A vicious circle

Yes, this! Plus avoid sugar and fat as much as possible, make raw veggies a priority. Use super foods, nuts, berries etc. grow your own organically, treat yourself with the bad stuff occasionally so you don’t go insane. Get out and walk, hike, cycle, kayak etc. do some dancing and laughing. It all matters.
I do generally eat well and I’ve always loved growing my own vegetables. Before my injury I had an aquaponic system, Rainbow Trout to grow and harvest with vegetables growing in the grow beds. I have it stripped down at the moment.
As for the activities, before my injury I loved fishing, packrafting, hiking, camping, if it was in the bush away from people, well that suits me. Bit different since I ruined my back, like I said earlier I just had my third back surgery and it’s looking positive this time but I’m a bit off going back to that yet.
So today I seen my GP and I told him that I need the endones out of my house. So now he has put me on fentanyl patches.
Is this better or worse? He seems to think it’ll be better..🤷🏻‍♂️
So today I seen my GP and I told him that I need the endones out of my house. So now he has put me on fentanyl patches.
Is this better or worse? He seems to think it’ll be better..🤷🏻‍♂️
Fentynal patches are definitely not good for people already experiencing opioid abuse! Only thing is that you can't just take a couple extra, but there could be a temptation to wear an extra patch, my girl was on them for a bit, didn't go well for her.
So today I seen my GP and I told him that I need the endones out of my house. So now he has put me on fentanyl patches.
Is this better or worse? He seems to think it’ll be better..🤷🏻‍♂️
They are a death sentence.
Don't start you will regret it.
That's what killed me.
Worst thing ever invented.
Please think and do a little research before you use them. :Namaste: :Namaste: :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Fentynal patches are definitely not good for people already experiencing opioid abuse! Only thing is that you can't just take a couple extra, but there could be a temptation to wear an extra patch, my girl was on them for a bit, didn't go well for her.
Yes, there was the concern of covering myself in them like paper mache. So we decided I am only allowed 1 at a time and I just have to go to the chemist every 3 days.
I am willing to try anything but for nearly 4 years I just go from one shit thing to the next.
They are a death sentence.
Don't start you will regret it.
That's what killed me.
Worst thing ever invented.
Please think and do a little research before you use them. :Namaste: :Namaste: :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
I don’t know what to do. I’m trying to look into alternatives but I’m not really able to concentrate when reading cause of my pain. My GP just changes to a different opioid every time I fuck up.
I don’t know what to do. I’m trying to look into alternatives but I’m not really able to concentrate when reading cause of my pain. My GP just changes to a different opioid every time I fuck up.
I would highly advise looking into the suboxone (s8) program, it saved my life man, one of its biggest uses apart from treating opioid addiction is pain relief
Yes, there was the concern of covering myself in them like paper mache. So we decided I am only allowed 1 at a time and I just have to go to the chemist every 3 days.
I am willing to try anything but for nearly 4 years I just go from one shit thing to the next.
Man I’ve seen people stick the patches to a spoon and cook it with vinegar or lemon juice it’s a lighter. When people want to abuse they will abuse. Subuxon has worse withdrawn than morphine it’s horrible. Methadone is the better option. I have withdrawn from methadone, I tapered all the way to 5 mg a day and jumped. It was rough for 2 weeks. Mainly not being able to sleep and back pain. I’m clean 7 years off pain meds. If you are around then it will be even harder. It’s possible, but you have to take yourself out of those situations that tempt you. Hope alls well. 2 weeks of pain that’s what it takes to get clean. Then possibly an antidepressant to help long term.
Man I’ve seen people stick the patches to a spoon and cook it with vinegar or lemon juice it’s a lighter. When people want to abuse they will abuse. Subuxon has worse withdrawn than morphine it’s horrible. Methadone is the better option. I have withdrawn from methadone, I tapered all the way to 5 mg a day and jumped. It was rough for 2 weeks. Mainly not being able to sleep and back pain. I’m clean 7 years off pain meds. If you are around then it will be even harder. It’s possible, but you have to take yourself out of those situations that tempt you. Hope alls well. 2 weeks of pain that’s what it takes to get clean. Then possibly an antidepressant to help long term.
Well said bud, been there done that. Personally, I've been on suboxone 3 separate times for periods of a few years, ove been on it this time for 8 months, the coming off wasn't that bad, not for me personally anyways. Methadone is efficient too, but it turns bone to chalk after prolonged periods. Replacement therapy can be very beneficial defending on the individual though and how long they want their treatment to go for. I'm not entirely sure how it works in the US, but in Australia, people can be prescribed ORT for as long as they want, till they feel ready.
Well I’m still on the patches, and I know it’s not the safest option but I’m still here and I haven’t done anything stupid yet.
I had a chat with my cannabis doctor today and he gave me a prescription for a different strain as well so I could alternate strains week to week, awesome.
So when I picked up my script for the week I was surprised it was from an Australian company and grower, which is great.
Not really sure what it is 😂 true Aussie style, a container with WEED written on it 😂 No just joking. But it doesn’t have much info on it, just that it’s Sativa and it’s 22%. The other one I get is from Canada and it has a lot of info on that strain.
Anyway, it does the job quite well so I’m happy.
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