A heads up for all you folks out there - watch out for sheisty dealers!


New Member
Bottom line...KNOW THE PRODUCT!

I've seen this especially lately, which is why I'm posting this. Have you noticed that there is alot of 'kush' and 'kryptonite' going around? There's good reason for that, it's called a 'fad'. Anytime there's a song or anything that comes out taht mentions a particular kind of weed, there instantly becomes a huge market for it and people are willing to pay top dollar. Scammers, being the scam-artists that they are, are more than willing to take advantage of this. Just because your friendly dealer tells you something is a particular kind doesn't mean it really is. Hell, he's probably just as clueless as you are and just listened to his supplier who in turn took HIS supplier's word for it.

'Flavored' and 'Scented' Weeds:

This is such an easy market for scammers and dealers. Why? Because it's sooo freakin' easy. If someone has never seen or smoked blueberry in their life but has heard so much about it, guess what? They're going to want it and they're going to pay a high price for it. A dealer could take any kind of good bud, spray some sort of blueberry air freshener or whatever in there and hike the price up to 25/g. That person is not going to know any different. So instead of getting the authentic blueberry head that's typically going for 20-25/g, he's getting 10/g good bud with blueberry air freshener. I've seen this crap VERY often. I had a guy try to get me to buy 'Watermelon' the other day. I had never heard of such, but I'm fairly open-minded so I gave it a look. Sure enough it was OK looking bud, but with the most artificial watermelon scent I've smelled in my life. He tried to convince me it was some sort of new strain and that you couldn't find it anywhere else in SC. Yea...because it doesn't exist.

Chemically-Enhanced Weed:

Seen this many a time too. Not only have I seen the bud that was a victim of it, I have seen what was done to it. They will sit there and take mediocre bud and spray...and I kid you not...ROACH SPRAY on the bud and sell it as class A shit. Inspect your bud, smell it, feel it, look at it, etc. If something just doesn't seem right, don't make that deal. Use your head, it might do you some good some day, especially if you don't decide to smoke weed that's been sprayed with chemicals. Don't just buy some exotic green just because it's there and the dealer says it's exotic stuff. Check it out for yourself. You will thank me with the time and money that you'll save...and brain cells.
All I can say is, "DUH." Don't ask for a name unless the person you are buying from grew the shit. If they try and give you a name, patronize them with a few, "oh really? that's cool"'s. You knwo they are just trying to close the sale when they start saying, "But this stuff is really rare around here, it's called, "so and so" bud. Yeah man you can only get it from me." No need to call them on it, but just understand that they have to try and make the sale and will be blatantly devious to do it. They are criminals after all.
It's really annoying.
thugnasty said:
i dont think checking to see if your weed is laced or not is that easy...you have to be a scientist to tell it apart

with some chemicals yes...but there are some ways to get a good idea.

If a bud has an extremely potent smell (more so than usual) but is dry and produces the exact same smell when broken up as it does when you just smell it in the bag then there is a good chance that it could be sprayed. (especially if the bud looks premature or like schwag)
When you rip up a bud it should produce a more pungent or acrid aroma then when its just in its nug form... just to reiterate what I said four lines up.
Dealers scamming here get beat down. It's happened to atleast 4 dumb dealers around here in the past year.
Bottom line...KNOW THE PRODUCT!

I've seen this especially lately, which is why I'm posting this. Have you noticed that there is alot of 'kush' and 'kryptonite' going around? There's good reason for that, it's called a 'fad'. Anytime there's a song or anything that comes out taht mentions a particular kind of weed, there instantly becomes a huge market for it and people are willing to pay top dollar. Scammers, being the scam-artists that they are, are more than willing to take advantage of this. Just because your friendly dealer tells you something is a particular kind doesn't mean it really is. Hell, he's probably just as clueless as you are and just listened to his supplier who in turn took HIS supplier's word for it.

