7Dust2 Mad Scientist 2022 Grow

I'm trying to stay off them now. Going be hard. But I think I got enough resin now. Lmao. And I got butter. So. I'm working on it. Just can't see me growing 4 months in veg and stuff. I would freak out
Hey, there's no reason to do four months of veg. They way your plants grow you shouldn't need to go longer than 4-6 weeks in veg. As long as you do 60 days in flower ;)
Hey, there's no reason to do four months of veg. They way your plants grow you shouldn't need to go longer than 4-6 weeks in veg. As long as you do 60 days in flower ;)
Yeah that's what I do. 35-40 day veg. Straight to the flowering tent.. bunch here do way more than that
Tent back full. Revegs. Graph plant clones all in the flowering tent now

First day not smoking.. wow this sucks..
Wait until those plants finish flowering and you'll have bud for a long time ;) Hang tough Dust.
I'm hanging in. Just hate it.
Bro all I do since I came home to stay for first time in 5 years. I'm making best of it.. why not.. everything else going hell in hand basket.
I'm got my stuff cooking . Doing everything I want to. Even sitting on porches smoking and waving at the folks driving by lmao.










Can't ask for anything better. !!!!
Yeah. She going be nice . But another month to go on her.. she has ,60-79 day harvest
Man I love those below 90 harvest dates lol keep the supply up and smokin.... But yea man I love those colors... Unfortunately all the starins I have now have very low pheno rates
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