6 Ladies Cloned Trifecta, 2019, Indoor 4x8 LED

Here’s the remix. I think it’ll be great.

What we’re clones...
What if you planted all those clones in the garbage can and just trained them in different directions?
I’d need a taller room. Lol.
I didn’t even top these... just gonna repot, flip, feed seaweed and molasses, maybe CalMag every now and then and see what happens. Hell I may even use sink water. Lol!
I got rid of the purple pic.
This is how tall they are now.
Got the compost tea a’ brewin.
We’ll be ready to transplant tomorrow.


Not going to lie, I haven’t paid any attention to these girls since planting into the gallons. I’ll make up for it.
Gonna be some big plants.
Shed was saying to bury the stocks deeper in the dirt. I’m considering it.

These were supposed to go to other people (I think I spoke to you about), but they all got intimidated I guess. 3 AKs started to flower, and they all need an uppot, so I said f it... I figure I’ll grow them. I honestly wasn’t keeping track of the on/off times since they were under a 30$ HD light. Really wasn’t expecting them to take off.

I actually like the three that started flowering. The buds smell like coffee and coco. Something new to me.

I broke down the soil from my last grow, added some dry nutes, compost, and EWC.
Sprayed it down with a molasses/seaweed mix and now it’s hanging out in a trash bag at about 75F.

I have an easy brew going, and a fresh can of Great White, so I think transplant will go good. These plants are hardly.

No teas besides initial inoculation for this grow. Only water, molasses, and seaweed extract after transplant. We’ll see what happens. I want to see if the build in the soil will hold up for the entire grow.

I plan to start a new thread tomorrow
Is it tomorrow yet?

I've had a couple like that lately...yum!
It’s that odd ball clone that doesn’t match her sister. Supposed to by AK cross.

Which is you favorite. Gonna put it on Bud if the month.
The baby clones aren’t babies anymore. Lol!
Frickin' rocky mountain trees! They're so old the soil has sprouted companion weeds :).
LMAO! You don’t like my clovers?
I held on as long as I could. No one wanted them, I couldn’t just abandon them, and when I noticed pistols poppin on the AKs, I said F’it and decided to up pot and roll them.

I wasn’t joking about the tap water. I’m adding 500mg of vitamin C, 3tbls of Blackstrap molasses, and about 10ml of lemon juice to bring the pH down some.

I let it sit for 48-72hrs in the grow room, then add in the BP seaweed when I’m ready to feed. I’m seeing a few irregular things since the first run, but it’s mainly on the older fans. I think they’ll be fine.

I started the other journal for them.
Last AK done. I had her in the dark for 4 days. Same result... absolutely more trics and sticky as hell compared to the 3 I didn’t hold over. I tested 2 nights, 3 nights, and 4 nights. Pretty much no noticeable difference between 3 and 4 nights, but noticeable that 3 produces more than 1 and 2 nights.

I’ll hold mine over 72 hours in colder (60-65F) climate for now on.
Here’s a couple mains off of her.
Week 17 from flip.

I forget how big these things got. Lol!
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