Aberration Goes Ker Bloom! - Perpetual

[action report]
==> All remaining - Weekly Beneficials (23):

GDP.1H (47/55 days ?) : 1.50 gal
GDP.1J (47/55 days ?) : 1.50 gal
MTP (47/65 days) : 1.50 gal
MTP.1B (47/65 days) : 1.50 gal
GDP.1F (24/55 days ?) : 1.00 gal
GDP.1K (24/55 days ?) : 1.00 gal

BBX.2J, L.4F : 1.00 gal ea

BD.5S : 0.50 gal ea

BD.6D, BD.6E : feed to saturation
L.5D, L.5E

-Batch A, bloom:
-Mix (8) gallons
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.24 @ 20.9 C

-Batch B, veg:
-Mix (7) gallons
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.11 @ 20.8 C

-Per gallon:
1/2 T Myco powder
1 t Gnatrol (Bt-i - Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis)
1/2 t Companion (Bacillus subtilis)
1 t Hygrozyme

[/action report]

I have been thinking about leaves and removing them during bloom.

Disclaimer: This is not a balanced view on the topic, as I'm still thinking it through and may not know about other issues. Once again, I am just a stoned gardener. I'm not an authority on anything.

I'm not sure that using defoliation to shorten internodal spaces is a great idea. Honestly, it's just quite literally stunting the growth. If you want to add time to compensate, that's great, but you can only add so much time. The maturation of the trichomes keeps it's own timescale, so once they start to produce, those trichs are aging to opaque, then amber, then toast. Delay too much and you won't want to wait as long as it takes for the plant to recover, because the existing trichs get too old. That's a tricky game.

Leaves feed themselves and are otherwise a one-way conduit to other parts of the plant. They are not generally a drain. Every injury to the plant causes the plant to compensate for that loss elsewhere by growing more leaf. So leaving a useful leaf is a plus, and plucking it early will divert more energy from growing buds and instead use it to grow leaves. Obviously the common refrain to pluck only dead and 50% damaged leaves makes sense in this regard.

But who noticed the most important takeaway from all that?

Did it occur to you yet?

The plant grows bud because it wants to offer a lot of opportunity to reproduce. The plant grows leaf to produce sugars, to build buds. What needs sunlight? The leaves. Not the buds. Buds will mature, pop pistils, wilt and produce trichomes in shade. They are powered by the leaves. The only reason to strip leaves is to expose more leaves.

Under this theory, bottom buds are all popcorn not because the buds don't get light, but rather the leaves down there don't get light. Maximize the amount of leaf that is exposed to light to get the most bud.

Am I missing something? I'm just an amateur. Please feel free to chime in if you can confirm or deny my hypothesis. Sure feels right though. Once again, where is my Clarke book?


Hey there -

I have always seen it that way my self, Aberration, but I'm not convinced either. I've never been much of a pruner. BUT, I'm thinking I might try more pruning as a comparison sometime. I've seen some great looking grows and buds where much pruning has been done.

Doesn't look right to me, but hard to argue that the lower buds are bigger on them than on mine which don't get the pruning. I'd like to do a side by side with a couple of clones someday, or even 2 seeds from the same strain just for kicks...

Looking good brother! :thumb:
Abb I think you nailed it on the head.

Fan leaves are absolutely vital to plant vigor.

Pruning fan leaves does nothing but shock the plant and destroys vital photosynthesis.

To extrapolate on your theory of bottom buds not fully 'maturing' or growing, one can even assume not only that the particular bud sites' fan leaves are not getting an adequate amount of light, but that the predominant bud sites get more of the sugars the bigger fan leaves produce so its just natural for the plant to make the newer/more mature growth - grow even more.

In my experience, and my reading, it is a big no no to prematurely remove fan (powerplant) leaves. Tuck them if need be, but you will have a hard time convincing me, and many other growers, that removing fan leaves benefits bud production/quality etc...
The oldest Grandaddy Purps are in flush. The timing is right as well - the trichomes are all milky white with some touches of amber. It'll be good when it comes out on Sunday(-ish).

