A vicious circle


Well-Known Member
I’m just writing here because it’s seems the appropriate place to maybe find some advice.
So from a very early age I fell in love with weed, then by 16 LSD was it and by 20 there wasn’t much I hadn’t tried or somethings just became a daily staple. I’ve always been a functional indulger, I mean if you didn’t know me you wouldn’t know. At the age of 27 I wanted a change and I met my now wife and moved 500kms away to be with her and leave my life.
I kept in contact with weed as a casual smoker.
Fast forward a 1000 years I’m now 48 and 3.5 years ago I suffered a spinal injury and then, HELLO OPIOIDS. The doses keep going up and I was eating Targin like an idiot.
After my first spinal surgery didn’t work my specialist blamed my addiction feeding my brain faulse information. I was given the option of a 7 day ketamine infusion or to wean off myself, I chose to do it myself. 🤮 if you know, you know. I did it, and guess what? I needed more surgery.
Then they gave me Palexia, it’s none addictive but it didn’t work either. What does an idiot like me do, I take as many as I can and in various different methods. It still never did anything for the pain, it just made me go crazy in the head, arguing with my wife constantly over nothing. I got rid off that stuff, but after the second surgery I also got prescribed weed as well. So my script for weed is 10g per week of 25% bud and 100ml of 20:1 oil per month, which I always run out but it’s so expensive here in Australia that I can’t afford higher script.
Anyway the second surgery didn’t get much success either, it was noticeably better but no way to live. So not quite 3 weeks ago I had surgery number 3.
I know endones are mild compared to what I’ve had in my past, but I am prescribed 35 endones a day, yep that’s right 1.5 boxes per day. And guess what I’m doing, I started eating so many that I just start throwing up.
It’s such a vicious thing to the point where I can’t control myself if I surrender to taking them, but 2 days ago after another throwing up episode, I thought you’re an idiot and I haven’t had 1 since but I have 7 packets in the cupboard.
Sorry about the long boring story but I only mentioned key points.

I’m just writing here because it’s seems the appropriate place to maybe find some advice.
So from a very early age I fell in love with weed, then by 16 LSD was it and by 20 there wasn’t much I hadn’t tried or somethings just became a daily staple. I’ve always been a functional indulger, I mean if you didn’t know me you wouldn’t know. At the age of 27 I wanted a change and I met my now wife and moved 500kms away to be with her and leave my life.
I kept in contact with weed as a casual smoker.
Fast forward a 1000 years I’m now 48 and 3.5 years ago I suffered a spinal injury and then, HELLO OPIOIDS. The doses keep going up and I was eating Targin like an idiot.
After my first spinal surgery didn’t work my specialist blamed my addiction feeding my brain faulse information. I was given the option of a 7 day ketamine infusion or to wean off myself, I chose to do it myself. 🤮 if you know, you know. I did it, and guess what? I needed more surgery.
Then they gave me Palexia, it’s none addictive but it didn’t work either. What does an idiot like me do, I take as many as I can and in various different methods. It still never did anything for the pain, it just made me go crazy in the head, arguing with my wife constantly over nothing. I got rid off that stuff, but after the second surgery I also got prescribed weed as well. So my script for weed is 10g per week of 25% bud and 100ml of 20:1 oil per month, which I always run out but it’s so expensive here in Australia that I can’t afford higher script.
Anyway the second surgery didn’t get much success either, it was noticeably better but no way to live. So not quite 3 weeks ago I had surgery number 3.
I know endones are mild compared to what I’ve had in my past, but I am prescribed 35 endones a day, yep that’s right 1.5 boxes per day. And guess what I’m doing, I started eating so many that I just start throwing up.
It’s such a vicious thing to the point where I can’t control myself if I surrender to taking them, but 2 days ago after another throwing up episode, I thought you’re an idiot and I haven’t had 1 since but I have 7 packets in the cupboard.
Sorry about the long boring story but I only mentioned key points.

