A Base Treatment Regimen For Cancer

Glad you found your way.
Go to the link Supergroomer has posted above.
As you're fighting brain cancer, I highly recommend taking the oil by "tacking" as this will get the cannabinoids right where she needs them for a brain disease.
As you'll see, I don't recommend that method for everything, but for the brain I believe it would be the method of choice.
What strains do you have on hand again?
Have you made the oil before?
I'll post info here from time to time for records sake, but the "q & a" part of this thread is over.
At least by me.
Good luck to everyone that are surviving out there. I hope something in this helps.

Nevermind the above.
Answering all the pm's is worse.
I'll be here.
Just so it's clear to everyone here:
I know for a fact that CO cures cancer. Stage 4 cancer spread to other organs.
This message seems to have been lost in all the thread shuffling over time.

I can only tell you my story once again. You decide.

I was diagnosed with liver cancer several years ago & began chemo (Folfox6) immediately. I was told I had a VERY short time to live. The chemo wrecked me. But, I was diagnosed as "No Signs of Disease" 3 times during that period.
It came back...pissed, as Stage 4 always does.
I was re-diagnosed as having Stage 4 colon cancer spread to my liver, not liver cancer.
Had colonectomy removing about 18" of my large colon. 13 cancerous lymph nodes remained though.
Chemo again, (Fulfurri) this time. Some of the most intense, dehabilitating chemo they use. This time I tried Turmeric Diet, Budwig Protocol (not the CannaBudwig), spoke with Dr. Burzynsky's people, consulted with MD Anderson...you get it.
But, reached the point of no signs of cancer in my blood, nor my organs. PET scans all clear. At this point, I was involved in 2 cancer support groups, the Moncrief Center, the VA & several homeopathic docs.


Came back, again, pissed off, again.

My wife smoked weed. I didn't. I had, but stopped many moons ago.
A friend told me his mom CURED her advanced Stage 4 colon cancer spread to liver & lungs with this stuff called Rick Simpson Oil.
I was pissed.
I raged on about wives' tales, home remedies, ginko biloba, ginseng, green tea, marijuana, milk thistle, turmeric, the Alkaline Diet, etc., etc.
All the crap that groups of people just band together out of fear, ignorance, comfort subscribe too. Right?

Then he email me scans of his mom's CEA labs & oncology report. WOW.
4 years of CO & still no signs of disease. By the way, that was years, not months.
So, he hooked me up with Run for the Cure videos, Phoenix Tears, Patients for Cannabis & my NORML chapter.

I found dozens of dozens diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer with no signs of it after many years. Cured of cancer.

I started growing.
Started making the oil.
I got up to almost 2g a day. I was taking suppositories & coconut oil caps.
No chemo.

Long story short,
I got to the point that the majority of the tumors were shrinking, some disappeared. My CEA was down to normal levels & scans showed no metastasis. & By this time I had contacted the office of the doctor in Israel that discovered the human EDS. I didn't get him, but got to speak with another physician that worked with him.
I was also heavily involved with PACT & the Rick Simpson folks & immersed myself in how/why cannabinoids killed cancer. I eventually began speaking on the oil & cancer through PACT, NORML & the ASA.

So I tried a popular submucosal method called "tacking".
By this time, I was an unofficial (illegal) caregiver to 4 other patients with my exact cancer & talked them into this method as well.
My tumor counts rose & the cancer spread to my right lung. All lymph nodes were lighting up, CEA was off the chart. I was given months to live.
I felt great ironically. I now know why.
My blood pressure, etc. were all great.
But the cancer had spread & was aggressively spreading since the months I had been "tacking".

I was told by an oncology team at MD Anderson working solely with cannabis the specific processes going on with the cannabinoids.
See, some may state that "we just don't know", "there's no proof", "what about peer reviewed blind studies", etc.
But the fact is, is that it's fairly well known now how cannabinoids kill cancer. Google it!
Many world renowned medical communities are now coming out with more & more info.
Yes folks, there are many western medicine doctors all over the world on board with cannabis. It's not popular. It's definitely not mainstream. But the info's out there.

