
THanks! I hope things continue as they have, Monday will complete week 5 of flowering.


OK, Time for a little update.

Today completes week 5 of flowering, the ladies look good, orange hairs are now starting to show themselves and the sweet sweet aroma is present ;>

I noticed some slight rusty colored stuff starting to form on the rootballs of the plants that are inhabiting the 2 back corner holes of the aerogarden.

This is either a) Nutrient Staining or b) the beginnings of root rot. ;<

Needless to say, I'm not taking any chances. I went and picked up some 35% H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) and will be adding 2-3 drops (yes that's drops) every day to the reservoir when I top it off. I think I have a good shot at nipping it in the bud (no pun intended) ;> as the lower root masses are all perfectly healthy and white.

I've also re-mounted the original AeroGardenDeluxe hood lamp(6000 Total Lumens) to the side of my setup in order help some of the little popcorn budz fill out. As of today, I added another cfl (blooming spectrum) another 3500 Lumens, and then I have the 4 24" T5s for another 8000 Lumens. So pushing out about 17k lumens.

We'll see what happens and I'll get some recent photos up as well.



All righty then, here are some recent photos of the children, they seem to be happy enough with their limited grow space (slightly less than 1 gallon). Basically I'm just viewing these chikas as one organism. Look ma, a popcorn bush with a big fat thing on top ;>

Since I live in close proximity to the Ocean, I have no AC which can play havoc on the reservoir temp, thus I'm still keeping the root rot at bay by kicking in 5 drops of 35% h2o2 every 24 hours. The root balls started showing the rusty stuff and since the h2o2 treatments began it seems to have stopped it, so far. The main chords and mass are all still healthy. I'm seriously considering harvesting these at the beginning of next week and moving on. We'll see.

Tomorrow begins week 7 of flowering, the photos were taken on Saturday.

Out for now, peace.

W!CK :yummy:




PS-For the moderator who may have to correct these pics, I followed the instructions and this is what happened. I promise! :adore:
Ideally, I would like to let them go 9 weeks, but the problem is that with this small reservoir and the fear of the rot creeping down into the main chords- and the fact that in week 8 i have to leave town for about a week and I don't know if I'll be able to find a competent baby sitter. Guess I'll just have to throw caution to the wind and hope things come out ok, get the full maturity and risk death by neglect or tak'em down at 7 weeks? What to do?

Keep in mind I've only got about 17k lumens of flourescents, no HPS or HID.

Hello All:

Nothing really to report other than things are stable, almost done with week 7.

Everyone looks happy and the rot hasn't crept, looks like the h202 is doing it's job.

I added a 14W LED grow light to the remaining side (left) that didn't have a light source. This came in kit form which I assembled. Unless you really love to solder, order a pre-built one. That shizzle took me way to long, but at least I learned something......

I'll post photos once we're into week 8.


W!CK :rollit:
Ok----Whether I like it or not, it's decision time.

I was tending to the girlies and all of a sudden the girgling in the POS Aerogarden stopped. So, the pump is dead or clogged, In any case with the roots all entangled together, there's not much I can do as far as transplanting.

Taking this thing apart and dealing with all of the roots and ties.....argh......

Should I just try and flush them best I can somehow?

Any suggestions would be appreciated,

I'm going to bring everything down and see if there's anything I can do to fix it.

If I can't fix it, then, just short of shitting a new pump.....I don't know any alternatives.

Well, what Can I say?

First times are always fraught with unforeseen obstacles and difficulties.

As a 1st timer I learned a massive amount about indoor cultivation.

I even had a harvest that yielded an oz of crystal laden bud.

Did I bring it down a week and 1/2 early? Yes. The night before I was due to leave town I had set up baby sitters and everything, but then, the AG pump quit working. I was faced with 2 choices at that point; Take everything apart and try to fix or take them down. I tried like hell to fix it, which required me to untie all of the plants ties in order to get the AG apart; Little did I know that as soon as I untied everything that the sweet babies would all fall over like wet, green, crystally spaghetti, I was quite traumatized. I ended up fixing the pump but had roughed them up so bad I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get them back up again.

I began to try and "re-tie" everyone but one time when I turned my head to grab something, the larger plants cola just folded over and crimped the stalk; At that point I decided it would be better just to take them down and start a new.

The bud is nice and "heady", not as clean as I would like; but laden with crystals. Next time will be better. New equipment on the way, and I will start a new log soon.



You got an ounce outta that thing ?


Peace :roorrip:
what i learnd from the aero garden is that the tabs that supply the pump with power OFTEN get corroaded and stop the pump and the roots get sucked up into it and can stop it aswell just inspect all of its connections and the foam pad on the pump and it should come back unless the pump has fried but i doubt that has happend unless you've had it for awhile but ive had mine for a year and 4 grows with it and it still works great
Yes, Turned out it was the little contacts; They had become corroded with salt.

They just needed a good cleaning. The AG is fantastic for starting seeds and cloning. That's what I'll be using it for from now on. On my last visit to the dispensary I got a little out door bud and found a nicely mottled seed, popped it in the AG and four days later, a healthy little sprout. We'll see if its a she soon; If so, she will be called mom ;>

As far as Pics, the only thing holding me back is lack of a good camera. I'll see if I can snag a friends and snap some of the bigger nugs and hopefully a decent closeup.

Now for some :bong:

Allrighty then, here are pics of the final premature harvest.............

Currently anxious to start a new but it seems genetics are in short supply right now. I've got 1 sproutling that I started from a seed about a week ago.

Let's hope it turns out to be female.......................




PEACE- :rollit:
Thanks for sharing your grow with us!

I’m moving this to completed journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please start one here Journals in Progress - 420 Magazine

Hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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