9 Plant 1000W Aeroponic Caramelicious From Seed

ok all, here are some updated px from today october 7 2010.
i was having some problems with stunted growth but is seems i have worked it out with the help of some very cool budzzz here at 420mag.

ok so here is a before from about 1 1/2 weeks ago

and now today we have bushshshshshsh...


it's nice to see all our efforts making things happen in a positive way :thanks::rollit:

Can't be too much water, great grows come out of dwc and aero.
Constant air movement is good - short of thrashing with too much.
My answer to doubtful concerns over propa nutrition is another daily feeding,
hydro results are quick. Some canna leaves are like that? Doesn't look too bad.
Took me many decades to earn my wrinkles. Always look at the new growth.
are the temps and/or RH fluctuating or steady?
Can't be too much water, great grows come out of dwc and aero.
Constant air movement is good - short of thrashing with too much.
My answer to doubtful concerns over propa nutrition is another daily feeding,
hydro results are quick. Some canna leaves are like that? Doesn't look too bad.
Took me many decades to earn my wrinkles. Always look at the new growth.

Hey Gator,
sittin here readin watchin "Step Into Liquid" one of my fav surf films. a buddy
just dropped off some out door upstate NY med which is nice as it's the same he has givn me before but it was grown in door. i can tell the diff. this was all soil in and out. bud pheno's changed when out doors. the indoor fragrance was sweeter and stronger like concord grapes. smell is same with out door but not as strong.

Anyway constant air is soft and new growth seems fine and i am defintly seeing daily growth/change. it's looking good.
gonna try the "Dr's" recipe see how that goes.

i'll post px soon

a buddy just dropped off some out door upstate NY med which is nice as it's the same he has givn me before but it was grown in door. i can tell the diff. this was all soil in and out. bud pheno's changed when out doors. the indoor fragrance was sweeter and stronger like concord grapes. smell is same with out door but not as strong.
I like strong-smelling weed, and believe that constant fresh air dissipates terpene concentrations.
Closed grow enviroment works for that, and a sealed drying box. Projects on my list.
Upstate NY is where the 'empire' is at. NYC is just big and demented.
I was raised near Saratoga, and have fond memories. Old memories :)
Ok, so it's getting worst. Can anyone help????
the leaf edges are turning up even more plus new growth is dark green looking
like they are starting to pray and they are getting clean
5.65ph/35ppm water.

what to do, what to do??

Might be late but in case you didnt figure out what was causing the leaf edges to curl up in my opinion that is caused by magnesium deficency when the leaves curl up its like they are praying ,praying for MG that is.
Doc, I'm at 5/20 as of two days ago and 1/5 is my target. i started at 1/5 when they were babies and they wilted and stressed like crazy and stopped growing till i figured out/read that babies don't need food but i started with waaay too many nutes.
now the tallest is 7" at 4weeks tommorow sunday starts 5th week they should be so much taller but we learn from our mistakes. (Hopefully).

Today was rez change cleanout day and i misscalculated the nutes again. I wanted under 900ppm at .5 conversion and ended up with 1050. But at a .7 conversion i'm at like 1400 or higher. My meter does both so not sure which to use.

Using Fox Farm GrowBig and BigBloom. You know about these conversions?
does it depend on who's nute you use?

OH! and thanks about the info on temp being affected by water circulation or lack of it.


Just have to mention that if you get a reading of 1050ppms @.5 and 1400 @.7 these are the exact same levels of nutrients if you were to check the nutes with an ec tester you would probably find you have an ec of 1.8-2.1
I like strong-smelling weed, and believe that constant fresh air dissipates terpene concentrations.
Closed grow enviroment works for that, and a sealed drying box. Projects on my list.
Upstate NY is where the 'empire' is at. NYC is just big and demented.
I was raised near Saratoga, and have fond memories. Old memories :)

yeah we used to live in NYC and it was fun while it lasted 9yrs uhg... it was a love hate but now i love that we left i can visit whenever.
i always wanted to visit Saratoga and the races just for fun.

i just read an article that NJ is the official first state to produce MMJ for commercial distribution but their laws will be the stricktest and supposedly they have or are about to harvest their first crop this month.

also the licence to open a dispensary is $20,000 and if you are turned down you only get back $18,000.
a growers licence is where it's at but they did not mention it although Rutgers University turned down the offer to grow for the state of NJ.

what dumb asses. they could have experimented with all kinds of strains and maybe discover somthin new about MJ not to mention money raised for the school.
i am amazed at the people who get these opportunities and don't see it.
give me the op and i would have a mega green house.

Just have to mention that if you get a reading of 1050ppms @.5 and 1400 @.7 these are the exact same levels of nutrients if you were to check the nutes with an ec tester you would probably find you have an ec of 1.8-2.1

i do have an EC tester on my Hanna what a dumb ass... i always forget about it and thats the reason i bought it. PH/Temp and PPM/EC/Temp
the brain is slooow tooo go. lol
Might be late but in case you didnt figure out what was causing the leaf edges to curl up in my opinion that is caused by magnesium deficency when the leaves curl up its like they are praying ,praying for MG that is.

yeah man! i just bought a book on diagnosing MMJ problems and that seems to be it plus need to pick up cal/mag which i am in a few minutes.

i'll be checking your journal when i get back thank you.

