Absorber's Outdoor Stealth Grow


Lol looks about right
:rofl::rofl::rofl:I figure if I chop it on 1st of April everyone will think its an April fools joke as I drive by with it on the roof :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I will just take a small hand saw up there and hang onto the middle of it and chop it at the base of the trunk and hold it out sideways and just drop it 🤣 i may have to do it in 2 or 3 sections depending how well it all pans out 😉🌲
Thanks for dropping by
WTF !!?!!

No! No! No!

You'll tie a rope to the base, rig a pulley just above her and lower her down gently. Show some respect, dude! She's putting out all this time and you're just gonna drop her on her head??

Criminal. :eek:

No! No! No!

You'll tie a rope to the base and lower her down gently. Show some respect, dude! She's putting out all this time and you're just gonna drop her on her head?? Criminal. :eek:
Its soft grass for her to land on 🤣🤣 she gets a rougher ride being in the tree :rofl: it gets bloody windy and she's already been through 2 big storms what could Go wrong
Its soft grass for her to land on 🤣🤣 she gets a rougher ride being in the tree :rofl: it gets bloody windy and she's already been through 2 big storms what could Go wrong
Yeah, we're going to need to see pics of the landing area and get the advisory committee together for a ruling. With the limited information we have available it's not looking like you'll get a favorable outcome, but we'll try to keep an open mind.

In the meantime you might start pulling together your pulleys and rope in case the decision goes against you.
Don't go getting the greenies involved or I'll just chop the host tree down
🤣🤣🤣 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
No you won't. That would eliminate it from future consideration as a grow site. So that one's a bluff.

And no greenies are involved. Just a panel of concerned growers shocked by your careless disregard for the prize at the end of the rainbow. Is nothing sacred in your world??
With the limited information we have available it's not looking like you'll get a favorable outcome, but we'll try to keep an open mind.
I’d like to bring the Chair’s attention to the post lowering phase of the transportation. The locomotion of said plant from tree to motorised vehicle for the journey to the trim facilities should not be overlooked.
In the meantime you might start pulling together your pulleys and rope in case the decision goes against you.
To my previous, I believe the Chair has previously discussed Trolley Carts in favourable terms and approved items for grow operations. Without being too forward might I suggest that one such device might be appropriate in this case.


A concerned attendee of Committee Meetings.
The Chair would like to recognize anyone who would like to speak in favor of the (asinine idea of dropping her on her head) original plan.

........... 🕐 🕑 🕒 🕓 🕔 🕕 🕖 🕗 🕙 🕚 🕛

Hearing none, the applicant is advised to rethink the evacuation plan and report back with something (anything) that makes more sense.

PLEASE! We are begging you!

Saw through that one pretty quickly 🤔🤣

I'll get back to you on that one 🤣🤣🤣 .
Farmer mate owns a plant (the type with motors) rental company in your neck of the woods. I’m sure I put you in touch he can arrange a suitable bit of kit to not only remove the plant from the tree but also buck it and trim it for you 🤣
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