'(dark) temperatures will cause and elevate colours in plants, especially purple and even more especially if your strain has purple pheno- tendencies. For blue and purple strains it's recommended to have as low as 10℃ in dark periods I read. Not sure the chemistry behind it but it is a thing. I'm resolved Not to see any colour in my Auto Purple due to high temps..

Aki, can you verify that the necrotic sugar leaves are nute burned as opposed to bud rot?

Cold stress and phosphorus(P) deficiency can lead to purpling of the leaves. (P) deficiency can also trigger a Potassium(K) deficiency in that (P) & (K) are closely related in nute solutions. I learned all this because I just got done treating a (P) def in veg and it was also giving me (K) def signs that I recognized from my previous grow last year. (K) def in particular causes leaves to dry out completely and make the leaves show the necrosis. Verify that your nute mix is right where you want it to be in EC or PPM, also ensure your root zone is PHed correctly for ideal nutrient uptake.

I'm hoping it's a deficiency of some kind and not the rot as the rotted buds will most likely need to get tossed and if it's bad enough, might need to get cut down asap.

Edit - what RH level is the flowering room? Too low and it can pull a K def on ya, too high and you'll get some molds.
I wish I could provide more info to help, but I really don't know off hand. I really really really wish that it's not super serious problem. Hoping it's not rot, like Skybound said above.
Aki, can you verify that the necrotic sugar leaves are nute burned as opposed to bud rot?

Cold stress and phosphorus(P) deficiency can lead to purpling of the leaves. (P) deficiency can also trigger a Potassium(K) deficiency in that (P) & (K) are closely related in nute solutions. I learned all this because I just got done treating a (P) def in veg and it was also giving me (K) def signs that I recognized from my previous grow last year. (K) def in particular causes leaves to dry out completely and make the leaves show the necrosis. Verify that your nute mix is right where you want it to be in EC or PPM, also ensure your root zone is PHed correctly for ideal nutrient uptake.

I'm hoping it's a deficiency of some kind and not the rot as the rotted buds will most likely need to get tossed and if it's bad enough, might need to get cut down asap.

Edit - what RH level is the flowering room? Too low and it can pull a K def on ya, too high and you'll get some molds.

I think its from an over nuits event weeks ago. The buds dont appear to be rotting, as much as growing again.
I would let her grow a bit longer if you can wait it out. if you're worried about bud rot look deep into the flowers for cobweb like structures. you should have a fan blowing during lights on at all times to prevent bud rot.
I would let her grow a bit longer if you can wait it out. if you're worried about bud rot look deep into the flowers for cobweb like structures. you should have a fan blowing during lights on at all times to prevent bud rot.

Agree... She is at 8 weeks, and realistically appears to want to go another week or two. No complaints if the buds continue to put weight on. The buds dont appear to be rotting as much as getting denser. The big cola's are back filling space they had in them. The smaller nuggets are turning into small cola's if that makes sense.

To much CO2 and lights? cough cough... lol
The smaller nuggets are turning into small cola's if that makes sense.

It does.

I'm having some difficulty initializing the SD card on the shield. I might have a bad card though (512MB, I doubt these were produced in the last 10 years), but other than that, I think the solder joints are good and I inspected with a 10x scope to verify no jumps. I'm just happy to have a centralized clock to plan events around rather than stupid mechanical timers that at best I can program to be within +/- 5 minutes of one another. I hope to work all the bugs out of each shield and fully comprehending all the pin reroutes, and dial in each shield individually. Once that is done I will try to work them all together and begin building the code or even try yours.

When building the code that will run your entire system (appliances that will be controlled), do you start with one of the example sketches, then just copy/paste other example sketch language and modify it to operate continuously? Not looking for a concise answer, just trying to fill in voids in my understanding and get better at coding. The more I research, the more I come to conclude that I wish I had a school I could go to to learn DC circuitry and code (Java, C/C+, Arduino) anything. Still pushing ahead even though the intimidation factor is increased daily.
I'm having some difficulty initializing the SD card on the shield.

Try taking a wire and shorting the ground to the control pin on the mega shield. (this is why I suggest getting a sensor shield, and running wires to each module). The problem with multi function shields, is you have to control access to the two units sharing the data paths.

Your issue is most likely the CS pin in the code. You will probably need to short the ground and the data pin (uno 10 or mega 53) to a ground line to access the SD drive on the shield.

