Welcome friends and family to my next grow! I have 4 grows under my belt at this point, and have had a decent success rate. First grow was great, rookie success I'm sure. Second grow I fostered some strains with poor genetics, and it turned out poorly for a couple reasons. Third grow had all the potential in the world, but it got so hot this last summer that I basically grew some really great butter and hash materials, but not so good in the smoke department unfortunately. Each of those grows I produced about 11 ounces. The 4th grow was done in my GH Waterfarm, and it was the most successful yet. An ounce shy of 2 pounds of kick ass ganja from 8 plants, and some new lessons and techniques learned.
Last grow I used one 600 watt MH/HPS combo, and 600 actual watts of LED power to light the edges. The plant in the center under the HID was way thicker, stretched less, and overall was way stronger from roots to tips. This time I am using 2 of the HID fixtures, both of which are dimmable, so we will start close to 600w, and work our way up to the true 1200 by flower time. I might do a minor LED supplement in flower, LED does seem to aid in some bad ass resin and gland production, but not for the whole grow this time. On the subject of lights...I use my lights for heat while they are on, and cool the room by extracting the heat provided by the lights with a 200 CFM snail fan that is ducted thru both fixtures. I also have another 200 CFM snail fan that is general air exchange. The two both pull filtered outside air thru the suspended subfloor, and then up into the grow space. Both fans are charcoal filtered for scent reduction. When it gets too cold, or when lights are out, I have a small oil filled radiator that does a great job heating my space.
Lights — 1200 watts MH/HPS with a little LED here and there.
Medium — Custom 8 location Waterfarm...The Waterfarm has a really poor circulation system, and uses air pumps to lift water from the buckets...I removed the water columns, and drilled out the buckets to cause a syphon circulation pattern instead. When the water reaches a certain predetermined level, it will cause a natural syphon to happen, clearing a good majority of the water at every watering. Automated watering will take place from the top for 15 minutes at a time, 3 times a day. Reservoir size is 30 gallons+/- Rapid rooters or Rockwool stater plugs in hydroton medium.
Nutes — I used NSR last round, may go back to CANNA, and have some of both products left, and I supplement with MOAB and BIG BUD during flower.
Controls — I use Inkbird controllers, both for heat controls and humidity monitoring.
PH and PP — I have generic testers, but I try to keep PH about 6.0, and PPM varies by stage, I will post what I keep each phase at.
Strains — I am going to be growing a mix of strains from clone and seed this time. Pineapple Kush form LB07 clone, which I will grow big enough to take fresh clones from, take the 2 best, and put them in the same pot. Orange Crème from LB07 clone also if they get big enough to run. From BOMB seeds I purchased 5 gorilla bomb fem, and 5 bubble bomb fem. I started one seed of each about 10 days ago, and the results have not impressed me. The Gorilla came up, and just went shooting for the sky. I have 400w of MH close as one would ever put a light that strong to such little seedlings. The Bubble tried to come up, but its seed hat was so tight (the seeds were not as big as I would have expected, and had no stripes on them at all) it stopped growing up. I carefully removed the cap, and over the last 5 days she is looking better. Nice and short but has a long long way to go to catch up with her tall and lanky sister, but whatever...that's why I popped 2 more of each type and want to compare. The singles are already in their own pots, the new seeds will live 2 to a pot. With any luck I can clone the first ones in time to run in this bunch, if not they will find a new home. To round out the bunch I have some Alaska Thunder F*** and some Durban Thunder F*** from Stank Genetics, these are not fem gauranteed, so I put 2 of each type in their own rapid rooter plugs after a soak til they sunk. Its funny to grow genetics from our local all-stars...These seeds were put into soak at the same time as the bomb seeds were. Stank's sunk the fastest in the soak, the were first to pop tails out in the paper towels, and when I put them into the plugs, they literally grew themselves out of the hole before the end of the day. Mighty little seedlings!
So, with that we start the next run...equipment is solid, strains are varied, and the results should be out of this world.
Cheers All, thank you for checking out my new journal!
BTW- the photo addition tool is down again, so once that's up, we will see photos of all the shit I covered above. Lol.