Look into RSO ( Rick Simpson oil). It’s a big help with withdrawal. If the dose is correct. I’m not a dr but methadone helps a lot of people too. It can stabilize the ups and downs because is so long acting. Sorry you’re going through it. Do some research on RSO from cannabis.
The pain level has to change enough otherwise you don't stand much chance with that large of a dosage of them. As I personally allowed to take 6 oxy a day (10's) w/o OD'ing, but I'm also on a Fentanyl patch so numbers needed to take me out is a combination of things. Either the pain has to change, the docs figure out a way to change pain, or you have to change the way your body processes pain. Otherwise it's a wander around in a haze thing, which for me has been 2 year now.......give it hell and gl with it, it's a real mean mofo to fight with :peace: :Namaste:

or at least I like to go down swinging anyway 🙃 :rofl::passitleft::bong:
Look into RSO ( Rick Simpson oil). It’s a big help with withdrawal. If the dose is correct. I’m not a dr but methadone helps a lot of people too. It can stabilize the ups and downs because is so long acting. Sorry you’re going through it. Do some research on RSO from cannabis.
Thanks, I will.
This is the oil I take at the moment

Look into RSO ( Rick Simpson oil). It’s a big help with withdrawal. If the dose is correct. I’m not a dr but methadone helps a lot of people too. It can stabilize the ups and downs because is so long acting. Sorry you’re going through it. Do some research on RSO from cannabis.
Look at links in my signature for CCO and others, saved mine and my fathers lives partly.
The pain level has to change enough otherwise you don't stand much chance with that large of a dosage of them. As I personally allowed to take 6 oxy a day (10's) w/o OD'ing, but I'm also on a Fentanyl patch so numbers needed to take me out is a combination of things. Either the pain has to change, the docs figure out a way to change pain, or you have to change the way your body processes pain. Otherwise it's a wander around in a haze thing, which for me has been 2 year now.......give it hell and gl with it, it's a real mean mofo to fight with :peace: :Namaste:

or at least I like to go down swinging anyway 🙃 :rofl::passitleft::bong:
I’ve been saying for 3 1/2 years that nothing that they are giving me is even touching the pain.
But they just keep saying I have an abnormal high tolerance of high doses. Ok, so that’s my fault, that doesn’t help anything. Bloody medical system.

It also doesn’t help that I function perfectly normal when I’m off my head. Mate I’ve been with my wife for 20 years and she knows I take drugs but can’t tell when I do. I’m that guy at a party that consumes way more than anyone else and seems completely straight. I have withheld a normal work life and raised a family. Everyone knows I do it but from the outside looking in they just see a normal guy.
With the oxy’s I was on 60’s but I was taking 5&6 at a time, bloody ridiculous.
But I’ll be fine this time, I’ve only been taking them a couple of weeks. But I was blown away how quickly I started doing silly shit with it. Endones are just like a little 5mg oxy. I stopped myself early.
I suppose it’s once an addict always an addict.
Thank you and I hope you beat it too.
I’m just writing here because it’s seems the appropriate place to maybe find some advice.
So from a very early age I fell in love with weed, then by 16 LSD was it and by 20 there wasn’t much I hadn’t tried or somethings just became a daily staple. I’ve always been a functional indulger, I mean if you didn’t know me you wouldn’t know. At the age of 27 I wanted a change and I met my now wife and moved 500kms away to be with her and leave my life.
I kept in contact with weed as a casual smoker.
Fast forward a 1000 years I’m now 48 and 3.5 years ago I suffered a spinal injury and then, HELLO OPIOIDS. The doses keep going up and I was eating Targin like an idiot.
After my first spinal surgery didn’t work my specialist blamed my addiction feeding my brain faulse information. I was given the option of a 7 day ketamine infusion or to wean off myself, I chose to do it myself. 🤮 if you know, you know. I did it, and guess what? I needed more surgery.
Then they gave me Palexia, it’s none addictive but it didn’t work either. What does an idiot like me do, I take as many as I can and in various different methods. It still never did anything for the pain, it just made me go crazy in the head, arguing with my wife constantly over nothing. I got rid off that stuff, but after the second surgery I also got prescribed weed as well. So my script for weed is 10g per week of 25% bud and 100ml of 20:1 oil per month, which I always run out but it’s so expensive here in Australia that I can’t afford higher script.
Anyway the second surgery didn’t get much success either, it was noticeably better but no way to live. So not quite 3 weeks ago I had surgery number 3.
I know endones are mild compared to what I’ve had in my past, but I am prescribed 35 endones a day, yep that’s right 1.5 boxes per day. And guess what I’m doing, I started eating so many that I just start throwing up.
It’s such a vicious thing to the point where I can’t control myself if I surrender to taking them, but 2 days ago after another throwing up episode, I thought you’re an idiot and I haven’t had 1 since but I have 7 packets in the cupboard.
Sorry about the long boring story but I only mentioned key points.