The brand new clones don't need anything today. I might mist them tomorrow, but they should be able to enter the normal rotation on the next full feed in two days.

With three bloom pairs, a pre-feed flush for bloomers, and three veg sets, that'll put me at a full set of 7 recipes again. Oh joy. ;)

[action report]
==> Bloom - Pre-harvest flush (2)

GDP.1H (49/55 days) : 2.00 gal ea
GDP.1J (49/55 days)

-Mix (4) gallons.
-Per gallon:
1 oz Clearex
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.17 @ 20.2 C

==> Bloom - Pre-feed flush (4)

MTP (49/65 days) : 0.50 gal ea
MTP.1B (49/65 days)
GDP.1F (26/55 days)
GDP.1K (26/55 days)

-Mix (2) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Yucca
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.18 @ 20.2 C
1 t blackstrap molasses

==> Bloom - Feed (6)

1. MTP : 1.50 gal ea

-Mix (3) gallons - TAPER
-Per gallon:
2 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
1 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1/2 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 1000 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.20 @ 20.4 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

2. GDP.1F : 1.00 gal ea

-Mix (2) gallons - MID
-Per gallon:
2 T liquid steamed bone meal
2 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
2 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 1300 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.21 @ 20.4 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

==> Large Veg (9):

BBX.2J : 1.00 gal ea

BD.5S : 0.50 gal

-Mix (6) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
1 t Big Foot (3rd)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 940 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.21 @ 20.3 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Medium Veg (8):

BD.6D, BD.6E : feed to saturation
L.5D, L.5E


-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
2 t Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 740 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.24 @ 20.2 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Small veg (18):

BD.6F, BD.6G, BD.6H
L.5J, L.5K, L.5L


[/action report]

Well, at least it was only six recipes this time. :rolleyes:

No changes to the schedule except that the newest veg plants got fed properly for the first time.

AHK (Afghani Hindu Kush) is big enough to take two cuttings as long as I leave a week between. I'll take one soon and get it rooting so we can see whether it's a he or a she. Maybe this weekend. Non-garden life will keep me busy though. So we will see.

I took the Tangerine Dream and Qleaner seed attempts off the table. I'm going to cut them open for a postmortem this weekend. They are not coming up.

As I have said many times before, I don't sell, so I don't make money to support my gardening habit that way. It comes in irregular installments from the leftovers after our regular jobs pay the bills, and I generally think of it as a poorly scheduled overblown allowance. Growing is a hobby with medical benefits for me. So for a while, the only forward motion on the expansion has been paint and drywall, which is all fairly cheap. Did I mention that the painting is now done? However, we should see more excess funding soon, which is good because I guesstimate $3K is needed to get the new bloom room operational.

I'm thinking that right now I cool 4 x 600W lights with one 6" turbine fan, so I should be able to run two sets of three lights (total 6 x 600W) with two 6" fans and be better than I am now. The hoods have 8" duct, but they are adapted to 6" ducting. If I move to 1000W lights later I can re-plumb the same hoods with 8" fans. This is a distinct possibility, because I plan to start buying digital ballasts, which can do either wattage.

So I need two hood/light/ballast combos, 1 x 25,000 btu AC, 1 new 60 pint dehumidifier, cord, hooks, pulleys, links, screws, lumber, a smattering of ducting, lots of odd hardware, some insulation to wrap some of the ducting, and some panda plastic to tape around the insulation. I also need 50' of cove base, adhesive for that, 1x4s (for trim around the doors), 20' of copper pipe and 10' of sewer pipe plus pipe fittings (to finish running the water/sewer lines through bloom to veg), plus everything to strap the pipe to the wall and wrap/insulate it as needed. I need several tubes of paintable 'silicone' caulk. And I need to rent a hammer-drill and chisel bits to put the sewer pipe through the foundation. That should do it. Oh, and the time to do all the cutting, routing, assembling, wiring, ductwork, nailing, screwing, hanging and testing. :thedoubletake:

But first I'm thinking of trying to start some seeds in FF OF. And I need more CO2. I can afford those now.

More seeds, more construction, and more pictures - soon!

