Re: 420 Cannasumer Reports Competition - GrowLEDHydro's 600W LED vs. 600W HPS by Be I
The only one of the LED that may have more sites then it's counterpart is the third Dimension, and that one has been growing like a brick shit house and slower then the rest since day one and was not supercropped because it was so much smaller then the rest... Yes, i would have still supercropped the LED plants, I pretty much use supercropping as my training for a canopy when I want one and for the most part, supercrop all my plants... All the plants were transplanted into three gallon containers
Third Dimension
The only one of the LED that may have more sites then it's counterpart is the third Dimension, and that one has been growing like a brick shit house and slower then the rest since day one and was not supercropped because it was so much smaller then the rest... Yes, i would have still supercropped the LED plants, I pretty much use supercropping as my training for a canopy when I want one and for the most part, supercrop all my plants... All the plants were transplanted into three gallon containers
Third Dimension