How's it going my irish laddy?
Here's some info on the medium your using that some might be interested in.....
How about the Sunshine #4 mix that we mentioned earlier? Actually this is a very, very good medium. When it
comes out of bogs, it has a pH of 3.5 to 4. This is actually too low, so dolomite lime is added to it to raise the pH. (We'll
talk about adding dolomite a bit later.) This brings the pH of the Sunshine #4 to 5.8 to 6.3 for a 6 week period.
More About "Sunshine #4" And
How It Can Make Your Life A Lot Easier
So what's Sunshine #4 mix made of? It's made of 60% — 70% peat and 30% — 40% perlite. This is the combination
you want and gives you excellent aeration which you'll need for great big thick root development. And as hundreds of
university studies have conclusively shown the bigger the root system the bigger the yield. And that's what we're after
isn't it. BIGGER YIELDS.
It also has a starter charge of fertilizer that gives it an NPK ratio of 6-5-11 meaning it has a ratio of 6% nitrogen
(N), 5% phosphorous (P) and 11% potassium (K). All you have to do, then, is add a bit more nitrogen to the mix and this
would be a near perfect medium for growing your plants. Sunshine #4 also contains a wetting agent (surfactant) to ease
surface tension and allow for better initial water penetration to the growing medium.