Advanced Grow Attempt


New Member
I have begun a grow that is already several weeks in, and would like to begin sharing it with everyone in order to give help and receive help. I have some early pictures and I am going to take pictures tonight. I had temp, problems with some of the past days reachin over 100 deg. F.

Here's the setup

1 1000watt HPS
2 400 MH
Several Seeds from Uknown Quality Strand

Pictures will be in once approved. Thanks
Yea its been a while since I have posted pics, I was unaware of the improvements, but the pictures turned out blurry, so I will have alot of vlear pics set up by end of day. I will explain my set up in more detail.

1000 watt HPS
2, 400 wat MH
4 out take fans totalling to 200 CFM
I squirrel fan for circulation, 400 cfm
1 intake fan, bringing in fresh air, 400 cfm (not set up yet)
This is indoor setup in probably a 12' by 8' enclsed area which is almost fully boarded up and mylared
I am 3 weeks into veg with 18/6 light cycle
My temp has previously fluctuated from 73 deg. F all the way to 108 deg. F, I know this is too high that is why I am sintalling the can fan to bring in cold fresh air
Humid. around 40%
In paint buckets, with 2 to 1 ratio Ocean forest to Light Warrior
I water to keep soil moist with distilled water

I am cuurently having problems with several of my leaves which seem to be curling upward around the edges. I blame the heat for this problem, but maybe not.
I also am having electrical problems, for there is no outlet where all this is being done, and an extension cord is being used. The ext. cord cannot handle all the lights and neither can the breaker for this room, which will tripp with more than 1000 watts on. I dont know what to do and would like to set up a sub panel. Thanks for any help yall can offer.
Here are some pics of the curling issue I have. They curl like eye-lashes almost.










Here are some zoomed out pics of the plants






Give me some help ya'll.
Well, initially, my temps were fluctuating alot. Around 74 deg. F at night and as high as 107 deg. F during the day. I knew this temp was too high and I invested on some more circulation, and along with the seasonal changes here, I have gotten the temps to stay consistently between 70 and 85 at peak of the day. My humidity stays around 40%. I water with distilled, and have just added nutes at half strength yesterday, with no apparent effect on the plants yet. Thanks
Don't mess with substandard electrical installations. Either get a friend to add some circuits from your electrical panel or get that little green book from Home Despot about wiring and study it until you understand what to do and run the new circuits yourself. If you screw around you may burn your residence down and die in the process. If that happens it adds to the public's negative perception of indoor Cannabis grows, and rightly so. I'd come help if I could bro.
The curling of the leaves usually happens from heat...If yor temps have been normal and this still happened I suspect it is the genetics of the strain you are growing. Lower quality genetics (Bagseed) have weird quirks about them. I grew a strain of bagseed back in the day that couldnt make it to harvest no matter what the condition was....They would yellow and pretty much fall apart 2-3 weeks into flowering. What were the temps when this occured?
Day 25





This next one seems pretty far behind, I have purchased and placed a LED UFO directly above this pot.


Some of these aren't growin as well as their friends, I guess the strains could be bad. 1 of my stragglers are startin to droop a little, Some people have some input on what coul cause this? Thanks Everyone
All plants grow at they're own speeds. Just because you have one growing 100mph and one at 35mph doesn't mean that it's a bad strain. It's hard to tell why they're drooping from the pics. You say you have the temps and Ph under control, so I'm not sure.
Yea the lights are backed up alot now, and the PH is just below 7, is that ok, or does it need to be closer to 6.5? Thanks for all th good feedback. I am gonna make this a good journal, and begin taking photos frequently as well as show ya'll the setup in it's entirety.
Day 27


This is one of the smaller ones

You see how droopy this one is, It is the only one to droop like this and also is the smallest and least filled out plact. Maybe this one has bad genetics,

This is actually the smallest plant.

This one seems to be growin steadily, it seems as though all my plants have hit a slump in aound their 4th week.


Better look at the drooper

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