We have at 420, many books' worth: How to Grow Marijuana Everything You Need to Know
Much of cannabis cultivation info is left-over from dirt, which is tricky stuff.
You never know exactly what's in there.
With water you can be sure: An osmotic 'black hole' when pure,
an engineered ideal mix when good nutes are added correctly.
I've never bought or used cal/mag. Ever
GH or H&G base nutes in city tap water. No amendments.
With aero, total ppm should not exceed 1000. If with RO or rain water - 800 max. Do this and you will have no problems to blame on fertilizer. There are other factors in a garden of more significance than the FN nutes.
My first successful grow was in 20 oz plastic cups with one third each of peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite. I watered to excess twice daily with tap water and one quarter teaspoon Peters all purpose 20-20-20. 25 years later, I now use pure coir and either Lucas (GH) or H&G Cocos. I try additives, and enjoy no advantage from them yet. Hope springs eternal, and I try yet another, for naught.
Rutgers University turned down the offer to grow for the state of NJ.
what dumb asses. they could have experimented with all kinds of strains and maybe discover somthin new about MJ not to mention money raised for the school. I am amazed at the people who get these opportunities and don't see it.
Does Rutgers receive 'research' money from big pharma? Of course they do, and that stops before cannabis is promoted by a major institution. The DEA is also controlled by the money of big business, so Rutgers accepts the status quo. Blame DuPont or Monsantos, not Rutgers. 'Energy'(oil) companys also have vested interest in stifling cannabis. All of these industries buy politicians who know how to stay bought, and earn their bribes.
Hey man.... good luck with your plants. They are turning into little bushes for sure. I'm looking forward to some bud porn. I read where you're going to pick up some CalMag....CalMag is a good investment when running this system and should serve you well. Best of luck.
Hey, MBS!

Beautiful plants, very cool set-up. I use a similar rig, but with 5" PVC fence posts instead of 6" pipe, and fewer plant sites. A few suggestions:

First: algae needs light to grow. I was worried about my plants roots getting too much light (even though I use a smaller 400W light), so I covered the tops of my fence posts with black electrical tape. There are no doubt more elegant ways of blocking the light, but I tend to go with what I got. Even though I changed out the nutrients only once during my grow (my first with hydro), between veg and flower cycles, when I took my system apart after harvest, there was no algae anywhere save a small amount in the clear tubing that feeds the manifold that distributes water to the plants.

Second: I'm not so sure of the wisdom in removing fan leaves. Fan leaves are the light converters of your plants. Plants generally want as much light as they can handle, and if there's too much to handle, they'll let you know. In short, the more light they get, the more nutrients they can use for growth, and therefor, more growth. There may be something I don't know on this subject, and I'd be thankful for any additional data or even opinions.

That being said, I am envious of your grow. I over-fertilized my first hydro grow, and although I ended up with a pretty good harvest of some wonderful Kali, it's probably half of what I would have gotten had I paid as much attention as you are.

And some questions: I know little of SCROG. Can you refer me to some good, informative posts, articles, books, etc? Also: what pump cycle timing did you end up with? Anybody want to chime in on that one?

hey yall, so it's been awhile and alot has gone down. where to start...

ok so about two weeks ago i left town for 2 1/2 days for a friends wedding (poor sucker) lol. when i got back it look like some one nuked the plants.

hardcore drooping, actually more like hardcore dying. i had no clue what went wrong. i dialed everything in to a tee and was pulling my hair out saying i knew i should not have left them alone. all four months all together of planning, building and growing down the proverbial tubes. F#@%!!!!

so checked on the other kids. the ones i thought would never bounce back in my other room (what i call ICU) they where fine. WDF!! turns out i accidently
hit the "on" time to water for?? what was it? well it was two weeks ago i think like 20 or 30 min on and 5min off i drowned them plus they had drunk over
10gallons in 2 1/2 days and the water level was below the pumps minimum
so it was running dry. now there getting zero water.

well i thought they where all gonners. now two weeks later and a shit-ton
of love, patiance and prunning dead dried out fan leaves and whole limbs
they are pushin 15inches and are under the scrog net. one of them was transfered to the ICU as it got hit the hardest and prunned to almost nothing. I'll post pics in a bit.

last week was my daughters b-day and we had quite a few friends and family over. basement was kept under lock and key all is well. so on 11/02/10 i switched my 4 ICU patience under 400w to 12/12 they're only 10"
at the tallest but i want to continue to veg my scrog and really want some buds of my own. Fruits of my labor. so 8 to 9 weeks from now it should happen although i'm not expecting much as they have been stressed beyond belief. a experiment i guess. so i'll be back in a few with pics after cleaning out rez and adding new nutes to scrog.
Hey, MBS!

Beautiful plants, very cool set-up. I use a similar rig, but with 5" PVC fence posts instead of 6" pipe, and fewer plant sites. A few suggestions:

First: algae needs light to grow. I was worried about my plants roots getting too much light (even though I use a smaller 400W light), so I covered the tops of my fence posts with black electrical tape. There are no doubt more elegant ways of blocking the light, but I tend to go with what I got. Even though I changed out the nutrients only once during my grow (my first with hydro), between veg and flower cycles, when I took my system apart after harvest, there was no algae anywhere save a small amount in the clear tubing that feeds the manifold that distributes water to the plants.

hey you might want to try AC reflective tape. it's opaque a very reflective. so any light that might make it's way through will reflect back up through the canapy. i feel any little details as small as they mat be will be appreciated by your plants.
Wow dude! i change my rez every 1 to 2 weeks depending on what they tell me. i figure if i keep the water fresh it will keep unwanted solids from building up and allow the plants to easily take up as much nutes as they wish thus increasing yield.
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