2nd wind:
So, I retuned my method of taking the oil. I discovered that taking cannabinoids submucosaly (tacking) would not have cured my cancer and why it would not.
I became involved with the Society of Cannabis Clinicians, Skunk Pharms, and the International Society for Cannabinoid Medicines. My talks about the EDS & cannabis led me to speaking at Cannabis Cup in Denver where I was with the leading industry experts. Just wasn't one of them. Lol.
We all learned of lipscomal encapsulation, bioavailability & competitive inhibition/ingestion. The keys to curing cancer from the folks I've encountered. And frankly, it's no small number now.

So, I've had no further spreading of the tumors, CEA down to normal & many tumors disappearing.
Am I cured? No. Almost there.
The other patients I spoke of are all alive & well now too.

Do I claim cannabis cures cancer?
-Absolutely. I have proof that's very obtainable.

Will I come on here like some guru claiming to cure cancer in a few months but can't explain how it works? Let's just all hold hands?
-Hell no.

Here's the problem myself & a hundred thousand other cancer survivors have with those cute claims:
Everyone on the Burzynsky claims the same.
Everyone on the red grape & carrots diet claim the same.
Everyone on chemo sees the same results too.
Everyone taking turmeric & Echinacea have seen clear tests.
Everyone who chose NO treatment have seen a "metastatic lull" too.

That's Stage 4 cancer!!!
You go awhile after whatever treatment, get an all clear. And then BAM> Cancers baaaack.

So I WON'T come on here claiming to be cured, nor claim to cure you until what the entire green, western, eastern, eskimo, etc. medical communities feel is a 5 year period after diagnosis.
You live thru that and I doubt anyone would disagree with CURE.

As it's proven that diet & supplements can help out BIG time, I WON'T discourage anyone from assisting save their life & taking them.

Also, as blood tests & scans are the ONLY way to tell if the cancer has spread, etc.
I won't be advising to stop scans because they make you nervous.
Hell yes you're nervous!!!
You have one of the deadliest diseases on the planet. You're going to feel stress.

I feel it is immoral to claim to be an "expert" & advise patients on serious diseases with no experience, very little knowledge of the EDS, etc....Sorry, but I'm not the founder, but am a member of the Cancer Survivor Club. I take this seriously.
Good intentions paved some things I've heard.

My belief from all the above is that though cannabis oil can & does cure cronic diseases, it is NOT a magic bullet.
One size does not fit all.
I have 4 legal patients & about 40 informal ones. They all know about the same amount of survivors. In the organizations I'm involved in as well as several cancer groups....all of those people know as many survivors as I do, probably more.
So, we're all sharing info.

Not one survivor, patient, physician, technician, organization, etc.- feel that one size fits all, nor that one method of ingestion is best. We are all way different in the way we metabolize cannabis.
Think about. How many times have you felt great while someone else hitting the same joint, bong, vape, nail, etc. freaked out or vomited or just felt negative?
Allergies are another example of this.
I can eat shellfish all day long. It would kill some though.

No, I'm proof with dozens of others that it's not a magic bullet.

I know now that you have to have specific conditions for apoptosis (cell death) to occur in most cancerous cells. It's not rocket science & is very doable.
If the doc told you taking 500mg of Vit C would cure you, you'd take it.
If I agreed & told you how to get all 500mg instead of the 120mg at best after your body processes it, you'd do it if you're serious about life in my opinion.

I'm still here and so are many, many others.
This is a serious illness requiring serious people & serious treatments.
Knowledge will save your life.
Holding hands & singing circles probably help a lot, but I literally put my life in knowledge.

Thanks Cajun - hands down, probably the best post I have read, succinctly stating the facts. I am indebted to you for all the knowledge you selflessly share with us newbies.

