7Dust2 Mad Scientist 2022 Grow

Post some pics today , first one is the graph plant








Idk. Been long time since I have. According to journal day 3 is today. So guess I'm wanting them to pop or forgot days again. More second option to be honest.
As long as you aren't over watering the soil they should pop.
i put a clear cap over top of mine off a medicine bottle so it would keep humidity high
As long as you aren't over watering the soil they should pop.
i put a clear cap over top of mine off a medicine bottle so it would keep humidity high
Yeah they in the clone box so yeah they getting all that. But idk. Waited few more days then go back to old way. Zip lock bag and warm room
What’s up, dust! Those seeds pop yet?
Nope both never did pop. Got three in baggie now over here by the tv. One has a tail already and didn't look at other two well. Just going to wait till tomorrow plant in soil what got tails. . Lmao.

If not broke don't fix it... One of these days I'll learn that
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