A new head shop opened in my neighborhood

Doctor Trevor

Well-Known Member
An actual brick and mortar store and they're selling bud, pre-rolls, edibles, hash, etc. right out in the open. It's not legal to sell recreationally in New York, but they're doing it.
@Doctor Trevor ,Recreational in not allowed in Florida either, but one can buy bud so long as he or she has a medical card, which costs somewhere around $100.
Nice hearing from you Doc, take care, its a jungle out there.
It's not legal to sell recreationally in New York, but they're doing it.
I feel like I have been reading comments and articles about the New York situation, especially in NYC, since shortly after recreational weed was legalized in March of 2021. It often seems as if the powers that be did not see what would happen if they did not bother to come up with the regulations that would allow the legal sales of the now legal recreational weed, Last I looked they have not even figured out the regulations and licensing that shops would have to follow if they wanted to get into the business.

Now there are shops on every corner and the entrepreneurs sitting in every NYC park with some of their supply on the bench next to them. Edibles, pre-rolls or an 1/8th; it seems like it is all available. And no one, including the elected officials and the police departments want police officers to go out there and start busting these businesses.

Detroit had the same sort of thing with state legalized medical. The city had regulations but for whatever reason they did not have a way or the will-power to enforce it. People would look for a decent building , paint it and wash the windows, hire security and open up. The neighborhoods would figure that these new shops had jumped through the hoops and were legal. Eventually some residents started counting the storefronts and found out that there were twice as many, probably more, shops as there were licenses. When it started to look like recreational would be legalized in Michigan the city officials got their act together, shut just about everyone down and started over.
In NYC, they impounded the trucks that were selling it, using loopholes in the law. And they told the shops that 'selling stickers' to stop.

It's funny because this shop is supposedly going to sell beer; it hasn't done so yet because they haven't gotten the paperwork. This tells me that they're 'trying' to be legal.
In NYC, they impounded the trucks that were selling it, using loopholes in the law. And they told the shops that 'selling stickers' to stop.
It has been awhile since I have followed what was happening there. Impounding trucks and telling the shops to stop selling makes it sound like they are still trying to avoid having to outright arrest anyone.
The trucks are still in business. Two or three head shops in my neighborhood have already opened and closed. The one I mentioned, earlier, is still open. They still don't sell beer.
What you have is a different situation but this may be part of what you are seeing.

When we were in that medical legal, recreational grey area vape shops started selling "cannabis" vapes. Sons friend in his late 20s had never smoked. He came over with one and was convinced cannabis had no effect on him. Tried explaining it was a CBD only vape being sold as cannabis. I was getting no where trying to explain the difference so handed him a bong filled with Thai. No longer believed he was immune to the effects of cannabis. It's better to discover this on my couch than while driving down a back road.
What's going on in NYC is that everyone is jumping on the bandwagon, trying to make money off the latest trend. As a result, the neighborhood is oversaturated with head shops and not enough business to sustain them.

I had a similar experience when I opened a beer/winemaking supply shop a few years ago. The only competition with thirty or so miles was a hardware store that had a small homebrew section. Within a year, three other homebrew shops opened in the area. There wasn't enough demand for all of us and we started shutting down.

The only one left is the original hardware store. And it looks like he'll be closing that department soon.
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