So sorry about your issues my friend.
I had a similar experience when I broke my back.
Doctors drugs killed me.
I take cbd and rso daily now for my pain.
I quit fentanyl cold turkey, that almost killed me.
But pot saved my life.
Not sure what's available there but RSO is great for my pain and health.
Good luck and I hope you recover.
If you need someone to chat with I'm always around.
I've been through it. :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
So sorry about your issues my friend.
I had a similar experience when I broke my back.
Doctor drugs killed me.
I take cbd and rso daily now for my pain.
I quit fentanyl cold turkey, that almost killed me.
But pot saved my life.
Not sure what's available there but RSO is great for my pain and health.
Good luck and I hope you recover.
If you need someone to chat with I'm always around.
I've been through it. :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
G’day Bill
It really is f&@ked, isn’t it.
I’ll have to look into this RSO oil because I’m at the point of knowing I can’t be trusted whenever they put me on any opioid and I have an appointment on Monday with my GP and I’m taking these last 7 boxes of endones and telling him to stick them up his ***
But finding something for the pain is the hardest so I’ll be looking into rso
Thanks mate, I’d really love to be able to talk. I’ve been seeing a psychologist for a year now and I’m only just starting to open up to her, a bit of that “men have been conditioned not to speak” syndrome.
I’ll get there mate, it’s just bloody hard 🙏🤞
a bit of that “men have been conditioned not to speak” syndrome.
"Machismo" here in N America or "stubborn old coot" :rofl: Hard to explain pain that is so bad (until you experience it yourself you don't understand that level of pain). You can't even hide it from stupid people that are clueless, well ok most of them as some dumber than rocks 😉. You have the right attitude and you have been there before, so you able to power into and thru it my friend 👍 .

I'm at the last stage pain meds being really only option, as a few things trying to kill me along with the treatment trying to kill me now. I just here to defy Medicine and Science :rofl:and wth maybe gravity too :rofl::rofl:. My Sciatic nerve was pinched for like 6 months. about took me out as was about at the end of my rope before they got done doing tests to see what going on. Bloodwork was wonky from CLL (a Leukemia), pain was from a mass in my back inside a "age indeterminant compression fracture between L4 and L5 (broke my back in the late 90's my guess probably, but who knows LOL). The did a CT assisted biopsy of my back and sent part of the sample somewhere they can narrow down genetic markers and tell what type of Cancer it is (where it originated), so the other masses in various places (like more than 4 ) are all more than likely Lung Cancer too. Stg 4 Lung Cancer usually very aggressive as they gave me like 3-6 months w/o treatment and 6-12 months if I did a trial that wasn't approved yet for treatment. But that was August of 2022, so probably trying to figure out how I'm still walking around (well walking needs cane or walker or fall down and I don't like to do that in public :rofl:. Treatment got that damn mass to unpinch my Sciatic nerve, but I still hang around a Pain Level 6 with a Fentanyl Patch and Oxy as needed to supplement, but folks don't get 24/7 pain until they experience it (if the ever do as some get lucky). Doc told me he didn't care about Cannabis but couldn't recommend it as they can lose their doc license here in US still as a Federal offense still. So I get stoned quite a lot, I mean why not :rofl: You have to sign all this BS about how they can test you for drugs, as they worried about drug addiction (or pretending to care about it after it became a problem due to overly prescribed by doctors). Cigarettes worse than any other drug I have quit taking in my life (it's a mofo just like meth and opioids in the top 3), and the Feds make money on that crap same as the alcohol.

