Advice please



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Hey @Pennywise, not sure i told you but i listen to everyones advice or atleast give it a shot. So you told me about filling up the 5g bucket with roots. So i picked up a 5g airlift drip system. I told you fixed PH once nute block was over you can really tell everything is pretty much going right. I checked PH in nutes plus after flush i slowly added nutes everyday. Started out just about tapwater like 3-400 ppm then 5 and so on until right about 1000 plus or minus. But what i was getting at is i did daily adjustment before work got home normally i only check 1 time a day but ever since the the hiccup i tend to her a bit more. But in just a few hours roots shot out the bottom of bucket anywhere from half an inch to 4-6 inches really takes off glad i made the switch. Thanks everyone. I have a question does anyone use "superthive" and what do you think do you live by it? Then another i have is by General Hydroponics called "floralicious plus" its an organic enhancer or sweetner. Being my first grow i have nothing to compare it to.
I don’t use enhancers myself, just adds another element to cause problems. I use Superthrive and Supervit both. Usually for stress from topping or lst. A few drops once a week seems to allow quicker recovery times.
For those who remeber me using mircle grow just to put the difference on paper so no one makes the mistake i made. MG has NPK of 24-8-16 which is super high ( for new people nitrogen-phosphorous-potassium). After a good flush and switching to a proper veg nute with a NPK of. 1-.07-3. Now i use the one part veg nute right now and superthive and floralicious. Can anyone suggest something im missing or should try?
Go to 18/6, plants need down time for growth. The effected leaves may not recover so watch for normal new growth.
Edit: others have no problems at 24-0 and some of the best growers use 24-0. Stress free environment has many benefits to your plants, Dark can help with stress..
Hey @Pennywise. Question i know i had over come so operator issues and recover my plant. I know the plant is small, its supposed to be compact. From the top looks great from the side kind of looks bare. Is it a strain thing or did i or am i doing something wrong thus it doesnt " bush out"
Heres today seed first cracked believe NOV 13 so id say im 6-7 weeks into veg but i had issues and my first didnt know i mean still dont but what ive read most people only stay in veg for 3 to 4 weeks read a few maybe 6 to 7.


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@GrizzWald keeps writing it so the same mistake isnt done twice penny helped me maybe someone will stumble across it and it help them.
Help them with their electricity bill? You better let Nevil.know he grew cup winners with mistakes :rofl::rofl:
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