[action report]
==> Bloom - Pre-harvest flush (2)

GDP.1H (51/55 days) : 2.00 gal ea
GDP.1J (51/55 days)

-Mix (4) gallons.
-Per gallon:
1 oz Clearex
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.10 @ 20.1 C

==> Bloom - Pre-feed flush (4)

MTP (51/65 days) : 0.50 gal ea
MTP.1B (51/65 days)
GDP.1F (28/55 days)
GDP.1K (28/55 days)

-Mix (2) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Yucca
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.25 @ 20.1 C
1 t blackstrap molasses

==> Bloom - Feed (6)

1. MTP : 1.50 gal ea

-Mix (3) gallons - TAPER
-Per gallon:
2 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
1 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1/2 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 1000 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.14 @ 20.2 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

2. GDP.1F : 1.00 gal ea

-Mix (2) gallons - MID
-Per gallon:
2 T liquid steamed bone meal
2 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
2 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 1330 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.16 @ 20.1 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

==> Large Veg (9):

BBX.2J : 1.00 gal ea

BD.5S : 0.50 gal

-Mix (6) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 860 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.29 @ 20.1 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Medium Veg (8):

BD.6D, BD.6E : feed to saturation
L.5D, L.5E


-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
2 t Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 910 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.26 @ 20.1 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Small veg (18):

BD.6F, BD.6G, BD.6H
L.5J, L.5K, L.5L

-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
1 t Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
1 t Big Foot (2nd)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 630 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.14 @ 19.8 C
1/2 t Companion

[/action report]

[action report]
==> Bloom - Pre-harvest flush (2)

GDP.1H (53/55 days) : 2.00 gal ea
GDP.1J (53/55 days)

-Mix (4) gallons.
-Per gallon:
1 oz Clearex
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.14 @ 20.2 C

==> Bloom - Pre-feed flush (4)

MTP (53/65 days) : 0.50 gal ea
MTP.1B (53/65 days)
GDP.1F (30/55 days)
GDP.1K (30/55 days)

-Mix (2) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Yucca
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.25 @ 20.0 C
1 t blackstrap molasses

==> Bloom - Feed (6)

1. MTP : 1.50 gal ea

-Mix (3) gallons - TAPER
-Per gallon:
2 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
1 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1/2 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 1000 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.14 @ 20.2 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

2. GDP.1F : 1.00 gal ea

-Mix (2) gallons - MID
-Per gallon:
2 T liquid steamed bone meal
2 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
2 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 1270 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.16 @ 20.2 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

==> Large Veg (9):

BBX.2J : 1.00 gal ea

BD.5S : 0.50 gal

-Mix (6) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 830 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.23 @ 20.2 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Medium Veg (8):

BD.6D, BD.6E : feed to saturation
L.5D, L.5E


-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
2 t Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 750 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.22 @ 20.1 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Small veg (18):

BD.6F, BD.6G, BD.6H
L.5J, L.5K, L.5L

-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
1 t Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
1 t Big Foot (3rd)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 640 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.22 @ 20.0 C
1/2 t Companion

[/action report]

AHK (Afghani Hindu Kush) is now 12 inches tall. Time to take two cuttings.


I harvested GDP.1H and GDP.1J (Grandaddy Purps) today at 55 days. They are frosty. :cheer: The first pic was while the lone MH was still warming up - I had disabled the HPS lights.






The Matanuskan is 55/65 days and is technically in flush, but I gave them the beneficials anyway tonight.








The GDPs that come out in 24 days (32/56 days) are already looking nice.


[action report]
==> All - Weekly Beneficials (23):

MTP (55/65 days) : 1.25 gal
MTP.1B (55/65 days) : 1.25 gal
GDP.1F (32/56 days) : 1.00 gal
GDP.1K (32/56 days) : 1.00 gal

BBX.2J : 1.00 gal ea

BD.5S : 0.50 gal

BD.6D, BD.6E : feed to saturation
L.5D, L.5E


BD.6F, BD.6G, BD.6H
L.5J, L.5K, L.5L

-Mix (12) gallons
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.22 @ 21.1 C
-Per gallon:
1/2 T Myco powder
1 t Gnatrol (Bt-i - Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis)
1/2 t Companion (Bacillus subtilis)
1 t Hygrozyme

[/action report]

Frosty dude. I have been watching your journal for quite a long time. I don't say much but I am watching and I do enjoy it.

