A ViparSpectra KS3000, GroBucket SIPs, & FN Fertilizer, Oh My - By Farside05

Day 24

Moving at warp speed. Already starting into bloom. I topped them last night. Today I cleaned up lowers. Happy so far with the structure of 3 of them so I only Pepper Cropped™ the back left that was the odd ball. Topped them all off with the 10's of FN Fertilizer™. Lately when I top, I take off the top 2 fans also since they tend to block lower growth. I did the same with these. The Tent Chicken™ demanded to be front and center for at least 1 pic, so I dug him out of the center of the tent and snapped one more.

Very nice. What breeders made these seeds? Curious, I sort of keep an informal list in my head of strains/genetics and how much flower time they give you. 24 days and looks like all four are either there or basically there. You got excellent size out of them for only 24 days growth. Great work.
Very nice. What breeders made these seeds? Curious, I sort of keep an informal list in my head of strains/genetics and how much flower time they give you. 24 days and looks like all four are either there or basically there. You got excellent size out of them for only 24 days growth. Great work.

They are from Expert Seeds. They were a sponsor here for a while but aren't currently. I'm surprised more people never caught on to them. Genetics are excellent and their prices are fantastic. Delivery is speedy too. They have 2 for 1 sales often, and with a bigger order, you can get free shipping too sometimes. I've been able to keep my seed cost in the $4.50 per seed range with them and had great results. Worth a look. I haven't seen the OGesus strain anywhere else, so it may be an exclusive. I still look at seeds, but I have enough on hand for a couple years worth of grows.
They all look good and bulking up nicely! Good job as always. :thumb:
You obviously have a way to measure the light.

I have an Urceri lux meter from Amazon ($29.99).

I use Phototone but think in terms of ppfd rather than lux.

I have had zero luck with apps and Android based phones. I have compared 3 different apps, on 3 different devices, that's a total of 9 different combinations, versus my lux meter and found wildly varying results. Zero stars, would not recommend. I've seen other tests that suggest Photone and Apple phones work well, but since I do not own an Apple phone, I cannot verify that statement.

So that puts you around the upper 600s to low 700s in ppfd terms? Is that close?

I'm not up to speed on the lux to ppfd relationship so I sought out the help of an online Calculator. I put in 35,000 lux and selected Red+Blue+White LED as the closest approximation of my light and got a result of 899. Is that right? I have no clue. I've always delt in lux since true PAR meters cost many times more than a lux meter, and I've used my meter in conjunction with Royal Queen Seeds "How to use a lux meter" suggestions.

For what it's worth, ViparSpectra says that at 100% power and 12" hanging height, the center of the tent should be approximately 1000 ppfd for the KS3000. I'm at 100% power and about 18” so maybe the 899 ppfd computation above is in the ballpark. They have 75% and 24" height as 600 ppfd.
I have an Urceri lux meter from Amazon ($29.99).

I have had zero luck with apps and Android based phones. I have compared 3 different apps, on 3 different devices, that's a total of 9 different combinations, versus my lux meter and found wildly varying results. Zero stars, would not recommend. I've seen other tests that suggest Photone and Apple phones work well, but since I do not own an Apple phone, I cannot verify that statement.

I'm not up to speed on the lux to ppfd relationship so I sought out the help of an online Calculator. I put in 35,000 lux and selected Red+Blue+White LED as the closest approximation of my light and got a result of 899. Is that right? I have no clue. I've always delt in lux since true PAR meters cost many times more than a lux meter, and I've used my meter in conjunction with Royal Queen Seeds "How to use a lux meter" suggestions.

For what it's worth, ViparSpectra says that at 100% power and 12" hanging height, the center of the tent should be approximately 1000 ppfd for the KS3000. I'm at 100% power and about 18” so maybe the 899 ppfd computation above is in the ballpark. They have 75% and 24" height as 600 ppfd.
Gotcha thanks. Yeah I got a similar number using the same calculator. But you gotta pick the wavelength and I guessed at that. They LOOK like they’re getting more like the 900-1000 ppfd they ought to be (imho) at this point. And yes, on an Apple phone, especially the 14 Plus Pro I just got, the Phototone app is plenty accurate. I tested it when I got it and even on the lesser and older SE I had before it was within a few points of the company par charts.
They LOOK like they’re getting more like the 900-1000 ppfd they ought to be (imho) at this point.

The Royal Queen article has blooming plants at 45k-65k lux recommendations, but I find that if I go much above 50k, all I get is foxtailing colas. I can still get hard nugs at 45-50k with the KS3000. Last grow I went above 50k and had some foxtailing just because the plants stretched so much and I was out of headroom to raise the light any more.
Day 30

Fed them all the 10's of FN Fertilizer™. Raised the light to maintain 40k lux. Defoliated a bit and Pepper Cropped™ the back left. Others have been untrained other than topping.


You ever get bored not having any issues to deal with? Makes for a more exciting grow in case you were wondering. :laughtwo:

I've got enough other drama to deal with. Normally involves auto repair. Just put new coil packs in my van yesterday and I have a blower motor resistor to do on the wife's van tomorrow when the part arrives.

Spent the last 8 years trying to make the process as simple as possible. I think I could train a chimp to do it. Can't say I completely understand people that grow in other methods that require more labor. Cleaning reservoirs, checking ppm's, monitoring pH, It's not for me. To each their own.
Good lord. It straight up exploded in there!

The pace at which they're moving has surprised me a bit. Perhaps it's just coming off a couple photo grows that were slower going that makes me think they're maturing quicker than usual. The front left did start into bloom about a week earlier than normal. The front right is bringing up the rear.
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