I'm back.
Lady G, I really like the juicing idea. I've been suggesting for quite some time that the greatest benefit from cannabis may end up being as a nutritional source. Including cannabis as a daily food can only bring happy results.
Oldbear and AKgramma have both been experimenting with using dried and cured trim and buds as a cooking additive, with no attempt to decarb. AKgramma in particular is seeing dramatic reduction in inflammatory discomfort, supporting her theory that the system would build up a supply of cannabinoids and become therapeutic as well as nutritional.
It appears we're going to discover how effective variety in dosing can be.
Is Z new to cannabis? If so, there's a protocol to follow to gently acclimate the system to the influx of phytocannabinoids.
I like the looks of the daytime oil as an intro med. It's balanced, and although we'll be suggesting much higher levels of THC throughout the day, I think it might be gentle enough as an entry point. If you combine the oils there's a good likelihood she'll be too groggy unless the capsules are administered as suppositories. If suppositories are the chosen path, combine the oils and go for it.
Up until this moment, our approach to treating cancer has been to use CCO, and what we're going to attempt here is using infused oils. In my mind, it's a matter of concentration only, and data continues to suggest that necessary high doses are the exception, not the rule.
Do we all understand that we're stepping out on the leading edge? I want us all to be comfortable going forward. If CCO becomes part of this particular regimen it'll be when Guy finally has a harvest that meets the need, or oil materializes. I don't limit the universe in the hows or the whens. I feel for the inspiration and proceed with faith in the guidance.
In this case it appears we have some potent infused oils that could be made into capsules and administered 3-4 times a day, the juicing option, which ties in beautifully with the modification in eating patterns that will be recommended, and the liberal use of a strong topical. Add in a dose of daily deliberate joy and I think we have a plan worth pursuing.
What says the loving crowd? We're breaking new ground as Guy gets a grow up and running to produce CCO. Guy, you'll be needing something with lots of CBD. See what Van has available. I haven't researched the list of what you're growing yet, but if your White Cookies is anywhere near what I got from my Thin Mint GSC you have some powerful cancer-fighting cannabinoids developing.
We look for THC values around 20% or higher. It's THC that triggers cell apoptosis, that delightful moment when the cancer cell packs it up and becomes component parts to be swept from the healing system. CBD will assist the treatment by cutting off the tumor cell's ability to generate its own blood supply. Together they're so much more powerful than alone, and these are only the cannabinoids we've studied the most. You'll be using plant material grown by loving hands, and believe it or not, that energy will potentiate the medicine also.
I'm thinking when you get to the oil-production stage with your harvests a ratio of 4:1 THC:CBD or better is a decent goal. I'm hoping by then the multi-faceted approach is showing effectiveness. Diversity of administration pathways just feels like the way to go here, doesn't it?
Her mental state will become an important part of the success of the regime. You can't come near me these days without being exposed to my belief that the deliberate choice to find a better-feeling thought will energize the healing mode. Thoughts create hormonal responses that drive the chemical cascades within. You were evolved to live in a state of joyfulness. Watch a small toddler exploring the world. That joy at being able to interact with this wonderful universe is the attitude that creates a healing atmosphere beneficial to your cells.
The further you wander from joy the sicker you become. Change your emotional orientation to hone in on feelings of joy and appreciation and the cells vibrate at a tone more conducive to healing. Laughter is possibly the best healing mode available, and everyone can access its healing potential.
My favorite prescription is to greet every morning upon waking with all the glee and wonder you can generate, and deliberately hold to that vibration as long as you can and still have fun with it. Then get up the next day and repeat the process. Keep doing that until you're convinced that your emotional default has reset to joy. For most it happens within 30 days. I don't see myself ever discontinuing the practice. Lol!
Hugs where you can get them. They're a healing force all their own.
Lady G, I really like the juicing idea. I've been suggesting for quite some time that the greatest benefit from cannabis may end up being as a nutritional source. Including cannabis as a daily food can only bring happy results.
Oldbear and AKgramma have both been experimenting with using dried and cured trim and buds as a cooking additive, with no attempt to decarb. AKgramma in particular is seeing dramatic reduction in inflammatory discomfort, supporting her theory that the system would build up a supply of cannabinoids and become therapeutic as well as nutritional.
It appears we're going to discover how effective variety in dosing can be.
Is Z new to cannabis? If so, there's a protocol to follow to gently acclimate the system to the influx of phytocannabinoids.
I like the looks of the daytime oil as an intro med. It's balanced, and although we'll be suggesting much higher levels of THC throughout the day, I think it might be gentle enough as an entry point. If you combine the oils there's a good likelihood she'll be too groggy unless the capsules are administered as suppositories. If suppositories are the chosen path, combine the oils and go for it.
Up until this moment, our approach to treating cancer has been to use CCO, and what we're going to attempt here is using infused oils. In my mind, it's a matter of concentration only, and data continues to suggest that necessary high doses are the exception, not the rule.
Do we all understand that we're stepping out on the leading edge? I want us all to be comfortable going forward. If CCO becomes part of this particular regimen it'll be when Guy finally has a harvest that meets the need, or oil materializes. I don't limit the universe in the hows or the whens. I feel for the inspiration and proceed with faith in the guidance.
In this case it appears we have some potent infused oils that could be made into capsules and administered 3-4 times a day, the juicing option, which ties in beautifully with the modification in eating patterns that will be recommended, and the liberal use of a strong topical. Add in a dose of daily deliberate joy and I think we have a plan worth pursuing.
What says the loving crowd? We're breaking new ground as Guy gets a grow up and running to produce CCO. Guy, you'll be needing something with lots of CBD. See what Van has available. I haven't researched the list of what you're growing yet, but if your White Cookies is anywhere near what I got from my Thin Mint GSC you have some powerful cancer-fighting cannabinoids developing.
We look for THC values around 20% or higher. It's THC that triggers cell apoptosis, that delightful moment when the cancer cell packs it up and becomes component parts to be swept from the healing system. CBD will assist the treatment by cutting off the tumor cell's ability to generate its own blood supply. Together they're so much more powerful than alone, and these are only the cannabinoids we've studied the most. You'll be using plant material grown by loving hands, and believe it or not, that energy will potentiate the medicine also.
I'm thinking when you get to the oil-production stage with your harvests a ratio of 4:1 THC:CBD or better is a decent goal. I'm hoping by then the multi-faceted approach is showing effectiveness. Diversity of administration pathways just feels like the way to go here, doesn't it?
Her mental state will become an important part of the success of the regime. You can't come near me these days without being exposed to my belief that the deliberate choice to find a better-feeling thought will energize the healing mode. Thoughts create hormonal responses that drive the chemical cascades within. You were evolved to live in a state of joyfulness. Watch a small toddler exploring the world. That joy at being able to interact with this wonderful universe is the attitude that creates a healing atmosphere beneficial to your cells.
The further you wander from joy the sicker you become. Change your emotional orientation to hone in on feelings of joy and appreciation and the cells vibrate at a tone more conducive to healing. Laughter is possibly the best healing mode available, and everyone can access its healing potential.
My favorite prescription is to greet every morning upon waking with all the glee and wonder you can generate, and deliberately hold to that vibration as long as you can and still have fun with it. Then get up the next day and repeat the process. Keep doing that until you're convinced that your emotional default has reset to joy. For most it happens within 30 days. I don't see myself ever discontinuing the practice. Lol!
Hugs where you can get them. They're a healing force all their own.