
what about if u put the aerogarden on a timer for 12/12 cycle and what not.... would it be possible to keep the light source but remove it and be able to hang it to make the plants grow taller and wider and produce a lil bit more yield than a quarter... if this makes sence:rollit:
i use it for my clones... a little rootin solution and put a clipping in and bam.. healthy as can be haha.. ill post pics of my clones hear shortly
in some jamacan video i had seen some plants sprouting from the ground that apeared to be no bigger thatn 5 or 6 inches and budding.

Ive also seen these plants yr talking about whilst on holiday in jamaica. your also correct that jamaica has a weird light cycle its about 11hours of light at it's lowest and around 13 hours of light at its highest.

You could say its nature's own 12/12 system.:Rasta:

Anyway the Areogarden is not practical for growing cannabis from start to end
Not sure if anyone actually answered you. I have one and use it for what you want, it grows one really nice one. 2 alright, I would not grow more than 2 in it. The light only goes up to 24 inches, that is because the light cord is attached to the base. You can order a cord that plugs into the wall so you raise the light to any height. It is a great system, but you will need a plant bloom during the flower stage. It would also be great for a mother.

Very simple to use, set up system and place seed in the sponge, place dome over top, and in a couple days you have leaf popping up. The lights are unreal, I would like to find the light hood separate.

Check it out, I saw this thing on CNN(Or some other news channel, doesn't matter-they're all the same). It's called the Aerogarden And first thing I thought before the started talking about it was "I wanna grow pot in it".

Check it out and tell me if you think it'd be good for growing(an entire pot plant maybe?).


apparently it's once of those products where you have to buy the additional consumables (like those 1 cup coffee machines). But I'm sure you could rig something up for it work with whatever you want ;)
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