Thanks. I'm impressed with how the Grandaddy Purps I just harvested looks. If the potency is there it might be a keeper.

I put L.4F and BBX.2J into bloom last night.

[action report]
==> Bloom - Pre-harvest flush (2)

MTP (57/65 days) : 2.00 gal ea
MTP.1B (57/65 days)

-Mix (4) gallons.
-Per gallon:
1 oz Clearex
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.11 @ 18.8 C

==> Bloom - Pre-feed flush (4)

GDP.1F (34/55 days) : 0.50 gal ea
GDP.1K (34/55 days)
L.4F (01/55 days)
BBX.2J (01/55 days)

-Mix (2) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Yucca
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.29 @ 18.8 C
1 t blackstrap molasses

==> Bloom - Feed (6)

1. GDP.1F : 1.00 gal ea

-Mix (2) gallons - LATE
-Per gallon:
2 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 T Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
1 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 1320 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.19 @ 18.9 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

2. L.4F : 0.75 gal ea

-Mix (2) gallon - EARLY
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Biggest Bloom
1 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
2 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
1 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 1210 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.21 @ 18.7 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme
Ack. Bad news. The source of my 'Grandaddy Purps' line told me yesterday that he is not keeping it. He is not happy with the results. I didn't have the opportunity to get a more specific reasoning, but I'll be able to find out for myself by Sunday or Monday when my first batch is minimally ready for smoking. Still, it's a bit discouraging, since I have already committed to two more in bloom and was going for a third pair soon. I can sub in something else going forward as needed, but what's already in bloom (at 34 days) might as well finish.

I can't account for how his experience differs from reports from others regarding this strain, but then again, I have no way to positively ID this as real GDP. It is an nth-hand clone after all and there are a lot of unscrupulous people out there. Besides, I don't care what rep it has if it doesn't make me grin, you know.

I got rid of 14 plants. That makes my numbers more manageable and focused.

I also took 2 cuttings from the Afghani Hindu Kush, which was over 14" tall. In a few days, when I feel the clones won't fail out-right, the mother, AHK, will go in the bloom room for sexing. :cheer:

Meanwhile BD.5S (Blue Dream) and TRN.1D (Trinity) go into 9 gallon pots. They go bloom in a little over a week. In addition, BD.6D and BD.6E (both Blue Dream) went to 1.5 gallon pots, as they need to bulk up to go in late next month.

I started two more seeds. Good luck girls. In my garden, you'll need it.

[action report]
Eliminated (14):

L.5D, L.5E, L.5K

==> Took cuttings and put in dome to root:

2 x Afghani Hindu Kush

==> Placed one Super Lemon Haze seed and one Tangerine Dream seed into soil. I had already soaked them in a solution of 1 tsp Notrozime per qt water, balanced to a pH

of 6.2.

==> Transplanted (4):

BD.5S, TRN.1D : 1.00 gal ea
Transplanted to 9 gallon pots.

BD.6D, BD.6E : 0.50 gal ea
Transplanted to 1.5 gallon pots.

-Mix (3) gallons.
-Per gallon:
2 T Organic Supplement
1 t Big Foot (1st)
2 t PGE
1 oz. Yucca
Natural @ 530 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.05) Actual: 6.24 @ 21.0 C
1/2 t Companion
1/2 T Myco powder
1 t Bt-i

[/action report]

Feed report later.

I obtained two small plants today: one is Northern Lights, the other is Grape Kool-Aide. I will shorthand these strains as NL and GKA respectively. Naturally these are clones and cannot be authenticated.