This is a common issue.
Thanks Aki. Would you be kind enough to post a pic here (or my blog) of what exactly you just described? I sure don't want to misunderstand and accidentally fry any of my boards. Ya'd think with microelectronics being as sensitive and complicated as they are that the arduino forum would be more pictured, but I guess those guys only like typing messages. Thanks for all the help man!
Short Update on Big changes for tomorrow Everywhere...

Former 36/12 Space

While Stinky Pinky (or what I have called that) is healthy and growing again, putting on mad bud weight. It clearly wants another 10 days to 2 weeks or more before it will be finished. Considering it has 6 weeks of 36/12, it is really just making up for the lost night shifts at this point. It is healthy, happy, green fresh growth everywhere.

Jerry the Door girl is stretching into her space. She isnt too happy being as close to the lights as she is currently. This is ok, because she is about to undertake a new mission in life. It appears her neighbor was secretly a BaggyBoy and will need to be relocated before he is in his prime.

Since he is so healthy, and Jerry is a living clone of a great strain, I am going to move them outside to my garden bed, and put a raised clear plastic dome over them. While its in the 40's at night and 60's in day, and they will have a stunted life, this is a way to generate some seeds for the first time, move an unhappy clone to a new project, and salvage an extremely healthy male plant.



Big Girl is getting tired. I think I need to start harvesting her. I found spider webs on her two of her buds tonight. She has gone full distance based on growers guide for strain. While I think I could continue her for another 2 weeks and put additional weight onto her. I also feel I am starting to risk 100% of 3 months of work for a 5-10% max gain in weight.

I chopped off 1 mini cola that was touching a light. You can see how the light has burned it badly on one side.

Thanks Aki. Would you be kind enough to post a pic here (or my blog) of what exactly you just described? I sure don't want to misunderstand and accidentally fry any of my boards. Ya'd think with microelectronics being as sensitive and complicated as they are that the arduino forum would be more pictured, but I guess those guys only like typing messages. Thanks for all the help man!

Ask and you shall receive. Here is pictures of two builds from my work bench. One of them has a GPS shield with SD drive. I have to short the 10 wire on it to access both.


The second is pictures of a sensor shield, with each of the shield inputs wired directly to it. I prefer this type of design.

Thanks for that. In your opinion, do you find it easier to have all shields detached from the micro controller, and you just run a wire from A to B as needed by each shield? If yes, is it cool to have multiple wires soldered to the same pad, and again if yes, could this pad still serve as I/O? It might be my brain is fried right now, but it makes sense to lay it all out that way and not need to rely on the very imperfect matching of Arduino to all these shields.

Edit - Can't remember if I already suggested this, but you should wash your buds when you harvest to get all the spider carcasses out, plus webbing etc.
Stacking is nice, if every piece works together in the stack perfectly. I have reached the stage, where my combo of solutions needs the flexibility to add or remove any sub piece.

In the case of some sensors, YES, you can daisy chain them together. So, 1 controller could have a shared I/O using for example the I2C.

In one of my designs I have 4 sensors shields daisy chained using the SDA SCL PWR GND wires. So, 4 shields and a total of 4 wires, of which only 2 carry data. You could call multi PH BNC shields from one string connection.
First Harvest update of Big Girl...

Big Girl just received her hair cut. I chopped off all cola's and semi major bud stacks. She shed 14 oz of water, stems, leaves and bud weight during this event. After the hair cut, the stems still on her stood up properly, and I figured what the bleep. Back into the grow zone for another couple of days/weeks. The largest of the bud clusters is 3.7 oz wet or 99-103 grams on the scale as it bounced around.

With a wet weight of 14.7 oz, any guesses what the dry weight might be? I am hoping for 3 oz of dry finished product.

They say the dry/cure knocks off up to 75% of the weight, so if you start with 448 wet, you're looking at roughly 112 dry. Nice chop Aki!

They say the dry/cure knocks off up to 75% of the weight, so if you start with 448 wet, you're looking at roughly 112 dry. Nice chop Aki!

Thanks for the kind words. Here are some more pictures and some of Pinky and her neighbor Cherry bomb.



Here are some of Big Girl back in her space. I decided to give her a blast of extra light and CO2 since the chopping.

Nice purple pheno Aki! What strain is that again? BTW, I have 3 monster Cherry Bomb's just aching to be put into flower. Can't wait for that end result!
Nice purple pheno Aki! What strain is that again? BTW, I have 3 monster Cherry Bomb's just aching to be put into flower. Can't wait for that end result!

So... Big Girl... I think is actually the Stinky Pinky strain... and the plant I call Stinky Pinky, is probably the Blue Dream clone I bought and misplaced. Cough Cough... lol...
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