'Flavored' and 'Scented' Weeds:

This is such an easy market for scammers and dealers. Why? Because it's sooo freakin' easy. If someone has never seen or smoked blueberry in their life but has heard so much about it, guess what? They're going to want it and they're going to pay a high price for it. A dealer could take any kind of good bud, spray some sort of blueberry air freshener or whatever in there and hike the price up to 25/g. That person is not going to know any different. So instead of getting the authentic blueberry head that's typically going for 20-25/g, he's getting 10/g good bud with blueberry air freshener. I've seen this crap VERY often. I had a guy try to get me to buy 'Watermelon' the other day. I had never heard of such, but I'm fairly open-minded so I gave it a look. Sure enough it was OK looking bud, but with the most artificial watermelon scent I've smelled in my life. He tried to convince me it was some sort of new strain and that you couldn't find it anywhere else in SC. Yea...because it doesn't exist.

Chemically-Enhanced Weed:

Seen this many a time too. Not only have I seen the bud that was a victim of it, I have seen what was done to it. They will sit there and take mediocre bud and spray...and I kid you not...ROACH SPRAY on the bud and sell it as class A shit. Inspect your bud, smell it, feel it, look at it, etc. If something just doesn't seem right, don't make that deal. Use your head, it might do you some good some day, especially if you don't decide to smoke weed that's been sprayed with chemicals. Don't just buy some exotic green just because it's there and the dealer says it's exotic stuff. Check it out for yourself. You will thank me with the time and money that you'll save...and brain cell
Beware STRAINBANK, months ago they came up in a google search on medicinal seeds, they had an idea to offer free seeds to those who cared to read their page, leave a review and request. Then you have to text Paul and his well probably Paul too, and tell them that you would like the free seeds, give them your name, address, yadda yadda, then begins the waiting game, you wait because they tell you they are sending the seeds and that you will receive them in about two weeks, though that you should also be patient as blah blah blah.
Five weeks elapse. texted, inquiring about the seeds, they ask me for the information that I gave them the first time as if I did not just say that I was checking on my seeds, and that its been more than two weeks,
Four more weeks go by, I text again!
"Other Paul" tells me there was just a lot of orders and to "keep waiting"
are you seeing what is happening here??
Two more weeks pass.
I text again! no response however my phone gets two calls at the same time, its "Paul#2" he's livid, want to know why I continue bothering him, "I'm trying to run a business" "I can have my seeds if I am willing to blindly send him 10.00 via the mail....
\:*that's what my face looked like, I would like to hear from you if you had experience with this company or others similar, and avoid buying from unverified sellers.
Thank You for Medicating
thats like every dealer I've met in jersey, it sucks.

Beware STRAINBANK, months ago they came up in a google search on medicinal seeds, they had an idea to offer free seeds to those who cared to read their page, leave a review and request. Then you have to text Paul and his well probably Paul too, and tell them that you would like the free seeds, give them your name, address, yadda yadda, then begins the waiting game, you wait because they tell you they are sending the seeds and that you will receive them in about two weeks, though that you should also be patient as blah blah blah.
Five weeks elapse. texted, inquiring about the seeds, they ask me for the information that I gave them the first time as if I did not just say that I was checking on my seeds, and that its been more than two weeks,
Four more weeks go by, I text again!
"Other Paul" tells me there was just a lot of orders and to "keep waiting"
are you seeing what is happening here??
Two more weeks pass.
I text again! no response however my phone gets two calls at the same time, its "Paul#2" he's livid, want to know why I continue bothering him, "I'm trying to run a business" "I can have my seeds if I am willing to blindly send him 10.00 via the mail....
\:*that's what my face looked like, I would like to hear from you if you had experience with this company or others similar, and avoid buying from unverified sellers.
Thank You for Medicating
Welp! Strainbank's new owner did what he said he would, His name is Dustin, I called him Dave earlier, here is what I received from him, I am pretty happy with it, I told the previous owner that he was going to go out of business and I meant it, now that Dustin has made things all better I want to let my friends know about that, I have been aggressive with telling people not to waste their money, the previous owner just kept telling me to wait for three months before telling me that I was bothering him, Shame Shame!
Thank you Dustin for making my day, I am going to keep my word, I will update those reviews to say the new ownership is on point.
I received my package real fast too
This is not to advertise for them but to amend my earlier post about the mistreatment that I experienced from the previous owner Paul.
photo shows six Venom Runtz, and six Wedding Cake

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