I FEEL your passion. You are a serious man trying to help clear up some of the extraordinary amount of misinformation that's out there and I applaud you!

I am growing my new crop and this time, with my newfound knowledge I will dose myself properly and knock this blasted disease back to kingdom come!

BUT, one little question if I may: You say: "I felt great ironically. I now know why.
My blood pressure, etc. were all great.
But the cancer had spread & was aggressively spreading since the months I had been "tacking"."

You, unless I missed it, don't tell us "why" you know, or what was happening. My situation was the same - I felt great, but all the time the cancer was spreading. What was the answer, Cajun?

Mate, you are a gem! Thank you again. Cheers, Nobby
Nooby, I also need to hear Cajun's response, but my guess would be that tacking was enough of a dose to create the feeling of wellness but insufficient to make any headway against aggressive tumors.
We lost a very special member & person this morning known as Motoco.
If you're up to it, please go to the RSOilers United thread to post condolences to the special people there. 420 has lost alot today.
At peace & in no pain...
Good bye my friend.
Greetings to everyone involved with this thread, especially Cajun. What an amazing resource of information! I was directed here from some of the folks over at Supergroomer's bud lounge thread who have spoken very highly about cannabis treatment for cancer and other diseases. And I hope to be able to develop of regimen that will be helpful for my health issues. But first I should give you all a little info about me.

After 58 years of relative health, I was diagnosed with Stage IV Prostate Cancer, in April 2014, with a PSA of 72. Biopsy samplings of my prostate indicated an overall Gleason rating of 10, and bone and abdominal scans showed that the cancer had moved to my bones and abdominal lymph nodes. At that time I started testosterone deprivation therapy that continues with a yearly Vantas implant. I also went through chemotherapy (taxotere) that dropped my PSA down to 0.6. However it only took a few months before my PSA was back up to 29. This was last April, and my oncologist put me on Abiraterone (Zytiga) as well as radium 223 infusions (Zofigo). The radium treatment ended in October 2015, with my PSA fairly stable at about 18. I do monthly PSA tests, and the last one showed and increase to 24. My oncologist will want to do more scans if this month's PSA has risen any, and go from there with further treatment (may give Xtandi a try).

So after recently learning from this forum of the success some people are having with CCO, I am extremely motivated to give this treatment a try. My oncologist won't be able to assist with that, so I am planning to grow my own cannabis to make oil, and then follow the best practices for administering the oil. But the first step is growing the plants. That looks to be my first hurtle, and I have some questions about the best strains to use for my type of cancer.

I have read a good bit of the tutorial thread on how to make CCO, as well as the stain advise in this thread, and am somewhat confused and a bit overwhelmed by all the information. But in a nutshell, this is what I see to be the essential takeaway concerning strains:

1. Strive for a ratio of 2:1 (THC:CBD) for the oil.
2. For daytime medication, use a high (25%) THC Sativa strain combined with a high CBD strain at the above ratio. The THC kills the cancer while the CBD works to reduce inflammation and pain.
3. For nighttime medication, use a high THC Indica strain combined with a high CBD strain. This works as above but the indica strain also helps increase appetite and sleep.

I think I have the above about right, with combining the THC strains and CBD strain at the 2:1 ratio (by weight, I am guessing). There do appear to be some strains, like Blue Blood that naturally have THC and CBD at the right ratios, but that seems rather rare from what I can gather. So my immediate question at this point in time is what are the best strains to use to help with my illness?

I saw in a post by Cajun last April that he considers Critical Cure his CBD strain of choice, so I plan to go with that for sure, but not sure what would be best for the others, here is a list of strains I have seen used or recommended on the making CCO thread:

- Acapulco Gold
- Sour Diesel
- Blue Dream

- Harley-Tsu
- Hindu Kush
- Critical Kush
- Darkstar
- Black Domina

One sativa I would like to try as well is Carnival, which everyone who grows it seems to love. I don't know if it is as good as some of the others listed for cancer treatment, though.

