600W LED Grow

re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Very sexy ladies!! You have inspired me to pack a fatty, keep up the good work!
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Bump! bud porn on the fresh page.lol. I love opening a fresh page and having pics of some sexy buds right there.















re: GLH 600W LED Grow

I have a panel of 10 one watt IR 730nm led's. This is what I found! The IR led's give off no heat at all...SS I'm glad you brought up HGL saying that IR led's add heat to the grow area... From what I can tell, they add less heat to the grow area then say a red 660nm led. I can't even see the IR led's on, plus when I touch them they feel cool to the touch...

From what I can tell IR led's trick the plant into thinking they are getting Radiant Heat when it's not actually getting the (heat). When our favorite girls see 730nm they think it's heat. Anyone care to add to this?

trickin' the ladies into thinkin' they hot, when they not.

we still talkin' bout lights, right?

re: GLH 600W LED Grow

WARNING - long post ahead. ;)

The pigment phytochrome detects the presence or absence of light. This is one way plants measure day length.

When phytochrome absorbs red light with a wavelength of about 660 nanometers, the small protein that is attached to the phytochrome changes its folding. This changes some of its properties. For instance it now absorbs light in the far red spectrum of 730 nm. Also it becomes more hydrophobic and binds to membranes more easily when it is in the refolded state.

When this form absorbs the far red light (~730nm) it unfolds back to its original form and the properties revert back to less hydrophobicity and it releases from any membranes it may of bound to.

Pr = red absorbing /660 nm
Pfr= far red absorbing/ 730 nm

Pfr reverts back to Pr in darkness.

If far red light is given quickly enough after red light, phytochrome does not have enough time to affect cell metabolism and has no effect on the plant.

If the far red comes long enough after the red for the presentation time to be fulfilled, the Pfr is able to complete the transduction process and the far red light no longer cancels out the red light stimulation.

This is how critical night length is determined by the plant, the amount of time in darkness required to induce flowering. Cannabis is a long night plant therefore the night must be longer than the critical night length in order to induce flowering. In the case of cannabis about 12 hours and now it no longer cancels out the red light stimulation and flowering is triggered.

Dark reversion of Pfr to Pr is fast. In about 3h, 99% of Pfr has reverted to Pr. Plants have other mecanisms (still unkown) to measure dark period as well. When manipulating photoperiods by Pr/Pfr stimulation, its necessary to consider circadian rithms, wich interfere with results, depending of its duration.

Its is possible to cheat plants to believe that dark period has been longer than its real duration flashing with 730nm light at the end of light period, but in limited quantities, from 1/2 h to 2h, depending of plants species studied. I haven't found any studies about cannabis, so experimentation is needed to determine required intensity and duration of 730nm flash needed to shorten dark period requierment to continue flowering, as well to determine how much the dark period can be shorten.

others suggest about 8-9 h of dark period will be enough with flashing, down to minimum of 7h. But achieving a flowering photoperiod of 16/8 would be nice, because it allows you to use lower light intensities (reaching the same total daily irradiance), with better photosyntetic efficiencies, or get bigger better yields.

But phytocromes affect many plants behaviors, not only photoperiodic ones. phytocromes are one of the main signaling mechanisms of plants, producing reaction in hormones, which affect the plant.

I've never tried this myself but i've read about it. the problem is we don't know everything. . . Since 45% of the suns rays are in the form of IR, it makes sense that they play a big role in their growth.

The biggest problem is that the light manufacturers in general don't know jack because they aren't bio-PHD's they are just business people trying to make money, doing the best they can.

I have totally re-thought the focused spectrum as being beneficial, it may or may not be, but i'm not convinced. . . these plants evolved under a certain spectrum, and they have many processes that we don't fully understand.

If i could choose any spectrum to emulate, it would not be focused, it would be sun-like.

anyways your plants look amazing Irish. . . that 600w is doin it's thang!
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Just wanted to comment on how good the buds are looking. I am so jealous of those buds I just want to sit and weep every time I look at the pics. I don't care if they were grown using LED's or HID's they are pretty awesome. The last time you looked at your thumb what shade of green was it, I would imagine it has to be pretty dark.

I'm rooting for you to win plant of the month you had my vote right after you posted that you were entered. :goodluck:

Can hardly wait to see what sort of weight you get from (our) gorgeous ladies. hehe When is the party going to be so we all can have a chance to get a toke. We are all invited aren't we. lol
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Just wanted to comment on how good the buds are looking. I am so jealous of those buds I just want to sit and weep every time I look at the pics. I don't care if they were grown using LED's or HID's they are pretty awesome. The last time you looked at your thumb what shade of green was it, I would imagine it has to be pretty dark.

