Wednesday, January 8, 2025

AKGramma Grows Autos: Current

The more the merrier! You have any in reveg on your journal?
No, my reveg was shipped out. A friend wanted to keep a strain I made so he vegged it out, I did leave a lot on it because I had never tried to revegg. This was a Critical Jack / Northern lights cross.

I have one of these in bud at this time.:Namaste:
No, my reveg was shipped out. A friend wanted to keep a strain I made so he vegged it out, I did leave a lot on it because I had never tried to revegg. This was a Critical Jack / Northern lights cross.

I have one of these in bud at this time.:Namaste:

Leaving a lot on it is the best assurance that it WILL reveg. I didn't have much left, as all of Miss Harley was bud and sugar leaves. But there were new sprouts coming in before I harvested. So that inspired me to let her reveg.
Not certain you can see the difference, but here is a recent pic of Miss Harley in reveg.

I finally found time to pre-soak the bins from the last grow with nutes. They will sit until I sprout some Autos and put them directly into their big-girl bins.

I even fed the revegging Miss Harley. I see more green on her this time.

Looking back on my revegging efforts, I seem to have more luck with strains closer to their landrace ancestors. These strains tend to put out new green even in flower.
This last grow I also treated the soil with NEEM, well before I planted. I did, this time, too, because I didn't see ONE mite on my Harleys! Downside is the house reeks of Neem, and I only used the recommended solution for spray. I hope it continues to work. :slide:
NEEM odor went away. I guess it broke down in the soil. By the time I get around to sprouting seeds, the soil will be ready. Definitely am going to pop 3 of my auto seeds before they get too old.
Two new Jock Horror Autofem babies! One root looks kinda brown, so I don't know if it will survive. The other's root is circling the seed coat. Maybe give it one more day before planting.

I am going to dust some of the buds with Afghani pollen, so I have more seeds. This is my last JH seed.

Oh, almost forgot... I opened a new small jar of crunchy peanut butter and melted it in the microwave for one minute, then stirred in 1/4 cup of well-aged powdered mixed cannabis. I'm keeping that in the fridge so it stays fresh until I eat it all.

I had a couple TBs last night. Didn't get high, but the arthritis pain was almost gone when I went to bed. So that seems to be the right "dosage" for toast or just off the spoon. My fave PBJ sandwich includes sliced dill pickles for that satisfying crunch!

i think I nute-burned Miss Harley. I should NOT have fed her any nutes at all, but I had extra left over from prepping the other bins for the next generation of autos. Her teeny-tiny leaf tips are curled under and brown. I sprayed her with plain water, hoping to encourage more leaf growth. But my spidey sense says she's gonna die.

I am liking the improvements in the smiley menus. I also like the upgrade in the LIKE menu. I always thought that "like" was inadequate to praise a gorgeous set of pics.

Now, if we could get a running page of the forums we actually watch, instead of all of them. when I go to Watched Forums I see a lot of people I don't know. I'd rather just see those I actually subbed to.

I have both email and notifications checked, but I don't get anything if I don't visit the forums every day. :-(
Just one day later Here's what I have. Looks like the brown sprout is going to survive. I planted both right after taking this pic. You cannot see the toot hairs on the left, but they look really fuzzy. Hidden behind the seed is yet another loop, so the root is twice as long as shown in the pic.

Absolutely, esp with Autos. The rule for autos is (for any newbies reading this) to plant the sprout in her final pot, because, once the root hits bottom, it will immediately switch to flowering mode.

I made the mistake of leaving an Auto in a solo cup too long (like a week) and I ended up with a 7 inch plant and a 7 inch cola.

I was looking over my stock of buds and the dates they were jarred. I wonder how long I can keep them stored in the fridge before they need to be either smoked or processed into herbs for edibles? In other words, when the quality declines too far for smoking, for edibles, or for grinding into cooking herbs.

Any suggestions?

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