Any thoughts on the possible strains would be greatly appreciated, as well as any other thoughts about my treatment anyone would like to add. But at this point in time, I am mainly concerned about purchasing the right seeds and getting going with the grow. I know it's only a matter of time before my oncologist starts talking about more chemo, and I am really wanting to avoid that if possible!

Thanks so much for the help!!
Oh thank heavens. I had a difficult time finding this until I realized what was meant by "signatures".
I posted on the other link that yes, my wife's cancer is ER+.
I look forward to your response sir and thank you with all our soul for your help.
mazar -i -sharif, Charlotte's web . I see these two strains are supposed to be high CBD and sell as regular seeds (not feminized) . The blue blood seemed hard to get out of Europe through spanish money bank(argh). I think the critical CBD is what you are looking for for CDB. comes from critical mass and high cbd like charlotts. Critical kush is supposed to be low cbd but high THC and large yields 700Gr/sq meter The thing about pots seeds is that the pheno can vary so you really only get a ball park idea from the breeder of thc/cbd characters. pretested clones would be a sure thing. Skunk pharm has offered sick patients tried and tested clones of harlequin depending on where you live. my 2 cent.
mazar -i -sharif, Charlotte's web . I see these two strains are supposed to be high CBD and sell as regular seeds (not feminized) . The blue blood seemed hard to get out of Europe through spanish money bank(argh). I think the critical CBD is what you are looking for for CDB. comes from critical mass and high cbd like charlotts. Critical kush is supposed to be low cbd but high THC and large yields 700Gr/sq meter The thing about pots seeds is that the pheno can vary so you really only get a ball park idea from the breeder of thc/cbd characters. pretested clones would be a sure thing. Skunk pharm has offered sick patients tried and tested clones of harlequin depending on where you live. my 2 cent.

I am not sure what you mean that the Blue Blood is hard to get out of Europe? Herbies has them available as both regs or Fems. :peace:
Was this message for me on my strains?
mazar -i -sharif, Charlotte's web . I see these two strains are supposed to be high CBD and sell as regular seeds (not feminized) . The blue blood seemed hard to get out of Europe through spanish money bank(argh). I think the critical CBD is what you are looking for for CDB. comes from critical mass and high cbd like charlotts. Critical kush is supposed to be low cbd but high THC and large yields 700Gr/sq meter The thing about pots seeds is that the pheno can vary so you really only get a ball park idea from the breeder of thc/cbd characters. pretested clones would be a sure thing. Skunk pharm has offered sick patients tried and tested clones of harlequin depending on where you live. my 2 cent.
Oh thank heavens. I had a difficult time finding this until I realized what was meant by "signatures".
I posted on the other link that yes, my wife's cancer is ER+.
I look forward to your response sir and thank you with all our soul for your help.

Thank you for mentioning the problem with finding the link. I hadn't considered that someone new to the site wouldn't understand what we meant by that. In future I'll be clearer about that information. It's pretty critical that you be able to find us easily. I'm glad you found us and I apologize that we put you through that unnecessary stress.

Yes, your wife will begin with tacking. Cajun means he doesn't always recommend tacking alone as a protocol. It's case-dependent.
....BUT, one little question if I may: You say: "I felt great ironically. I now know why.
My blood pressure, etc. were all great.
But the cancer had spread & was aggressively spreading since the months I had been "tacking"."

You, unless I missed it, don't tell us "why" you know, or what was happening. My situation was the same - I felt great, but all the time the cancer was spreading. What was the answer, Cajun?

I was going to do a multiquote to catch everybody, but this deserves its own response.

