Thanks for the detailed responses you always provide. I really appreciate it.
That makes a lot of sense about bene vs sterile. At first you're tryign to build a lot of roots, then you just want them to do their job well without any competition. I totally get it. My buckets are only ~2g, so I get away with sterile the whole grow. I love DM Zone. I do plan to build, or maybe buy, a 5g based system. I'm considering something like yours, but I'm probably gonna go with the flood drain style I have now, just bigger.
I run Hygrozyme all the time. Sometimes I question it since it's the most expensive ingredient I use. It does go pretty far, but it's over $100 a gallon! I think Cannazyme is pretty similar. Makes sense to use it for one res change to clean things up a little. I know I can use Zone with Hygrozyme. You might be able to use it with yours too. Are you letting the roots have a last little taste of the microbe poop? lol
I thought that's why you stopped the gas. I'm just going into stretch and had the same thought, but I haven't even been gassing yet as I just got my room sealed back up. I have been trying to dial it in to ~1000ppm, but I keep seeing max readings waaaay too high so I turned it off last night. Will you run your CO2 for the rest of the duration?
hmmmm... interesting on the Reverse. I know I saw someone talk about it once before, but I thought it had something to do with making feminized seeds. So it's sort of a preventative measure? Would it worked on regular females too? I kinda like the idea of hermie insurance!
Funny you mention the LEDs... One of my bulbs went out this week, and LEDs are so cheap now, I'm having trouble justifying the bulbs. Since one went out, I know at least one other will be right behind it. $200 is a big chunk of the cost of new LED panels. Of course that was based on what my shop sells them for ($120). I can get them for $30-60 online I think. Anyway, I think I'm still going to take out my HPS and finish the whole area in LED now. ssshhh don't tell anyone yet since I haven't pulled the trigger.
Your roots look fantastic as always. Now that my build is settling into flower, maybe I'll get time to take some root pics.