Airy Buds

Aside from genetics, what would be the cause of “airy buds?” The colas are big/crystally but are not dense. Could it be the nutes i was using? I want to prepare myself for next crop.
I had similar results on a few ladies outdoors this summer. They were from bag seed, but I tried to treat them well. I used FFOF soil, FF trio, getting sun from the east, mostly all day, all the buds were light and airy, I hoped for much better results. I’m thinking genetics. Since I’ve acquired good seeds, it hasn’t happened since. Good luck my friend.
Is my plant done?

Earlier today in fact somone asked with very similar maturity to the flower so I dropped an example. If the leaves have not been zapped the plant can put a lot more bulk on.

Under the best of conditions it will keep bulking up even after it has eaten all of the leaves.

The leaves store up stuff in veg and release back for various reasons of need and all of it goes at the very end back into the flowers.
I had similar results on a few ladies outdoors this summer. They were from bag seed, but I tried to treat them well. I used FFOF soil, FF trio, getting sun from the east, mostly all day, all the buds were light and airy, I hoped for much better results. I’m thinking genetics. Since I’ve acquired good seeds, it hasn’t happened since. Good luck my friend.
Looks like we’re in the same exact boat. Same feed, bag seeds and all. For next round I’ll look in to Autoflowers or overall better genetics.
Theres a science to it you can have the same amount of mouister in cold air as warm air but warm air spreads the molicules in the air further apart from each other thus means more room for moisture just cooler air to RH is better
Only problem is lower temps comes with high humidity at this time of year in the NW. one of my plants are actually pretty dense compared to the others but have gotten hit with mold the most
Ah, the good old NW. Hot and dry all summer.... then that crap. Its 50 something here with 80%+ rh
And i actually have a quick question for y’all...

I finally got my hands on a magnified glass and my trichomes still look a bit clear. Considering my outdoor conditions... i may have to chop within the next week. Would i see a change in trichomes by then? I’m already flushing them
Yeah, but why... throw a fan on them and you should be fine for a week or 2 till they turn cloudy you wont get mold that quick with lots of air moving around them it cant stay that humid every night there you must have a low pressure system under you... put a RH meter out there in see exactly what your RH is bc your phone is going by 10,000 feet in the air from radar
There are plenty of nutrients in the existing foliage to continue feeding themselves. I would hold off chopping as long as you can. Until at least cloudy trichomes. That way you maximize yield and get a nice balanced buzz.

Recognizing that the weather and humidity could quicken that. Sometimes you have to chop when you have to chop.
Yeah, but why... throw a fan on them and you should be fine for a week or 2 till they turn cloudy you wont get mold that quick with lots of air moving around them it cant stay that humid every night there you must have a low pressure system under you... put a RH meter out there in see exactly what your RH is bc your phone is going by 10,000 feet in the air from radar
My meter still reads 90+ (i kept it outside for a couple days to compare). I have a greenhouse with Kitty Litter to relieve some of the humidity but not much luck.
There are plenty of nutrients in the existing foliage to continue feeding themselves. I would hold off chopping as long as you can. Until at least cloudy trichomes. That way you maximize yield and get a nice balanced buzz.

Recognizing that the weather and humidity could quicken that. Sometimes you have to chop when you have to chop.
Exactly... biting the bullet. I’ve already lost a couple branches due to mold and i honestly can’t afford any more. I’ll continue my flush and hope for the best.
My meter still reads 90+ (i kept it outside for a couple days to compare). I have a greenhouse with Kitty Litter to relieve some of the humidity but not much luck.
how long do you think that would be? Forecast reads nothing but rain for the next couple of days. I have them covered as much as possible but that brings on the humidity
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