When you "Tack" you are bypassing the blood/brain barrier with a very good percentage of cannabinoids left intact to do their thing.
Doing their thing is activating the CB-1 receptors in specific parts of the brain which are the hippocampus, cerebral cortex, cerebellum and the hypothalamus.
The CB-1 receptors stimulate the production of 2-AG, anandamide, serotonin & dopamine.
This is why you feel good. You are technically high along with these elements albeit slightly. Your brain feels like its in a state of homeostasis, which is awesome. Your blood pressure balances out, blood glucose levels balance, hair & nails grow stronger. There a lots of benefits.

Here's one of the big problems though:
someone is usually ingesting 1/5th of a gram per dose. That's 150mg. At 65 to 70% bioavailability, this is roughly 100mg of cannabinoids that stimulate/activate the receptors in your brain. That is just not near enough needed to cause cell death. No knowledgable professional working in this specific field that I know agrees that. In fact, most are horrified by it.

But what about an internal disease in your foot? Activating the CB-1 receptors in the brain areas above DOES NOT activate others like a magic switch all over your body. This has been proven since 1999 that I'm aware of. I've confirmed this with the organizations/professionals stated in an earlier post. This myth was ended when Rick Simpson retracted his statement on his "glandular" idea as well. He admitted to not really knowing how the oil worked in medical practice.

Also, CB-1 receptor activation or antagonists and the resulting production of 2-AG actually cause proliferation of tumors in some cancers. So you think up regulating them by tacking is wise? It's not...It's deadly.

Chronic use also decreases CB-1 density & impairs EDS signaling. This was proven in several cases & studies I can show you.
So, I will also be recommending anyone "cleanse" your receptors. Also, a medically proven method. Dr. Hirvonen & others.

That's basically it.
Nooby, I also need to hear Cajun's response, but my guess would be that tacking was enough of a dose to create the feeling of wellness but insufficient to make any headway against aggressive tumors.

Lol. I probably should've read this 1st. Way more simple.
Greetings to everyone involved with this thread, especially Cajun. What an amazing resource of information! I was directed here from some of the folks over at Supergroomer's bud lounge thread who have spoken very highly about cannabis treatment for cancer and other diseases. And I hope to be able to develop of regimen that will be helpful for my health issues. But first I should give you all a little info about me.

After 58 years of relative health, I was diagnosed with Stage IV Prostate Cancer, in April 2014, with a PSA of 72. Biopsy samplings of my prostate indicated an overall Gleason rating of 10, and bone and abdominal scans showed that the cancer had moved to my bones and abdominal lymph nodes. At that time I started testosterone deprivation therapy that continues with a yearly Vantas implant. I also went through chemotherapy (taxotere) that dropped my PSA down to 0.6. However it only took a few months before my PSA was back up to 29. This was last April, and my oncologist put me on Abiraterone (Zytiga) as well as radium 223 infusions (Zofigo). The radium treatment ended in October 2015, with my PSA fairly stable at about 18. I do monthly PSA tests, and the last one showed and increase to 24. My oncologist will want to do more scans if this month's PSA has risen any, and go from there with further treatment (may give Xtandi a try).

So after recently learning from this forum of the success some people are having with CCO, I am extremely motivated to give this treatment a try. My oncologist won't be able to assist with that, so I am planning to grow my own cannabis to make oil, and then follow the best practices for administering the oil. But the first step is growing the plants. That looks to be my first hurtle, and I have some questions about the best strains to use for my type of cancer.

I have read a good bit of the tutorial thread on how to make CCO, as well as the stain advise in this thread, and am somewhat confused and a bit overwhelmed by all the information. But in a nutshell, this is what I see to be the essential takeaway concerning strains:

1. Strive for a ratio of 2:1 (THC:CBD) for the oil.
2. For daytime medication, use a high (25%) THC Sativa strain combined with a high CBD strain at the above ratio. The THC kills the cancer while the CBD works to reduce inflammation and pain.
3. For nighttime medication, use a high THC Indica strain combined with a high CBD strain. This works as above but the indica strain also helps increase appetite and sleep.

