4x4, First DWC, Bubbleponics, Charlotte's Web Clones

I’ve been chatting with the guys at my local hydro shop, and since my Sativas won’t sex for me I’m going to flower them soon.

In preparation for my flip, I decided to defol and lollipop. This not only serves my from the flower but it turns out my clones had spider mites. My thought is tearing out almost every mature leave, waiting a few days and giving them a spray would help tackle the problem.

Along with the lollipop I took 3 clones of each plant and 1 extra CW.

My early gut feeling is I have two ladies.... they look like they’re about to spit some pistils.

From images I have studied the early pre-flower males have a lot more rounded sacs, where as these to me look pointier and about to show some growth out the top.

Any thoughts?
Look at the crazy growth from my defol to yesterday's pic.

I love DWC, while admittedly it can be a bit of a pain in the ass, the production is mental.

got to agree there mate. They are looking brilliant. cannot love defol enough. nice set yp going on there too
got to agree there mate. They are looking brilliant. cannot love defol enough. nice set yp going on there too

Thanks GD, I’ve got to get some results like the plants you produce!

Need to show my worth in this grow.

Ya I’m stoked to have a veg and flower box now.... and wait until tonight’s latest edition. DIY clone producer... I’m excited.

Thanks GD, I’ve got to get some results like the plants you produce!

Need to show my worth in this grow.

Ya I’m stoked to have a veg and flower box now.... and wait until tonight’s latest edition. DIY clone producer... I’m excited.

thank you. hope the cloner goes well.
Hey guys,

As promised here is my DIY clone machine is ready, but I tried to get creative and do a video. This video isn’t easily uploaded due to it being an apple phone.

So tomorrow I will do it from work, and hopefully convert it successfully.

I would appreciate any help with respect to cloning success. I bought a manual timer that has 15 on and 15 off setting. So the clones with get a bunch of water with a splash of Calmag, and some rest.

My hope is in a week or so I have some decent roots.
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