A Mar-sian Darkness Falls In Otterville

Hi there V. It is! Well it's afternoon now. It's a great day anyhoo. I'm going easy today, we're meeting the kids and niece and nephew for drinks later. I have to save myself. :rolleyes: Who would have thought! Oh well it'll be fun and at a bar with a huge deck on the river. They close for the season this week I think.
Getting over having a migraine for 3 days. That's where I go when I'm missing around here. Birds are chirping today! What's happening? Anything?
Man I used to suffer with migraines' too my doctor put me on Emgality it is a new med and I Swear by it, I used to have migraines 3 times a week and some would last Days but now after taking this for four months I have only had 4 or 5 migraines total it really is a miracle cure It is a New med but ask your doctor about it
Hi Fudo Myoo, I'm a beginner and only really know the recipes in the book I'm growing out of. True Living Organics by The Rev 2nd edition. Certain things are better than others however I'm not the one to ask yet.
The revs mix takes a lot of amendments I spent a fortune on the stuff to make Subcools Super Soil and the revs recipe calls for even more so I know you will have a lot of money in the soil . :ganjamon:

When I tend my plants it takes time and I want it to be quality time. So the sound of the 4 inch extraction fan exhausting in the area got my attention. It's a good idea not to do that unless it's for the good. :p So I continued on the bucket project of a few months ago. I'll catch you up fast.

I wanted a way to get the extraction equipment out of the tent, and have it work as it was made. Filter from the outside in.

That worked, however the exhaust was louder than I liked so I got inspired here on the 420 mag and made the bucket muffler. I have a free DB measuring ap and got 64 db un muffled. Threw the muffler up with a clamp and got 62 db. I understand little of sound pressure measure but my ears felt the difference in a huge way! I now hear the air pump on the wall behind the barrels where it was invisible earlier. That 6 inch extraction could use some love next. Check it out.
The soundproofing, insulation, bucket, lid, pipe came to around $20.00 usd. I'm half deaf, noise like this kills me. I'm glad to have it gone.

When I tend my plants it takes time and I want it to be quality time. So the sound of the 4 inch extraction fan exhausting in the area got my attention. It's a good idea not to do that unless it's for the good. :p So I continued on the bucket project of a few months ago. I'll catch you up fast.

I wanted a way to get the extraction equipment out of the tent, and have it work as it was made. Filter from the outside in.

That worked, however the exhaust was louder than I liked so I got inspired here on the 420 mag and made the bucket muffler. I have a free DB measuring ap and got 64 db un muffled. Threw the muffler up with a clamp and got 62 db. I understand little of sound pressure measure but my ears felt the difference in a huge way! I now hear the air pump on the wall behind the barrels where it was invisible earlier. That 6 inch extraction could use some love next. Check it out.
The soundproofing, insulation, bucket, lid, pipe came to around $20.00 usd. I'm half deaf, noise like this kills me. I'm glad to have it gone.
That’s a cool idea and great job SO!
Man I used to suffer with migraines' too my doctor put me on Emgality it is a new med and I Swear by it, I used to have migraines 3 times a week and some would last Days but now after taking this for four months I have only had 4 or 5 migraines total it really is a miracle cure It is a New med but ask your doctor about it
Wow I will. I'm on the verge of seeing him. Thanks for the lead.

When I tend my plants it takes time and I want it to be quality time. So the sound of the 4 inch extraction fan exhausting in the area got my attention. It's a good idea not to do that unless it's for the good. :p So I continued on the bucket project of a few months ago. I'll catch you up fast.

I wanted a way to get the extraction equipment out of the tent, and have it work as it was made. Filter from the outside in.

That worked, however the exhaust was louder than I liked so I got inspired here on the 420 mag and made the bucket muffler. I have a free DB measuring ap and got 64 db un muffled. Threw the muffler up with a clamp and got 62 db. I understand little of sound pressure measure but my ears felt the difference in a huge way! I now hear the air pump on the wall behind the barrels where it was invisible earlier. That 6 inch extraction could use some love next. Check it out.
The soundproofing, insulation, bucket, lid, pipe came to around $20.00 usd. I'm half deaf, noise like this kills me. I'm glad to have it gone.
I Love the way you did that Great Job may be something I will look into down the road
I'm in! Love that crazy looking muffler! It seems to do the job for u, the one I made only make the sound more hollow and can like.... I'm already sketching up a new one in my mind.

Setup looks great with the mars tent and their new light, this will be fun to watch. :)

Have a great one!
Hey Craz. Thanks. Maybe it was your set up I saw that inspired me to make it. This sure is fun!
Morning Stoneotter.
I've jumped on the DDA band wagon too. After seeing the other post, I had to order some too!
The bucket mufflers are a great idea. I may steal that idea, but fill the bucket with something, as use it as an inlet filter.
I've got the AC cloudline fan with the digital controller, it's mouse-fart quiet.
Hey 69, that cloudline series got past me when I bought in. This is going to do for me for a while. Do you mean the orange bucket to fill with something? It has the charcoal filter in it. I can't wait to taste what the DDA is all about.
that cloudline series got past me
Ugh! Me too. Mine is so loud. I looked at the cloudline but didn't pull the trigger.
. I can't wait to taste what the DDA is all about.
Me either. I'll be over once she's cured!! Warn the wifey . I'm a firecracker.
Barring that I'll probably order seeds and just go that route.

:love: :love: :love: BTW!
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