Happy Thursday everyone! Sorry I have been neglecting this thread. I was waiting on some seeds which have arrived so pretty soon the system will be up and running. I got this new toy today! Never thought I'd be excited to get something that keeps water cold but here I am.
The last thing I need that is on my radar is a reverse osmosis filter or whatcha-ma-call-it. I am new to ppm and my new meter but if I have it correct it has a baseline of like 500ppm out of the tap. Seems extremely high (maybe, I have no clue) but won't work from what I have read. I wonder if this place has a water softener which I read is a big no no but I am assuming that is due to high ppm and that an RO would resolve that issue? If not I have a plan or two in the hopper.
For now I need to research but any thoughts are greatly appreciated. Have a great rest of the day!