Advanced Nutrients

One thing I do have to say about AN is that they have a marketing genius behind them. Kush nutes???, does kush use different nutes than any other MJ plants??? I dont think so but, ppl out there are certainly going to buy their product and find out, lol. AN makes good nutrients noones doubting that, but AN has an even greater marketing agenda and you see evidence of that in products like "kushy" or whatever. MARKETING GENIUSES, I say. Probably the same ol, nutes with a different name but hey, whatever sells eh?:ganjamon:
i did sum research recently about thier idea, when it comes to the kushy kush.

Is crazy how a defferent regimene for kush plants actually works as far a strength goes.

Kush plants need a differnt NPK ratio then most plants, due to the fact that indicas already eat more nutes then sativas.This we all know,

So what i did is when i originally read about the kushy kush nute. i started , i made some calls.this is what i came up with

Just remember though all nutes have npk ratio's.I think it was about time someone came out with a specific nute for a specific strain.

Around my city thier are TONS of Groves, FArms and every type of nursery you can think of. the hydro shop i go to makes thier own nutes. the owner, she has a dr. go out to her customers groves or fields to see how the plants are, what thier feeding habits are and what type of diet thier on, then he goes to the lab and creates not only a regimine but the actual nutes for whatever thier growing weather its oranges, avacados, plumerias you name it its around here.

This is why i believe that its an actual nute for that strain. Oh, and fyi When i asked the doc about this nute he said chances are it work how it says it suppose to. But the only real way to know is through experience, i guess.
Im sure that IS how they pay for their advertising! green acres, lol. So it would seem like they would be better off developing a certian mixture for each strain, rather than just that of kush. Im sure its no secret that the whole reason they have this new kush product is because "kush" is whats "in" rt now. Everyone wants kush and purple buds. Crazy! In fact, around here it doesnt even matter if it actually is kush. As long as it has kush in the name (even if its just a made up name!)it will be fetching premium prices whether your here in cali or elswhere that mj is legal! Same with purple pot! In any point,.. I feel like maybe it is formulated specifically for kush and maybe its not , but it defineltally was designed to sell very well with there advertisements, and the current trend of thinking "kush" is "where its at" or the "best stuff out there". Kush isnt really my favorite, so it doesnt really matter to me but, I would like to see some sative specific nutrients or indica specific nutrients before I see strain specific nutes like "kushy". Im a huge fan of AN and what they do, but sometimes their (what seems to be) money hungry advertising tactics seem to go a little farther than they need to and sometimes this turns me off from AN,.. just a little,.. lol. I will continue to rock AN though just for the fact that they arent being a bastard to the industry. Everyone knows what AN and GH and Pure Blend is used for, but only AN has the balls to say that their stuff actually is made for MJ. If everyone else grew some balls and stopped being so worried about being politically correct they would all be on an even playing feild with AN, but I dont see that happening any day soon (even though I wish it would!). So until then AN will dominate this part of the hydroponics industry for most likely a long time to come.
:laugh:lol, hilariouse.:rofl: I have to agree with ya man.:clap: But I havent researched it at all so I want to say that I DO NOT KNOW THIS FOR SURE. but it does sound like BS to me too. Not that its not what its made for but BS that you need a specific nutrient for a specific strain. Thats what we have three part nutes for,. . right?? so we can taylor fit it to ANY strain we could want or need. I think its a clever advertising gimmick, nothing more , nothing less. I doubt "kushy" will hurt your plants but Im interested to see how much better "kushy" works as apposed to any other regular AN nutes, or even Pure Blend like green acres uses.:nicethread:
k so i agree with green acres with the sativa thing. But on the real nutes are taylormade for specific plants.Thats why we e.c n tds as well as all the other meters for.

the selling tactic is horrible i must admit only to mj patients, thats kinda discriminatory.
But i do have friends who have hydro lettuce gardens, groves, greenhouses. And i tell you one thing, i knew thier groves greenhouses n gardens prior to the good dr. coming to gernerate nutes for them. n DAMN!! the differance is unbelievable. when you get a taylormade nute regimine then its on.

i can see how A.N trying to do this, they just did it in a really bad advertising scheme. The reality is if they put out a line for indica and a seperate for sativas, Most people would by it.HELL if thier going balls out and saying
"hey we are her just for m.j " then they should just provide lines for all people not just kush strains.

But i will be one to go get it cause if someone doesn't buy it research the product then all of us here at 420 we'll just assume and not have shyte to back it up.

