Afghan kush droopy leaves


New Member
I have 8 afghans growing under a 400w H.p.s and recently they have been looking a little sad, i feel like Kush droops anyway and the one in the big blue bucket has definetly been over-watered but how do the rest of them look? and what can i do to perk them all up? The clones came in rockwool and i do not have a hydro system nor do i have the time to build on so the four in rockwool cubes have been placed directly in the dirt. any idea whats goin on??

all of them except one perked up the next day actually...i let them all dry out and thanks for the pretty sure the buckets are 2-3 gallon? i dont know really but how often would you say to water them?...also now i have a few of the leaves turning a little yellow with a few brown spots im not sure what its about but other than that they look better than the last picture
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