Sorry turned into a freaking book, I'll blame the meds :rofl: hang in there my friend you got this!! :peace::passitleft::bong::bong:

Edit: different things work for different people, CBG has some promise for some things if that around where you are but it is a fairly new thing as apparently a genetic thing and not in all strains. I've tried most things, but the oil (RSO) I haven't ever so no idea on that.
"Machismo" here in N America or "stubborn old coot" :rofl: Hard to explain pain that is so bad (until you experience it yourself you don't understand that level of pain). You can't even hide it from stupid people that are clueless, well ok most of them as some dumber than rocks 😉. You have the right attitude and you have been there before, so you able to power into and thru it my friend 👍 .

I'm at the last stage pain meds being really only option, as a few things trying to kill me along with the treatment trying to kill me now. I just here to defy Medicine and Science :rofl:and wth maybe gravity too :rofl::rofl:. My Sciatic nerve was pinched for like 6 months. about took me out as was about at the end of my rope before they got done doing tests to see what going on. Bloodwork was wonky from CLL (a Leukemia), pain was from a mass in my back inside a "age indeterminant compression fracture between L4 and L5 (broke my back in the late 90's my guess probably, but who knows LOL). The did a CT assisted biopsy of my back and sent part of the sample somewhere they can narrow down genetic markers and tell what type of Cancer it is (where it originated), so the other masses in various places (like more than 4 ) are all more than likely Lung Cancer too. Stg 4 Lung Cancer usually very aggressive as they gave me like 3-6 months w/o treatment and 6-12 months if I did a trial that wasn't approved yet for treatment. But that was August of 2022, so probably trying to figure out how I'm still walking around (well walking needs cane or walker or fall down and I don't like to do that in public :rofl:. Treatment got that damn mass to unpinch my Sciatic nerve, but I still hang around a Pain Level 6 with a Fentanyl Patch and Oxy as needed to supplement, but folks don't get 24/7 pain until they experience it (if the ever do as some get lucky). Doc told me he didn't care about Cannabis but couldn't recommend it as they can lose their doc license here in US still as a Federal offense still. So I get stoned quite a lot, I mean why not :rofl: You have to sign all this BS about how they can test you for drugs, as they worried about drug addiction (or pretending to care about it after it became a problem due to overly prescribed by doctors). Cigarettes worse than any other drug I have quit taking in my life (it's a mofo just like meth and opioids in the top 3), and the Feds make money on that crap same as the alcohol.

Sorry turned into a freaking book, I'll blame the meds :rofl: hang in there my friend you got this!! :peace::passitleft::bong::bong:

Edit: different things work for different people, CBG has some promise for some things if that around where you are but it is a fairly new thing as apparently a genetic thing and not in all strains. I've tried most things, but the oil (RSO) I haven't ever so no idea on that.
Sorry to hear about your struggles, sounds awful.
Opioids only ever work as pain relief for a short time for me and then I start doing silly stuff like taking 5-6 times my dose.
It’s awful living in pain and then to get prescribed an addiction on top of it, not nice at all.
Thank you
So I’ve been searching RSO and I can’t find anything about pain relief or am I missing something?
I’m just writing here because it’s seems the appropriate place to maybe find some advice.
So from a very early age I fell in love with weed, then by 16 LSD was it and by 20 there wasn’t much I hadn’t tried or somethings just became a daily staple. I’ve always been a functional indulger, I mean if you didn’t know me you wouldn’t know. At the age of 27 I wanted a change and I met my now wife and moved 500kms away to be with her and leave my life.
I kept in contact with weed as a casual smoker.
Fast forward a 1000 years I’m now 48 and 3.5 years ago I suffered a spinal injury and then, HELLO OPIOIDS. The doses keep going up and I was eating Targin like an idiot.
After my first spinal surgery didn’t work my specialist blamed my addiction feeding my brain faulse information. I was given the option of a 7 day ketamine infusion or to wean off myself, I chose to do it myself. 🤮 if you know, you know. I did it, and guess what? I needed more surgery.
Then they gave me Palexia, it’s none addictive but it didn’t work either. What does an idiot like me do, I take as many as I can and in various different methods. It still never did anything for the pain, it just made me go crazy in the head, arguing with my wife constantly over nothing. I got rid off that stuff, but after the second surgery I also got prescribed weed as well. So my script for weed is 10g per week of 25% bud and 100ml of 20:1 oil per month, which I always run out but it’s so expensive here in Australia that I can’t afford higher script.
Anyway the second surgery didn’t get much success either, it was noticeably better but no way to live. So not quite 3 weeks ago I had surgery number 3.
I know endones are mild compared to what I’ve had in my past, but I am prescribed 35 endones a day, yep that’s right 1.5 boxes per day. And guess what I’m doing, I started eating so many that I just start throwing up.
It’s such a vicious thing to the point where I can’t control myself if I surrender to taking them, but 2 days ago after another throwing up episode, I thought you’re an idiot and I haven’t had 1 since but I have 7 packets in the cupboard.
Sorry about the long boring story but I only mentioned key points.