[action report]
==> Added (2)


==> Bloom - Pre-harvest flush (2)

MTP (59/65 days) : 2.00 gal ea
MTP.1B (59/65 days)

-Mix (4) gallons.
-Per gallon:
1 oz Clearex
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.25 @ 21.4 C

==> Bloom - Pre-feed flush (4)

GDP.1F (36/55 days) : 0.50 gal ea
GDP.1K (36/55 days)
L.4F (03/55 days)
BBX.2J (03/55 days)

-Mix (2) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Yucca
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.19 @ 21.2 C
1 t blackstrap molasses

==> Bloom - Feed (6)

1. GDP.1F : 1.00 gal ea

-Mix (2) gallons - LATE
-Per gallon:
2 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
1 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 1140 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.19 @ 21.4 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

2. L.4F : 0.75 gal ea

-Mix (2) gallon - EARLY
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Biggest Bloom
1 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
2 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
1 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 1250 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.11 @ 21.6 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

==> Large Veg, remaining (3):

MTP.1J, MTP.2A : 0.50 gal ea

AHK : feed to saturation

-Mix (2) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 970 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.23 @ 21.2 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Small veg (14):

BD.6F, BD.6G
L.5J, L.5L


-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
1 t Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 530 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.27 @ 20.9 C
1/2 t Companion

[/action report]

[action report]
==> Bloom - Pre-harvest flush (2)

MTP (59/65 days) : 2.00 gal ea
MTP.1B (59/65 days)

-Mix (4) gallons.
-Per gallon:
1 oz Clearex
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.15 @ 21.4 C

==> All remaining - Weekly Beneficials (25):

GDP.1F (32/55 days) : 1.50 gal
GDP.1K (32/55 days) : 1.50 gal
L.4F (03/55 days) : 1.25 gal
BBX.2J (03/55 days) : 1.25 gal

BD.5S : 1.00 gal ea

MTP.1J, MTP.2A : 0.50 gal ea
BD.6D, BD.6E

AHK : feed to saturation

BD.6F, BD.6G : feed to saturation
L.5J, L.5L


-Mix (11) gallons
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.25 @ 21.6 C
-Per gallon:
1/2 T Myco powder
1 t Gnatrol (Bt-i - Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis)
1/2 t Companion (Bacillus subtilis)
1 t Hygrozyme

[/action report]

Sweet!! Wish I could have seen my SLH grow to the end :(

Keep those fluro's close on the seedlings, gotta build those tight nodes early :)

Also if you could get some air blowing on them in the next week or so, build some strong branches!
Just keep smiling :)

:peace: cocoJoe

I am! I am! :)

Sweet!! Wish I could have seen my SLH grow to the end :(

Keep those fluro's close on the seedlings, gotta build those tight nodes early :)

Also if you could get some air blowing on them in the next week or so, build some strong branches!

The lights are close and the fan is already going. :bong:

Day 2:


[action report]
==> Bloom - Pre-harvest flush (2)

MTP (63/65 days) : 2.00 gal ea
MTP.1B (63/65 days)

-Mix (4) gallons.
-Per gallon:
1 oz Clearex
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.17 @ 19.4 C

==> Bloom - Pre-feed flush (4)

GDP.1F (40/55 days) : 0.50 gal ea
GDP.1K (40/55 days)
L.4F (07/55 days)
BBX.2J (07/55 days)

-Mix (2) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Yucca
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.16 @ 19.5 C
1 t blackstrap molasses

==> Bloom - Feed (6)

1. GDP.1F : 1.00 gal ea

-Mix (2) gallons - LATE
-Per gallon:
2 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
1 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 1100 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.19 @ 19.2 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

2. L.4F : 0.75 gal ea

-Mix (2) gallon - EARLY
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Biggest Bloom
1 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
2 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
1 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 1140 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.25 @ 19.1 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

==> Large Veg (9):

BD.5S : 1.00 gal ea

MTP.1J, MTP.2A : 0.50 gal ea

BD.6D, BD.6E : 0.25 gal ea

AHK : feed to saturation

-Mix (4) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
1 t Big Foot (2nd)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 870 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.24 @ 19.3 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Medium veg (12):

BD.6F, BD.6G : feed to saturation
L.5J, L.5L

-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
2 t Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 760 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.28 @ 19.4 C
1/2 t Companion

[/action report]

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