Fallen Cannabis Warrior
your brave to post your first ever grow, my first journal was my 4th or 5th grow, your doing fine and led is on the threshhold of major acceptance several led companies are proving led can do better than hid,and logically it makes sense led has science on its side, and alot of room to improve the tech can only get better where hid is at the max of its outer limits, i think the last 3 brands i have tested have tech as good if not better yielding and the quality is hands down better than when i was a die hard hps for flower guy, but even then i knew led would one day be better than the hps i so loved, time and advancement in tech was the only holdback,
your on the right path dont let anyone shake your evolving abilities your doing so much better than i was on my first cfl hempy 2 liter closet journal (no sarcasm)
your on the right path dont let anyone shake your evolving abilities your doing so much better than i was on my first cfl hempy 2 liter closet journal (no sarcasm)