I think I have the above about right, with combining the THC strains and CBD strain at the 2:1 ratio (by weight, I am guessing). There do appear to be some strains, like Blue Blood that naturally have THC and CBD at the right ratios, but that seems rather rare from what I can gather. So my immediate question at this point in time is what are the best strains to use to help with my illness?

I saw in a post by Cajun last April that he considers Critical Cure his CBD strain of choice, so I plan to go with that for sure, but not sure what would be best for the others, here is a list of strains I have seen used or recommended on the making CCO thread:

- Acapulco Gold
- Sour Diesel
- Blue Dream

- Harley-Tsu
- Hindu Kush
- Critical Kush
- Darkstar
- Black Domina

One sativa I would like to try as well is Carnival, which everyone who grows it seems to love. I don't know if it is as good as some of the others listed for cancer treatment, though.

Any thoughts on the possible strains would be greatly appreciated, as well as any other thoughts about my treatment anyone would like to add. But at this point in time, I am mainly concerned about purchasing the right seeds and getting going with the grow. I know it's only a matter of time before my oncologist starts talking about more chemo, and I am really wanting to avoid that if possible!

Thanks so much for the help!!

Wow. Nice selection of strains. I really love every single one of them for CCO.

I would recommend suppositories as well. Of the prostate cancer survivors I know, the over whelming majority used suppositories. If you're interested, I could offer some ideas?
Oh thank heavens. I had a difficult time finding this until I realized what was meant by "signatures".
I posted on the other link that yes, my wife's cancer is ER+.
I look forward to your response sir and thank you with all our soul for your help.

I thought it would be which is why I asked. No worries. I'll get back with you very quickly.

I see that you don't always recommend tacking? I believe that was what my wife was to begin with?

I don't recommend it for GFR-influenced cancers/diseases, nor anything with the phrase "Stage 4" in it. Read what I posted earlier & you'll see why I'm recommending it 15 mins prior to more dosing. But, not by itself.

Good grief. You're in Denver? Let me know when you can message. If you're willing to drive 45 mins, I'll make the oil for you & get in to all of this with you & her. Is she able to walk? If not, we have a med center up there. I could put in a weekend up there.
Your call.
mazar -i -sharif, Charlotte's web . I see these two strains are supposed to be high CBD and sell as regular seeds (not feminized) . The blue blood seemed hard to get out of Europe through spanish money bank(argh). I think the critical CBD is what you are looking for for CDB. comes from critical mass and high cbd like charlotts. Critical kush is supposed to be low cbd but high THC and large yields 700Gr/sq meter The thing about pots seeds is that the pheno can vary so you really only get a ball park idea from the breeder of thc/cbd characters. pretested clones would be a sure thing. Skunk pharm has offered sick patients tried and tested clones of harlequin depending on where you live. my 2 cent.

Thanks for your post! I appreciate the input and good information. :thumb:

I would love to get my hands on Charlotte's Web. Do you know a reliable source for this strain?

That's interesting about Skunk Pharm and their clone program. Very cool of them! I guess that program only works for in-state patients, but out of curiosity where are they located? Their blog isn't very clear about that.

Good point on the variable nature of seed phenotypes. I guess my best move, since I don't have a source for clones, will be to germinate multiple plants and clone the best.

Thanks, again!
Wow. Nice selection of strains. I really love every single one of them for CCO.

I would recommend suppositories as well. Of the prostate cancer survivors I know, the over whelming majority used suppositories. If you're interested, I could offer some ideas?

Thanks for the input, Cajun! So it sounds like I can't go wrong with any of the mentioned strains. And can I include Carnival in the list of strains you like? Having another sativa strain to choose from would be good, plus those Carnival bud pics are just so damn pretty! Is it wrong to have my head turned by a pretty bud?!

Yes, please! I would be very interested in hearing your ideas! That would be great! :thanks:
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