A ViparSpectra KS3000, GroBucket SIPs, & FN Fertilizer, Oh My - By Farside05

Upped the FN Fertilizer™ to 8ml each product. And refilled the reservoirs. Took about 3/4 gal each. The front left Blackberry MoonRocks still looks like crap and has spots. I have some seedlings (2 popped up today) for the next grow in my other tent hanging out in here for the time being. Red Solos are Alaskan Purple, blue cups are Future #1. I haven't changed the dimmer or height of the KS3000 from the last update.

Upped the FN Fertilizer™ to 8ml each product. And refilled the reservoirs. Took about 3/4 gal each. The front left Blackberry MoonRocks still looks like crap and has spots. I have some seedlings (2 popped up today) for the next grow in my other tent hanging out in here for the time being. Red Solos are Alaskan Purple, blue cups are Future #1. I haven't changed the dimmer or height of the KS3000 from the last update.

Your plants look great. As far as comparisons go, I can’t match the rate of growth if your SIPs in straight coco, which my photos are. But I am curious to see how my bucket system with the White Widow and Banana Daddy autos compares. I have both of those in small starter pots and as soon as their roots show on the bottom the both hit their res. Might be similar rates there, we will see. Don’t you dig how the plants look under the VS3000? They look great in person and very natural in pictures I think. Question: won’t four SIP plants in a 3x3 be a bit much? I can see the tent going nuts!
Other than the spots they look like the SIP and Fn nutes are providing everything they need. So far soo good!

I'm getting down to the last quart or so of FN products. I've got a V3 (version 3) that I've been mulling around. Maybe over the weekend I'll pull out the salts and whip up a batch.

Nice looking plants Farside! They seem to really be enjoying that KS3000 and the sips!

I have a question for you and @InTheShed , how did you guys start learning about the nutrients? I'm really interested in beginning the path towards actually understanding plant biology especially when it comes to nutes. Was it a book, or series of books, maybe a video or 2 somewhere? I'd really appreciate any info in the right direction so I can start looking into it more in depth!
So you basically boosted everything except the chelated micros?

But not all in the same proportions.

Total N up 9%
Nitrate N up 6%
Ammoniacal N up 22%
P up 40%
K up 16%
Mg up 30%
CA up 26%
S up 100%
Nice looking plants Farside! They seem to really be enjoying that KS3000 and the sips!

I have a question for you and @InTheShed , how did you guys start learning about the nutrients? I'm really interested in beginning the path towards actually understanding plant biology especially when it comes to nutes. Was it a book, or series of books, maybe a video or 2 somewhere? I'd really appreciate any info in the right direction so I can start looking into it more in depth!

For me it started HERE. From there I began reading as many university type studies I could find regarding N-P-K ratios. I did not limit myself to just cannabis, but any species of plant. Why any species? Because I found the ratios for most all plants fall in line with the AN study results for cannabis.
I have a question for you and @InTheShed , how did you guys start learning about the nutrients? I'm really interested in beginning the path towards actually understanding plant biology especially when it comes to nutes. Was it a book, or series of books, maybe a video or 2 somewhere? I'd really appreciate any info in the right direction so I can start looking into it more in depth!
For me it started with farside, along with @MrSauga and @FelipeBlu, all of whom drew similar conclusions from their own research into plant growth and nutrition. I haven't done any original research myself, but I do help growers out by correcting their nutrient ratios based on what I learned from those that have.
Your changing your ratios in the end rather than just upping the ppm?

Here was the thinking... From the Osmocote trial indoors in SIPs, I found that I needed more K, Ca, and Mg than I needed outdoors in fabric containers when I used Osmocote. I primarily was wanting to boost those 3. I've always used bare minimum amounts of P, so I thought if there was any additional need for P from the SIPs, I probably should bump it a little too. The slight bump in N and the increase in S are more by products of the other increases. Do the increases in certain elements change the ratios a bit, yes.

V2 is 4.4 : 1 : 5.5
V3 would be 3.4 : 1 : 4.6

Disclaimer: I'm not using Osmocote this grow but I know what it should be providing on a ppm basis. I also know the ppms that were provided in the supplements I made to go with the Osmocote. Adjustments to V2 to create V3 were made based on the total ppm of Osmocote plus supplements.

I'm also contemplating combining the Micros and Part A into 1 bottle so I have one less product to dose. The contents of both products play nice with each other so they shouldn't cause precipitates unless there's just too much salts for the gallon of distilled water that's the base.
Mine aren't as easy to control because I'm not working with individual salts like yours, so I'm trying to get close to 5-1-5 in veg and 5-1-6 in flower. I'm never perfect on any of them though, and my sulfur is always above target!

V3 actually uses no Potassium Nitrate like the original, so there's one less component to have to source. Add in the fact that it was one of the pricier components, bonus!
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