500 Gallon Smart Pot Outdoor Grow Journal 2014: Growing Dank

Morning update few broken branches, easy fix just need some money so I can buy some post to put into the ground for support.
I'm having some issues with branches breaking, next year will be using cages for sure.
These plants are almost 3 months old now.

Blue Dream Haze

Blue Dream Haze

Sage'N'Sour Didn't support back side good enough I thought it was through my other trellis but I guess not.


818 Headband 12ft Tall

818 Headband

818 Headband

818 Headband Water Bottle Hidden behind stem

Blue Dream

Blue Dream

Blue Dream

Blue Dream
Dankgirl lovin your grow. Growing outside is a lot of fun but mother nature does have a way of expressing herself. Your Blue Dream is really looking good and the headband is way out there. :thumb: nicely done
Yeah, so far weather has been forgiving so far just mild winds every once in a while. When it starts raining and my cola's are huge it's going to be a battle against mother nature lol.

Dankgirl lovin your grow. Growing outside is a lot of fun but mother nature does have a way of expressing herself. Your Blue Dream is really looking good and the headband is way out there. :thumb: nicely done
I have heard many old people saying that chainsaw is not good for plant cutting.Cutting apple tree,lemon tree...because it will not continue to produce new growth on that branch.In your case you cut them once when harvest.Chainsaw was just joke,of course you want clean buds.Ok not completely you want some of trichomes on them:yahoo:
thanks, I use a handsaw so I don't get sawdust all over my resinous buds. Chainsaw would fling saw dust like crazy all over my beautiful buds.
Couple things:1) the heck w buying supports you and I are broke ass ! I spy a tree in the background, a few discreet snips and presto free y crotched supports, 2) as an old motorhead with a penchant for flake in my paint your nails are f a b u l o u s. If my old chop wasnt so johny cash black cool id grab that color and run with it.
Lol I wish I had a 10x10 cage for each plant for support, I would go super cropping making all my plants 10ftx10ftx10ft next year lol.
Next year my plants will be double the size of these plants. My nails look a little red in picture, in person they are hot pink with glitter.
Couple things:1) the heck w buying supports you and I are broke ass ! I spy a tree in the background, a few discreet snips and presto free y crotched supports, 2) as an old motorhead with a penchant for flake in my paint your nails are f a b u l o u s. If my old chop wasnt so johny cash black cool id grab that color and run with it.
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