A Little Old A Little New

its been awhile since I last posted, had a really crappy end to my summer. First my mother fell and was having issues and was in the hospital then my 12 year old dog started going downhill swiftly and started losing the use of her legs. Lost my job in the beginning of the summer and found a really good job but I had nobody to watch my dog and I refused to put her down and turned down the job instead of putting my dog to sleep. Been a little down in the dumps so I haven't really been active on the forums but I never stopped growing so here are a few pics from the last harvest and the current batch at day 1 in the flower tent. Plant in the drying tray is Peaches n chem and the branch I am holding is Purple Nepali. Next batch is 1 Sunshine 4 , 2 Mother Milk and the rest are Jabba's stash. If you look closely at the picture in the tent I just had some new halo style irrigation emitters 3d printed by a friend last week, and if anyone is looking for something similar let me know and I will send you the print file.

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