7Dust2 Mad Scientist 2022 Grow

Well it's official now. I will be sponsoring A Journal for Mars-hydro in upcoming weeks.
The FC-E4800 grow light. Received tracking number today. So it's on it way.



Well it's official now. I will be sponsoring A Journal for Mars-hydro in upcoming weeks.
The FC-E4800 grow light. Received tracking number today. So it's on it way.



Congratulations Dust. :thumb:
@Mars Hydro for the win.
New tent?

Stay safe :cool:
Well it's official now. I will be sponsoring A Journal for Mars-hydro in upcoming weeks.
The FC-E4800 grow light. Received tracking number today. So it's on it way.



Good job dust I'm proud of you
I love it all dust I just f****** love it. I ain't been around in a while bro I've been kind of depressed and s*** but I hope all is well with you my friend good job on your growing and I am so proud for you being the a show on excellent grow light...
Dust I can work wonders with a light like that but peopl like me can't afford good s*** like that! no matter how hard I try and do the right thing something always comes up but I'm good now bro I got a damn good job so couple more weeks I'll be back on top.

Happy growing my friend keep up the good work you're doing an excellent job
Well after thinking and stuff on the new light coming I think I will have to cut down how many plants are int he tent.. least by 3
So next week even tho not ready to harvest they might have to go. Or let me see if I can get my old as 2x2 tent. Out. Don't think the medal rods are good now.. been 7 years.
Idk . Idk what I need to do. But got alot work to do as always.

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