A Video Journal With Pigeons420 - 2016


ty for the wake and bake just what i needed
Happy Canada Day Family!

Buds By The Lake. :woohoo:

I hit the vapor pen this morning. Have a wonderful weekend at the lake. It looks beautiful!!! :Love: :hugs: :Love:
Because of the posting guidelines I can't post my latest video on here but, please go check it out!!


Well done Pigeons. :high-five: reps for that one. You've done a good job of stressing safety, the value of proper equipment and the benefit of more hands on board. I'm impressed. I may need to think more about this. For recreational use I can see the appeal. For serious medicinal use, a patient with a dibilitating disease, the trace amounts of butane in the end product are believed to be unacceptable.

Given that caution and planning for safety, this looks mighty attractive as an extraction method.

:Love: :hugs: :Love: MUAH!!!
Thanks Susan,

You make a great point that I've failed to realize or consider. I have a tendency to focus on MY medication and needs and I tend to forget that there are other element or ailments that cannabis and it's concentrates provide healing for.
I of course, would never recommend that patient suffering from cancer or any other serious health issue use such a "backyard" approach to any method that involves their medication. It's critical to provide a sanitary environment, free from most outside elements in order to treat those issues. (That's not to say we all couldn't benefit from a sterile/clean and controlled environment)

But what I think I need to make more apparent is that I'm a medical cannabis patient for chronic pain and ADHD. So, I have some room to play with in terms of my condition and what I can use as medical/recreational.

Here's my pledge to you and myself: I want to create and environment and product that is safe, healthy and environmentally friendly. I also want to be able to offer myself an array of different medicines derived all from the same source.

I love Cannabis and I love you :Love::hugs::Love:
The trace amounts of butane would only be a concern for someone treating themselves for a serious disease like cancer. I believe we have immune systems for a reason, and most of ours could deal with the residue. Someone with a compromised immune system, not so much.

I'm so thrilled that you've improved so dramatically from your first attempt. This gives you one more option, and the concentrates are an excellent way to get a higher cannabinoid load into the system.

Are you using any high CBD strains for the chronic pain? I've found a 1:1 ratio works effectively for me, and a 2:1 CBD:THC works even better. It's still strange wrapping my head around cannabis that doesn't offer euphoria, but damn! Mighty effective stuff. I made CBD capsules and take three a day to eliminate rediculous pain in my upper back. Amazingly effective.

I'm beginning to form an opinion that it's most beneficial to get your cannabis from many different directions. The more varied your menu and delivery methods the greater benefit you should expect. Just a theory right now, and no way to prove it, but it sure feel right.
Great video pigeons. I subbed to your YouTube. I thought I already was for some reason.
I thought the amount of butane left in the bho was comparable to the amount consumed when using a lighter to light your flower for smoking. I'm not claiming that is correct but there seems to be some discrepancies between "experts". The overwhelming consensus is that there are so many variables involved from seed or clone to product that we don't truly know what we are smoking unless it is lab tested. I mean every single nug, every dab, every bit of the plant that gets used. There is no way to do this efficiently. Until we can get some hard scientific data in larger clinical studies here and abroad, we are just assuming and going off of anecdotal evidence. Until that day comes, dab your ass off. :rofl:
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