Adjusting your pH when growing in soil damaging your plants!

Having experience with this matter would say it's still important to adjust ph in soil. Even with fully organics you would still have to add some type of ph adjustment ie lime, peat moss or sulfur. For organics you just have to account for the time it takes to actually "kick in". Some amendments take over 3 weeks.

When I first grew in organics I would add crushed up nutes to my water and let it dissolve. Was kinda like using bottled nutes. Still had to watch by my ph because the plants didn't fully bulk properly. After a few runs I started adjusting the ph and noticed a huge difference.

Then I started using bottled nutes in my soils. I talked to various growers and some like me were just starting out. I used their grows as a comparison also. One didn't ph his soil the plants showed various deficiency and ph fluctuations from adding nutes and not properly checking the PH. I also ran multiple plants while keeping track of which ones were at proper ph and others I did not ph.

My personal experience in not checking the ph of the plants showed lockout or would be deficient in certain areas. The leaves will show ph fluctuations and the main issues that occurred colas don't bulk up properly.

I always make sure my water is ph'd at 7 then after my nutrients mixtures I leave it at 6.4-6.8. Ran it this way for years and the "proof is in the pudding".

Now I make sure I have multiple ph meters and constantly check my water filters.
I never pH. I have a well with good water and grow in soil. Soil self-buffers and I avoid possible lockout by watering to run-off to keep it all flushed.
I have very hard water. It come out of my tap around 10. So are you saying I don’t need to adjust ph of water before watering? I’ve been using ph down but can only get the ph down to about 8 no matter how much I use. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks in advance
I know it's hard to change soil pH once it's buffered but I do believe after so many waterings the pH can change. 10 is pretty high. Once I couldn't get mine below 9 and went ahead and watered because they needed it. But I usually get my water from work now since it's not as hard and I do pH it Everytime just as good practice and just in case that buffered soil can slowly shift. All I got
I have very hard water. It come out of my tap around 10. So are you saying I don’t need to adjust ph of water before watering? I’ve been using ph down but can only get the ph down to about 8 no matter how much I use. Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks in advance
I have good well water and grow in FFOF which buffers like soil does which is why I do not pH.
You do not have such water and despite not having my own personal experience with water as you have, I certainly would not suggest that you forgo pHing in your situation.
However, I am extremely High (getting ready to jar some GG#4 today) so I'd take anything I say with that in mind :ganjamon:
This is my 2x4x5 I have 2 Northern Lights and Jack Herer all autos. In 2.5 gallon soil that is half happy frog half regular garden soil, worn castings, vermiculite. I’m struggling with my soil ph. So being that the soils ph is 7-7.5. I’m trying to get it adjust with my water. I’m phing the water at 5.8 and the run off is at 6.5-6.7. Will the soil adjust on its own the way I’m watering. I’m thinking that they need some cal-mag but want to get some thoughts, advise please...


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If you are using filtered water,and add your notes, and your ph is two far off

1, you are using the wrong amounts of your nutrients

2,you are missing something in your recipe that your plants need & will further adjust your ph

3, If you use say, a fox farm nutrients chart, you can look up what's close to your brand,what it's for you will either find redundancy or missing nutrients

4, now you can mix your nutrients using a different nutrient each time and log what the ph & ppm are and make your adjustments

5,on a 10 week flower you should be adjusting you your ratio's between 3 and 7 times and flushing every 3=4 weeks, after week 3,6,9, on 10 week flower 3,6 9n an 8 week flower 3,6,9,12, on 14 week.

Basically if you are feeding the plants correct nutrients and proper amounts you will never need to ph in soil,pro mix, or coco, or a mix of the 3 and if u want it higher lower make nutrient adjustments don't ph because if u need to ph your recipe is off or incomplete
If you are using filtered water,and add your notes, and your ph is two far off

1, you are using the wrong amounts of your nutrients

2,you are missing something in your recipe that your plants need & will further adjust your ph

3, If you use say, a fox farm nutrients chart, you can look up what's close to your brand,what it's for you will either find redundancy or missing nutrients

4, now you can mix your nutrients using a different nutrient each time and log what the ph & ppm are and make your adjustments

5,on a 10 week flower you should be adjusting you your ratio's between 3 and 7 times and flushing every 3=4 weeks, after week 3,6,9, on 10 week flower 3,6 9n an 8 week flower 3,6,9,12, on 14 week.

Basically if you are feeding the plants correct nutrients and proper amounts you will never need to ph in soil,pro mix, or coco, or a mix of the 3 and if u want it higher lower make nutrient adjustments don't ph because if u need to ph your recipe is off or incomplete
^ Sorry but this is most definitely not true.
If you are using filtered water,and add your notes, and your ph is two far off

1, you are using the wrong amounts of your nutrients

2,you are missing something in your recipe that your plants need & will further adjust your ph

3, If you use say, a fox farm nutrients chart, you can look up what's close to your brand,what it's for you will either find redundancy or missing nutrients

4, now you can mix your nutrients using a different nutrient each time and log what the ph & ppm are and make your adjustments

5,on a 10 week flower you should be adjusting you your ratio's between 3 and 7 times and flushing every 3=4 weeks, after week 3,6,9, on 10 week flower 3,6 9n an 8 week flower 3,6,9,12, on 14 week.

Basically if you are feeding the plants correct nutrients and proper amounts you will never need to ph in soil,pro mix, or coco, or a mix of the 3 and if u want it higher lower make nutrient adjustments don't ph because if u need to ph your recipe is off or incomplete
8 useful steps on how to damage you plants.:rofl:
I don't agree either. Where did you get the information on the science behind it
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