6 x 150W Satellite LED Coco AutoFlower Grow AK47 White Widow Big Bud

subscribed. when your plant are 5 inches tall and have 5 sets of developed leaves i would start them on 1/4 strength nutrients and slowly work up 1/4 at a time till you are giving full strength nutrients. with nutrients less and slow is better rather then risk burning your plants.
Thanks for the info!

So should I just keep giving them 1/4 nutrients or should I stop as I've already fed them nutes yesterday :/ they have 4 sets of true leaves fully developed.
I received an email today from the company I purchased the lights from. I'm still confused! Is it two (a pair) 400W HPS (800W HPS)? or is it just equal to a 400W HPS? And how many plants are these lights going to be able support? I'd rather good bud than a bunch of leafy barely budded plants. Thanks in advance! :peace:
At the end of the day, Lumens, Lux or watts doesnt matter at all.... Thats just human eye / brightness relationship. Plants see PAR (Photosynthetic Active Radiation), so when it doesnt matter if its equal to 400 hps, or 800 or a 1000! Depending on the color of your leds, you will get a better absortion and use of the light. LED's are def. working nowadays! so, give a try with your plants this time, see how it goes, and you will have a better idea!
:Namaste: Irie
if you have begun feeding your plants nutrients i would see how they take the dosage. watch the leaf tips especially at the top of the plant for any signs of yellowing or browning. if your plants take the dosage of your nutrients i would feed them the exact same dosage next scheduled nutrient watering.
Thanks a bunch guys!

I originally had my LEDs quite close to my plants when I first got them (about 2-3 inches away) but the leaves started turning a skin/bone type colour and curling (not just the tips), pretty sure they were being burnt by the LEDs..
I have them about 30cm away now, to help cover all my plants and prevent that type of burn again as it was quite extreme :(

And if they react badly? I guess flush them with a couple of water feeds? They're in coco so I imagine that would be the idea as coco drains remarkably well. I gave them a foliar feed too, nothing too crazy but enough that I feel it will make a difference. They're autoflowers and are over a month above ground, they're pretty much adults right? As they are on a genetic timer and stunting them is just time gone. I hope they come good! Hoping for more than lollipop buds :/

Cheers for keeping up with me guys! :peace:
cheapest way to test your water Ph, is buying a tornasol papers or pool test!! You can get an electronic as well, to measure ppm in soil too. How are the plants today? Hope better, cheers.
Yeah, I plan to get an electronic pH tester at one point so I can monitor the EC levels too. I just bought some of those tester papers so they'll be here within a week :)

Also yes my little girls are doing much better just from those couple foliar sprays I believe.
AND FIRST SIGNS OF SEX! ("Biggie") My biggest big bud plants has shown a pair of pistils! Very happy. Nearly positive that another big bud plant has a set of pistils coming through too! ("Big bitch") I added another cfl lamp in there today.. Hoping that gives them a lil kick :)
I'll get on the desktop and upload some pics (it takes a long time to upload) lol :(
Having trouble uploading, will do as soon as possible.

They are doing much better now they are at their permanent home.
CONFIRMED two females.. More to come I'm sure! :D
Also the four seeds I put in on 2 days ago have sprouted! Yay
How are you guys going with your grows?? :) feel free to post your links
Cheers mate. Pretty cool considering the last photo I uploaded was my biggest 28 days ago that's the bottom left in the first group pic.
Also all are the big bud strain here except for the one at the bottom right in the first group photo (and the other group photos)
As soon as they found their permanent home and got some food they were more than happy I guess :)
I'm more than happy with this result, I think they have about another 3-4 weeks maybe, hopefully they put on some more weight!! Haha
Ill try to get up photos of the other 5 tomorrow. I also bought a couple new strains, BigBud x Northern Lights, White LSD, LowRyder 2 and I couldn't resist buying some more AK47 (all auto variety)
Any feedback is good feedback! Please share your thoughts.
Got a really strong white widow coming into a month now, LST for this one. I'll keep you guys posted. Also the girls are getting nice a fat now :)
Glad to read that, keep up the good work! Smoke will be smooth and powerfull. :ganjamon: :yummy:
Back to front: big bitch (big bud) B2 (big bud) Biggie (big bud) still got my ak to harvest in a couple of days and I still have 5 others in different stages.. :)
Thanks for sharing your grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

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Hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.

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