A new grower here having serious problem with my plant

You can’t change your soil ph by adding water with higher or lower ph value, that’s not how it works.

add your nutes, check ph then adjust to 6.3 and feed

Best bet - buy a good soil Pro-Mix HP, Fox farms, Coast of Maine

don’t buy pre-nuted, miracle gro, or stuff that feeds for 3 months.

coco is not the same as soil…
As I’m not in the states, I cant get a recommended premix soil.
I use peatmoss outa bag and mix with warm casting, chicken manure and leaf mold to adjust PH to 6.5.
I also tilt my pots but I didn’t see any drainage.
thank u. great share.
so peat moss isn’t soil, that’s why I should follow this: “soilless mix, pH in the range of 5.5-6.1 is necessary.”
I should lower my feeding waters ph to that range as Nivek told me in this thread.
thank u. great share.
so peat moss isn’t soil, that’s why I should follow this: “soilless mix, pH in the range of 5.5-6.1 is necessary.”
I should lower my feeding waters ph to that range as Nivek told me in this thread.
No, you lower your feed to pH 5.8-6.0 because your soil pH is what it is. You can’t change that with amending your soil.
“what size was the old container?
what size is the new container?”
A. Old containers are bigger party cups
new containers are 3 litter
The way I see it that is the #1 problem. A pot with 3 liter of soil is not enough. The plant is demanding more than that size of pot can provide even when filled with the best of soil mixes and the best of fertilizers being used on schedule.

You might want to consider going to a larger container as soon as possible.
Ahhh I got it. I can’t change my soil ph. all I can do is feeding 5.8/6 ph water.
thank u !!

yes, you got it,, 5.6 to 5.8 is my recommendation,, karma sent friend
I am growing it in pot with soil: peat moss, organic fertilize, perlite, regular soil ph-ed around 6.5

is this your mix or did it come from the bag like this ?
and what is the brand ?

I fed hyponex (about half of instructed) once a wk.

get proper cannabis nutes. nothing works like the real thing.

most everyone has you going the right way.
your ph is a bit off and it could use a bigger pot. 5 gal is a rough standard for most plastic buckets. they are hanging on but they are hungry and eating themselves from the bottom up.
The way I see it that is the #1 problem. A pot with 3 liter of soil is not enough. The plant is demanding more than that size of pot can provide even when filled with the best of soil mixes and the best of fertilizers being used on schedule.

You might want to consider going to a larger container as soon as possible.
Thanks for replay!

I’m pheno hunting now . I was gonna keep those ladies as my mother small but i could be wrong doing this.
I wanna keep my plants healthy and keep em compact at same time, but it doesn’t seem working very well.
— is this your mix or did it come from the bag like this ?
and what is the brand ?

I am not living in the states or euro. So I am not be able to obtain good commercial mixed soil for cannabis where I live. that’s why i make my own and its my first time using peat moss.

—get proper cannabis nutes. nothing works like the real thing.

I cant get proper comercial unt for cannabis where I live. I make my own cal mag from egg shells and epsom salt, and trying to use my local products or hyponex to keep my growing going but it’s been kinda tough imho.

—your ph is a bit off and it could use a bigger pot. 5 gal is a rough standard for most plastic buckets.

many has said this on this thread and I have to agree. I wanted to keep my mother small and tiny but I failed to be honest.

thanks for a great tip!
I also had my lights too intense so, i kinda dimmed my lights as well.
is there any youtube or good channel to follow? i obviously did my growing all wrongo_O

Started watching this guy, then found 420Mag. Both great resources.
— is this your mix or did it come from the bag like this ?
and what is the brand ?

I am not living in the states or euro. So I am not be able to obtain good commercial mixed soil for cannabis where I live. that’s why i make my own and its my first time using peat moss.\

you are headed toward a living organic soil system. there a few recipes. go have a look at @Nunyabiz 's journals. he has a lot of LOS experience, and his soil recipe works well. hopefully he chimes in.

you should be able to get everything he uses where you are. you won't even have to worry about ph, just water and let grow.