Hey buddy, sorry to hear about your opioid problems, I suffered from a morphine and heroin addiction for about 10 years, I've been on the suboxone program now for about 8 months and it works wonders, if you have any questions you can pm me 😀
So I’ve been searching RSO and I can’t find anything about pain relief or am I missing something?
It was originally made by a Canadian gentleman Rick Simpson. - Rick Simpson Oil or RSO.
He made it for cancer patients.
Actually cured many of them.
Seriously look it up.
But it doesn't really say what it does, not like asprin or antibiotics.
It'll say cannabis oil.
But it has many many health benefits.
One being pain relief.
I've taken it for many years and can verify it's abilities.
I take cbd every morning and rso in the evening.
I finally get a few hrs sleep.
Before my back injury had me awake most of the night.
If you can source some you will be pleased with the results. :Namaste:
You can make your own aswell.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
It was originally made by a Canadian gentleman Rick Simpson. - Rick Simpson Oil or RSO.
He made it for cancer patients.
Actually cured many of them.
Seriously look it up.
But it doesn't really say what it does, not like asprin or antibiotics.
It'll say cannabis oil.
But it has many many health benefits.
One being pain relief.
I've taken it for many years and can verify it's abilities.
I take cbd every morning and rso in the evening.
I finally get a few hrs sleep.
Before my back injury had me awake most of the night.
If you can source some you will be pleased with the results. :Namaste:
You can make your own aswell.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
G’day bill
Yeah I had a read the other day, sounds like it doing wonders. I thought that there may have been some reading on its pain relief abilities.
I was reading that it is available in several places over here in Australia, I have to look further into that.
There is so much political bullshit over here with cannabis. Because they have spent forever feeding lies to society about how it’s a dangerous drug, it’s hard for them to back flip on everything they have said.
I’m hoping in years to come that the government progresses enough so it’s made easier for people.
I did have a quick read on diy version, not sure my wife will want me doing that in the kitchen 😂
I need to do some more reading
Thanks Bill
I started with RSO and found CCO methods in my signature and can attest to both. Dad was diagnosed stage 4 prostrate in his early 70s and is alive and well at 81 without any chemo or radiation partly due to RSO and CCO. I was diagnosed in early 40s with stage 3 in throat and story is same but I’m just pushing towards 60s - 57 to be precise. We’ve also helped and lost others along the way so it’s not a miracle cure all, but even in those cases it did no harm and made the journey to the end much less horrifying.
I started with RSO and found CCO methods in my signature and can attest to both. Dad was diagnosed stage 4 prostrate in his early 70s and is alive and well at 81 without any chemo or radiation partly due to RSO and CCO. I was diagnosed in early 40s with stage 3 in throat and story is same but I’m just pushing towards 60s - 57 to be precise. We’ve also helped and lost others along the way so it’s not a miracle cure all, but even in those cases it did no harm and made the journey to the end much less horrifying.
Thanks mate
The more I read the more great I find about oils.
All this reading I think it’s time for some new glasses 👓 bloody eyes are getting old too.
Thank you
Yes, this! Plus avoid sugar and fat as much as possible, make raw veggies a priority. Use super foods, nuts, berries etc. grow your own organically, treat yourself with the bad stuff occasionally so you don’t go insane. Get out and walk, hike, cycle, kayak etc. do some dancing and laughing. It all matters.
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