I think i smell a journal coming along..Watcha guys/girls think?i think its about time to do some comparison/research grows?

i have 2 kush strains that have been around my circle for over 10 years now. so i think itas time to put thier product to the test.What other strains should join in?any suggestions?
hmm, I totally agree with the Butcher. I would like to see Sativa, Indica specific nutes before I saw a Kush specific nutrient. But yes I would like to see a comparison between even the connoisseurs compared to there regular three part which is what I rock. But whos gonna spend the money on the $100+ a bottle nutrients and supplements? I was gonna buy a small bottle of collosal bud blast until the cashier said "did you know this bottle is $75" WHAT?? I put it back in a heartbeat and got some GH flower booster instead. So I would love to see some side by side research between ANs different lines as well as comparisons to other companies lines like van de zwayn or whatever its called (also expensive, and from Europe) And just straight up GH three part, or botanicares Pure Blend series. or CNSs line. All the other companies products combined cost is probably the same as buying all of ANs different lines, especially when your paying more than $75 a liter for a budding supplement! Dont get me wrong GH has Floranectar and floraliciouse at insane prices too, but I think AN takes the boat when it comes to expensive nutrients overall. Maybe we could talk to AN about sponsoring such an experiment.? Hey if their products are so good, and so much better than the rest.. then this is their chance to prove it; kinda bring that attitude to them ya know? Doubt it would work but everything is worth a shot once,.. and Ive talked people into weirder And also might I add, that I like using a three part nutrient solution because I can change the NPK to whatever I want, for any given strain!
Personaly i use a mix of GH,advanced and botanicare but thats just me i like to think outside the box.Advanced has some great powders i love to use in veg.You wouldn't beleave me if i told you the mix lol.We can grow grass on concrete.
GH: for example was getting their chemicals from DUPONT/dow chemicals, I for one do not support DUPONT since they pretty much snuffed the cannabis movement about 75 years ago. not sure where they get them now. But AN doesn't buy from DOW>

DuPont has been making money off just about every instance of human suffering since (and including) the US Civil War. They made gunpowder for that war, are a major player in the fight to keep us all addicted to oil (they own Conoco iirc), and were recently exposed for polluting public drinking water for DECADES and then COVERING IT UP. GH may not be an Axis of Evil, but they golf with them.

Call me idealistic, but I think avoiding guys like that is a good thing.

The main thing that people have issues with when it comes to Flora Nova is the fact that they clog pumps and lines rather quickly.

That's exactly the problem I had with them. The results may be okay, but if I'm cleaning pumps and lines every couple of weeks or more it just isn't worth it. I never had that kind of problems with Advanced Nutrients so I just stuck with that.

I'm not going to jump on the bandwagon to judge Kushie Kush just yet. I want to wait and see how it works.

And I'll bet you anything that the whole "sold through dispensaries" thing won't be all that vigorously enforced, either.
thats funny knowboddy.

so i did us all a favor.. i emailed A.N and asked some info about thier kushy kush. that was 4 days ago lets see if they really do look out for US (m.j users) if they do respond and trust me i hope they do. I will be doing a comparison grow in both hydro and soil. 2 of the plants i will be using are both kush plants one would be pre 98 bubba kush- the other is rainbow kush for research's sake i will also be using 2 sativas as well,just havent decided which ones yet.I'm thinking kali mist and the other is unknown as of yet as well as a pure indica i will be using these so that thier will be no room for "well those were hydrids so they dont count" we're going to get down to the bottom of this whole kushy kush deal.
I asked my hydro shop guy about Kushie Kush and he said he was pretty sure he could get some in if I ordered it. It's not actually out yet, I don't think, but I'm going to check back when it is.

So you might try that approach too.
yeah i asked my guy about it he said he could order it for me. The big thing i'm bummed about is that A.N never even got back to me, even after several e-mails.
At least all the other companies replied no later then 3 days from my emails.

LOL..some have even sent me catologs samples and more info. And this is without asking for a damn thing.just had some somple questions.

I always thought that a.n would have been the first to get back out of all people..soo bummed on A.N.
I beleive it ships out on the 28th or 29th of this month to stores and retailers everywhere. I call BS on "only the dispensarys having it" but you never know with AN. Yeah thats a bummer they havent gotten back to you butcher. Not that Im defending them really but I would imagine they probably receive 10 times as many emails as any other nutrient company and maybe that has something to do with it...?
Yeah i would call, for sure, sometimes companies like that only respond to emails like once a month, which is ridiculous. But yeah prosmoke I use the three part AN nutrients. I definetally feel like theres room for improvement with my buds but they still look good to me. This was grown with the AN three part nutrients.

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