A Closet A Light & A Bucket Of Dirt

Well hello there Ditcher! Been awhile...
I'm glad to see that you are continuing to put out beautiful green plants, with chunky buds! Congrats on the Afghan Domina harvest. She looked like my kinda indica! Sherry the CMOG seems to have bigger, chunkier buds than the last time you ran her. And she seems to not fade as much, as fast as the last time you ran her. She should be some real nice smoke! Shouldn't be too long now!
Anyhow, hopefully I continue to get notifications about your journal again. I'm glad to be strolling through your garden of greatness once again!
Possibly the prettiest thing I've seen lately. :adore:

Thank you for the very kind words all. Much appreciated indeed.

Sherry the Chocolate Mint OG enjoys her 62nd day of flower.
It will be one of her last. In the next few days I am going have her. Lol.
She also continues with the colors. Some actual purple buds in there.

Day 10 of flower for Fiona the Chocolate Mint OG.
She seems to be doing well enough.

And Crystal the Wonder Woman and the Chocolate Mint OG clones.

Cheers all.
Nice purple golf balls on Sherry the CMOG! Last time u ran CMOG she was more on the light green side, and faded fast. The only reason I remember this is because the CMOG that I first ran was almost identical, including the early fade. Glad to see the color this time. Is Fiona from a different seed? And the two clones, who's their momma? Hope it's the purple! Lol! Anywho, good to see you up and around in the garden Ditcher. Merry Christmas to you and yours my brotha!
Man Sherry sure puts out don't she. Nice pretty colors..

Hey have a great Christmas
Cheers Sparks.

Sorry that I have not been around very much. Just lots to do.
I am in the process of harvesting Sherry the Chocolate Mint OG.
The funk smell is potent while trimming. I look forward to setting her on fire. Lol.

Flower day 67 will be her final day.

Some pics I took of her over the last couple of days.

Thanks for stopping by.

Thanks AB.

Sherry gave us a couple of trays of nice purplish buds.

Even in this uncured state there is a mint taste to the smoke.
The smell ended up being pure funk with a bit of fruit and coffee thrown in.
And the buzz is not for the faint of heart. Lol. Glad I took clones.

Cheers all.
Happy New Year.
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