I wanted to keep my mother small and tiny but I failed to be honest.

pull mothers out of the pot and trim the roots , then give them new soil, to keep them smaller and healthy.
there's a reason i love soil. soil , soil and more soil. the forgiving medium. :volcano-smiley:
there's a reason i love soil. soil , soil and more soil. the forgiving medium. :volcano-smiley:

i'd do los if i owned my own place.
i'm solidly a passive hydro grower now. i did dwc and rdwc for years, even pre-internet. don't think i'll ever go back to all that gear though.
Thanks for replay!

I’m pheno hunting now . I was gonna keep those ladies as my mother small but i could be wrong doing this.
I wanna keep my plants healthy and keep em compact at same time, but it doesn’t seem working very well.
Better cuttings from healthy plants. Yes, most of the time healthy plants are usually larger so it does create problems.

Right now I have a very healthy mother plant and it is getting larger than I like, mostly taller. I put it off as long as possible so now the plant is almost into the lights. In another day or two I will be taking cuttings from the top so it will be turning compact for awhile. Then in a few weeks some more cuttings off the side.

Unhealthy mothers means unhealthy cuttings.;)

@bluter mentions trimming the roots, adding more fresh soil and repotting the plants as a way to keep their size smaller. The mother plant can be put back into the same pot after cutting a bunch of the roots off. A couple of weeks later and the plant should be large enough once again to have the cuttings taken.
you are headed toward a living organic soil system. there a few recipes. go have a look at @Nunyabiz 's journals. he has a lot of LOS experience, and his soil recipe works well. hopefully he chimes in.
Thanx for letting me know about Nunyabiz. I have been reading his journals a bit and I learn a lot.
It seems that he uses fox farm and other commercial Nute. I will dig more deeper into his journals and trying to find a DIY cannabis super soil recipe i can try at where I live.
Better cuttings from healthy plants. Yes, most of the time healthy plants are usually larger so it does create problems.

Right now I have a very healthy mother plant and it is getting larger than I like, mostly taller. I put it off as long as possible so now the plant is almost into the lights. In another day or two I will be taking cuttings from the top so it will be turning compact for awhile. Then in a few weeks some more cuttings off the side.

Unhealthy mothers means unhealthy cuttings.;)
I totally understand what you are saying. I will repotting them to 5 gal pots. It seems my plants are doing ok except two that damaged badly at this moment.




@spina420 you mentioned making your own calmag from eggshells and epsom salt- how often have you been feeding your babies with this mix, what is the ratio in the mix and how is it being applied to the soil media?

I did this in a previous grow and had some great results from a recipe I sought out on the internets but I also had some bad luck with one of my plants. I read somewhere that an excess of magnesium can cause your leaves to scorch but im not sure if this is correct when applied through a foliar spray or added directly to the soil media, but your leaves looked just like mine did after using the egg shell/ epsom salt concoction.

Anyone else have any experience with this?
Hello growers
I am new here and this is my second growing experience.
I tried to keep my plants healthy but all of sudden I got this.
I re-potted my plants two weeks ago and went fine.
It gets like this after I fed water for third time after I repotting.
PH is bet 6.3-6, water I gave was dechlorinated water.
I am suspecting that this is nutrition burns or possibly root rot.
but I cant quite figure out what it is.

please help me out





You're over watering. The only way out is to let them dry out completely until they droop, then repot again in some Ocean Forest. I recommend Ocean Forest because it has enough nutrients in it to help your plant recover without over fertilizing. Shake as much of the old medium off of them as you can, to get rid of the wet dirt. If you take them out of the pots and the roots are still white, you're okay. But it they're brown and stink, you're going to have to try and clone it, or just start over. Let your plants start to wilt before you water, and that will help prevent this from happening again. Water them when you replant, but don't over do it. If you can move up to double or triple the size of your original pot that will work much better. Good luck, let me know how it goes!
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