600W LED Grow

re: GLH 600W LED Grow

I got 42.0 rep points waiting for who's closest :surf:

wow things are really getting serious now. 42.0 rep points from Soniq and then more rep points from all the members that are joins in on this. thats some points.

i feel that i shouldn't be allowed to be part of this guessing the weight game. last thing i want is to win and someone think i BS the results for rep points, so i am talking myself out of this one.

Soniq a big THANK YOU for the added bonus of 42 rep points.

good luck to all

ok so far these of the numbers to guess the dry weight for rep points from all of us. plus an extra 42.0 rep points from Soniq

who knows??as long as its a 1up:rofl:
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

here i wanted to share a good idea i found on the web about curing. i am gonna cur this crop like this, sounds to be the best way to do it IMO. its bullet proof and you will never have to worry about mold again if you do it right

thanks Simon


This method is particularly effective for folks who are starting out, those looking to maximize quality in a shorter period of time, and folks who's like to produce a connoisseur-quality product each and every time with no guesswork involved.

It's a very simple and effective process:

Cut the product, trim it per your preference, but don't dry it until the stems snap. Take it down while the stems still have some flex, but the product feel dry on the outside. This is a perfect opportunity to drop the dry-feeling flowers onto a screen and collect prime-quality kief that would otherwise get lost in the jar.

Jar the product, along with a Caliber III hygrometer. One can be had on Ebay for ~$20. Having tested a number of hygrometers - digital and analog - this model in particular produced consistent, accurate results. Then, watch the readings:

+70% RH - too wet, needs to sit outside the jar to dry for 12-24 hours, depending.

65-70% RH - the product is almost in the cure zone, if you will. It can be slowly brought to optimum RH by opening the lid for 2-4 hours.

60-65% RH - the stems snap, the product feels a bit sticky, and it is curing.

55-60% RH - at this point it can be stored for an extended period without worrying about mold. The product will continue to cure.

Below 55% RH - the RH is too low for the curing process to take place. The product starts to feel brittle. Once you've hit this point, nothing will make it better. Adding mosture won't restart the curing process; it will just make the product wet. If you measure a RH below 55% don't panic. Read below:

Obviously, the product need time to sweat in the jar. As such, accurate readings won't be seen for ~24 hours, assuming the flowers are in the optimal cure zone. If you're curing the product for long-term storage, give the flowers 4-5 days for an accurate reading. If the product is sill very wet, a +70% RH reading will show within hours. If you see the RH rising ~1% per hour, keep a close eye on the product, as it's likely too moist.

re: GLH 600W LED Grow

BUMP. so u guys can see the pics without searching

ok so far these are the numbers i have guessing the dry weight for rep points from all of us. plus an extra 42.0 rep points from Soniq good luck everyone there allot of points that can be won.
I will update this every time someone says their guess on the dry weight

who knows??as long as its a 1up:rofl:




all of the buds hanging their. There are some buds in the very back if you look hard hanging on the string holding the two 5 tier storage hangers, their also some of the smaller/med buds in the two 5 tier hangers witch are still fat nugs.lol. it get kinda hard to see their is buds hanging every where some buds are blocked in the pics by the front ones. the back buds are just as and dense, they are the hindu skunks and the front ones are the XJ-13's.






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