I'm rooting for you to win plant of the month you had my vote right after you posted that you were entered. :goodluck:

Can hardly wait to see what sort of weight you get from (our) gorgeous ladies. hehe When is the party going to be so we all can have a chance to get a toke. We are all invited aren't we. lol

thanks man. the buds are so sweet looking cant wait to smoke on them. i dont have a green thumb maybe a yellow thumb.lol. i am just a normal grower nothing special about my growing skills. i could only imagine a good grower using these lights? theres a secret to having successful grows!! its what SS has been saying, read all kinds of grow journals and learn from others do's and dont's. and learn to not make certain mistakes. its all about trial and err also, and most important learn to listen to ur plants!!! these forums are the key, theirs so much good info i learn new stuff everyday. read all the threads you can and you shall learn the do's and dont's. i have hours and hours and hors of reading books, on the web, and my own trail and err. but out of everything i learn the most on these fourms and its free. Remember K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid) best advice that will never let you down!

you all invited to the party, just bring some trimmers.lol.

and thank you for the vote brother. it means allot to me.
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

I was about to post my knowledge on IR, but it was all learned by Wheel O Fortune anyways. SRSLY! Read into his posts on IR light, incandescent and black lights. Honestly, he's opened my mind to the colors of the sky and the way light reflects through the atmosphere. Although I guess I can't give him all the credit because he was taught by the authors of the book ( can't remember the name) . Makes so much sense, IR is the reason why plants can have more hours of light in a day and still flower. I had never even thought of that before. + reps to Wheel and +reps to irish for growing peroxide bottle sized colas under LED.
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

You rock Irish...Hands down bro. Whether you claim it or not, you have skills bro.

Keep 'em coming! Need me some more Irish grows to follow. What's next on the board?

Good stuff bro...much respect.

re: GLH 600W LED Grow

Thnx Khryme

knowledge is just information, putting it to good use is wisdom. Knowledge has never been a problem for me, and now the internet almost makes it trivial. wisdom is much harder to achieve and comes only from experience, effort and time.

Still, I thank you for props. I try to spread knowledge, and I am the first to say that it is not my own. only my wisdom is my own.

The IR info is def important in plant mechanisms, but there are other things at work as well. I try never too put too too much emphasis on any one thing in growing and in all aspects of life. If you do, you usually lose the big picture by ignoring other important things.

keep up the good work bro, because knowing is half the battle.
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

I was about to post my knowledge on IR, but it was all learned by Wheel O Fortune anyways. SRSLY! Read into his posts on IR light, incandescent and black lights. Honestly, he's opened my mind to the colors of the sky and the way light reflects through the atmosphere. Although I guess I can't give him all the credit because he was taught by the authors of the book ( can't remember the name) . Makes so much sense, IR is the reason why plants can have more hours of light in a day and still flower. I had never even thought of that before. + reps to Wheel and +reps to irish for growing peroxide bottle sized colas under LED.

Yes, IR is what allows flowering to happen outdoors with aprox 13-14 hours of day light depending on the strain grown outdoors. But it's now been proven that BLUE light triggers flowering (or the length of time that the blue light is on). The plant see red light and far red light as night time. Those two spectrums contribute to the length of dark time the plant sees.

I'm sorry... It's the presence of blue light that prevents flowering. Because your girls will flower using 24hrs of red light, they will just flower real slow.

Wheel I'm not knockin' your post at all. As a matter of fact it's one of the best post I've seen on the subject.. It's just that new evidence as came to the surface with the use of led's and individual spectrums in the grow room that has allowed some real smart people to find out that things are a little different then once thought.

If your interested I can PM you a link on what's called PAD lighting (Photosynthetic Artificial Darkness). If you study PAD lighting you will see it allows you to flower your favorite girls using 24hr of lighting. But since I'm not the individual that figured this out (but I can point you to them so you can ask all the questions you want) I can't answer all the tec questions you would have.. Let me know if your interested. If nothing, the FREE book I can show you online is a good read for someone with your level of knowledge on the red/far red reaction of our favorite girls..
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

sure, PM me anytime, I'm always up for a good read and some new knowledge. Like i said a couple posts though, i don't think any one thing is entirely responsible for any function like flowering. it is more likely the combination of many aspects that each contribute a part. Yeah any one can mess it up, but all have to be good to get good results.

the more i grow, the more i realize that you can do pretty much anything given you create the right circumstances surrounding what ever your trying to do.
re: GLH 600W LED Grow

damn irish are you growin weed or corn
looks good damn good
the only down side is that now i have to start a budget so that i can get a new set up together im itchn to grow
cant wait to see what they weigh
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